Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Totally failed at making the page, some help would be appreciated.--Hashime 15:50, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

Is it just a .22 pistol with a silencer? Nitty Tok. 00:34, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

No, it has a built in silencer, I also started filling in info from the geck. --Hashime 00:40, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

A picture would be good, while you're in there. :P Nitty Tok. 00:42, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

This is my dream.[]

It's a fucking Welrod. I haven't used one of those since 2003. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 02:09, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

sorry to disappoint you but its based off the ruger used by the u.s. military the amphibian.

It's a Welrod. Nitty Tok. 20:16, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AWCTMamphibianS.jpg Meet the amphibian

http://www.millsgrenades.co.uk/images/Welrod/HPIM0965.jpg and the welrod As you can see its near identical to the amphibian.

Definitely looks like the Amphibian model, but also has a Ruger Mark III 22/45 grip on it. Or a MkIII 22/45 with a Gemtech Oasis upper receiver. Mediocrity Goggles 21:01, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

It's definitely not a Welrod. Welrods were bolt action, and this thing is definitely semi.

Plus it is a .22, Welrods being in 9mm or .32 (from the same page you linked). Sure it looks similar but it is more similar to the amphibian. 03:24, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

It's not really silenced[]

This pistol doesn't have a silencer. .22 rounds are simply a lot quieter than bigger cartridges. 16:22, October 28, 2010 (UTC)Para bellum

I have this gun (Ruger MK III) for target shooting, this is definitely suppressed. The dunce 23:10, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

The silencer is integrated into the barrel. Zac hemker 17:41, February 1, 2011 (UTC)

.22 caliber rounds ARE quieter, but the difference between a suppressed and standard pistol is still noticeable. On a similar note, there are .22LR rounds that contain pellets a la buckshot, but the pellets would destroy the baffles in the suppressor. You can't silence buckshot, so stop putting suppressors on your shotguns CoDfags. --TJbrena 16:04, February 17, 2011 (UTC)

Old discussion, I know, but I couldn't help it when he said "you can't silence Buckshot". It can, In fact, be done. It simply requires a diffrent silencer construction than an ordinary one (well, that, and it only reduces the sound 10~20 decibles.) 22:57, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

No, it is silenced. It's noise-less so it has to be, right? And "You can't silence buckshot, so stop putting suppressors on your shotguns CoDfags"? You don't do it cuz you can't in real life? Wow chill out man. Ladiesman706 02:20, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

Minor Change - Why Locked?[]

Locked? Just wanted to make a minor change to the Characteristics paragraph starting with "Since this is a Holdout weapon," it links the word "Holdout" with Mr. Holdout as opposed to Holdout weapons. I was going to alter the sentence as such: "This is one of the Holdout weapons, hence..."

Can someone with authority consider/apply the change?

--Ndmorespd 19:09, February 6, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, I'm not familiar enough with the coding of links in the Wikia to have pulled off that change.

--Ndmorespd 19:34, February 6, 2011 (UTC)

"Ruger Mk2"?[]

What's a "Ruger Mk2"? Ladiesman706 02:15, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

It's a .22 caliber pistol that the Silenced .22 is based off of. Neat little gun, if you can ever pick one up. The Cyan Dragon 18:57, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

Pistol from Gunderson[]

I've never come across this myself while playing. How do you get him to give you the pistol? There is no information on his page or on Beyond the Beef. Great Mara (talk) 06:53, July 15, 2013 (UTC)


I listened to the firing sound preview... I mained the silenced 22 for the first few levels of my gameplay and have never heard that sound before. Is there a different version of the sound introduced in either GRA, or some other addon, OR the Ultimate edition? PaulReverend (talk) 20:12, September 21, 2016 (UTC)
