Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Trap Door[]

The "trap door" is to the right of the stairs that lead to the cockpit. You must circle the stairs to access it. When using it, it will say "open" or "close" but it doesn't actually do anything. I'm guessing that it is supposed to just create a hole to fall through into the lower level, but you can also access the lower level from the outside by a hole in the fuselage. In this lower level is a large silver cargo box with an obvious panel on it that has a keyhole (labeled "Hidden Compartment"), but it was not obvious to open it. I had to mouse over the far right side of the panel in order to get a prompt to pick the lock.

The "storage compartment" panel can be located by coming down the stairs from the cockpit and going all the way to the last 2 rows of seats on the right. It is on the ground in front of these chairs.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 23:18, 10 January 2016. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Skylanes 1665 Crash Report[]

  • Hello everyone, Seegson Executive Alex here, I would like to officially inform you all that I have finished my report on: Why there is two recordings? And How 1665 Crashed. This report contains nearly one months worth of research and studying the Flight Recorder.

The Recordings Debunked[]

  • The First breakthrough is that it is the Captain of 1665 who is speaking on the Skylanes Flight 1665 final transmission. This proven 3 things. Firstly the Flight data recorder is located next seat where the Captain would sit. Secondly The captain would be able to witness one of the first bombs dropping to the north of Boston as he was sat on the left which gave him better visibility to witness the explosion. The Third reason is that the Captain was in control of the plane as he was lining up for runaway two.
  • The Second Breakthrough is that the First-Officer of 1665 is the male who was speaking on the Skylanes 1665 Mayday, This is Proven by # things. Firstly as the Captain was ready to land on Runaway two, The First-Officer made contact with Boston Tower to ensure the runaway is clear so 1665 can land safely. Unknown to the First-Officer, one of the first bombs landed later named The Crater of Atom, The EMP from the Nuclear Bomb caused the left Engine to Malfunction and catch fire,
  • October 23rd 2077, Skylanes 1665 was approaching the city of Boston from West, 1665 was heading towards Boston Airport ready to land on Runaway two. While the Captain was controlling the plane, The First Officer made direct contact with Boston Tower to inform them they will be landing on Runaway two. While that was happening, the Captain witnesses the first bomb drop North of Boston, He was only able to witness the explosion as he was sat closest to left window which gave him better visibility. Once the Bomb dropped, EMP started to surround the affected area including the Left Engine of 1665 which was exposed to the EMP wave as the Engine was facing North.

---Unfinished Please Wait For Completion--- —Preceding unsigned comment added by Seegson Executive Alex (talkcontribs) 21:58, October 16, 2017 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

The developer notes state quite clearly it was the shockwave that took down the plane, not EMP. Also, both the pilot and co-pilot are speaking on the mayday transmission and why would the EMP take out one engine but neither the other engines nor their communications? And since when does EMP cause a fire? Paladin117>>iff bored; 23:01, October 16, 2017 (UTC)