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Fallout Wiki


seeing as this DLC revolves around the Sierra Madre Casino, does anybody think that the BoS will be involved due to the "gone to Sierra Madre" and the sierra madre poster in the Abandoned BoS Bunker--Nick Brown 22:54, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

Boneyard ?[]

Ho shit ! From this page, Sierra Madre is a municipality of Los Angeles, so perhaps a return to the Boneyard city of Fallout 1 ? It would be excellent to see the evolution of the Follower of the Apocalypse, of the Boneyard since Fallout 1 (120 years), Blades, Gun Runners etc... and can see some others old place of California ! I can't wait ! Itachou [~talk~] 01:18, November 18, 2010 (UTC)


There is a couple of 'Sierra Madre' postcards on a noticeboard in the East Pump Station. --Webley 13:17, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

Mysterious final complimentary gift?[]

When I went to the cashier after being banned from the casino, I had the option to pick up one more complimentary gift--when I clicked it, it said "The Hologram cashier nods, takes a step back, then the whole tabletop slides away. A package slowly rises from the opening, steam trailing from it." But, nothing happened.

(I did not check after 7,500, so maybe this happens then, but "steam rising from the opening" does not sound like a logical description for a 1,000-chip voucher)

Does anyone know what this is supposed to be? I am sure it is in the game files somewhere?

It's the 1,000 chip voucher. Also, please sign your posts. --Actreal 22:40, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

It's not the voucher. The voucher is automatically added to the players inventory as soon as they get 7500 chips. I looked at the NVDLC01CasinoComps quest in GECK. Here's the topic: [The Hologram cashier nods, takes a step back, then the whole tabletop slides away. A package slowly rises from the opening, steam trailing from it.] ResultScript: showwarning "Player gets huge comp" Luvere 15:00, April 12, 2012 (UTC)

Raking in the chips[]

In order to get the complimentary voucher, i need to win 7500 chips. Are thier any known work arounds? And what would a reasonable amount of luck be in order to make this actually possible?

No workarounds, but with a Luck of 8 or more you should find that playing blackjack steadily rakes in the chips - 2 or more wins for every loss. --Actreal 02:53, October 19, 2011 (UTC)

Whoops! My ip got in there. Anyway, i want something the bear minimum neccisary to go positive

Odds of success?[]

Odds of winning in the sierra madre are tough as hell... Why? I rip off the casinos at the strip like nobodies busness with my 10 Luck. But here? I'm almost losing money. I guess this has to do with real life luck. Anyway, back to the main topic, why is it so much harder than the other casinos?

Starkreality 01:16, November 5, 2011 (UTC) I read its about Intelligencene not luck, more if u play slots

Possible Bug[]

After i won 10,000 chips in the sierra madre casino the game crashed and now all the holograms are black instead of glowing blue. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017276380/screenshot/578952670169076905?tab=public Luvere 15:02, April 12, 2012 (UTC) 04:01, April 6, 2012 (UTC)

FWIW the same visual abnormality just happened to me after winning the 5,000 comp, saving & exiting the game normally (while still in the casino). Upon re-loading the save the holograms are indeed black silhouettes. Rebooting had no effect. Luckily it was fixed simply by moving to another load area, saving there, then quitting the game entirely & resuming from the new save. Hope this helps. Cedaroo (talk) 03:47, August 1, 2012 (UTC)

Robbing the Casino[]

I figured out that it is possible (unrelated to Heist of the Centuries), to rob the Sierra Madre Casino (as in, the casino itself, not the vault). The cashier hologram is standing next to two filing cabinets and an easy locked metal box. All three of these are accessible, and one of the cabinets has the Cashier's Key. This key can be used to get past the Door to Cashier's Office, and you can get behind the counter and into two safes and a terminal. I haven't seen this possuble with any other casino, but it does seem to be possible in Sierra Madre. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 17:15, May 21, 2013 (UTC)
