Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


You really can't have a Fallout without this (I don't know where it came in as I started with Fallout 3). I'm quitwe pleased it's back, I never wear it but I always have some on my bed (along with Pre-war money, more sexy sleepwear or the pimp hat.) Dose anyone konw if it's going too look the same? Or do we get a new skin?
JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard

I use it because it looks like a convincing pillow when you drop it and turn it sideways. Mictlantecuhtli 21:53, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
I wish there was real pillows. Great because I had (baisically) all the sexy sleepwear plus the naught and all-nighter nightwear, all on top of a huge pile of prewar money on my bed.

JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard

I dump all my prewar money in the big pit in the engineering core of mothership zeta, I doubt I will play long enough to see it get filled up but it's still something to do. If it's ever finished my character could swim around like Scrooge McDuck. Mictlantecuhtli 02:45, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
This may be the coolest thing I have ever read on this wiki. The only weird hoarding i ever did in the game were Bears and Nuka Cola.--HelpMeRhonda213 05:13, October 12, 2010 (UTC)


I disagree. Like all Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas armor items, they should stay separate. --Kris User Hola 18:42, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

We generally separate only items that have different stats. Given that the stats here are identical, there's no need for two different pages. Ausir(talk) 02:12, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
In my view all New Vegas Armour and clothing should be separate, to save the confusion it may cause with DT and DR, also it aint the same stats FO3 DR 1, FNV DT 0. This is pretty much the same across the whole board for FNV clothing, it annoys the hell out me that so many people have made a complete hash of the FNV clothing by redirecting duplicate items all to the FO3 counterpart pages just cus they think they are the same. The introduction of DT has changed all of this and flipped it on its head. ☣Avatar☣ 03:42, December 12, 2010 (UTC)

Sexy Sleepwear in Doc Mitchell's House?[]

I found some Sexy Sleepwear when playing as a Female character with 10 Charisma when I took a look around his house, right before he handed me the pip-boy. Coincidence?

So add it to the page (along with exactly where you found it and all that)Otisman 21:33, February 19, 2011 (UTC)Otisman

10 weight sexy sleepwear[]

i recently was in vault 11 and was farming the vault 11 jumpsuits for the unmarked quest, it suits you sarah and i was also just exploring but i found a 10 weight sexy sleepwear i have never seen this anywhere or what im new to this site so sorry if sig is wrong if anyone else has noticed a ten pound sexy sleepwear let me know and i was on the ps3. ````oxescarecrow````

Nope! Sexy Sleepwear is random.[]

Anywhere really and a matter of random appearance

All over in the vault on the strip sometimes even in the girl's room w/ the snowglobe.

In "Dead Money", many many pairs, especially in Vera's spots like the theater and suite. Still even in the villa ruins and Sierra Madre casino hotel. In old world blues there I found like 10 sexy sleepwears...most in a sliver of crap condition...some at value (--)no caps value! Recently in Fallout 3(it's fuzzy but I think in the cargo hold section of the ship in Mothership Zeta next to the Hangers section I believe) and in a Tops hotel room next to Benny's room on the thirteenth floor in Fallout:NV (average lockpick needed) I found pristine condition sexy sleepwear + half cond. sexy sleepwear in every room! I got caught, stealing it, from the cabinet beside Jeenie May's bed, once, when I looked inside, Sexy Sleepwear, was in the cabinet. So I said "yoink"(that night when I get her to come to the dinosaur for have Boone get payback) She caught me, turned hostile and killing her before Boone does gives you bad rep in Novac(which is no fun!) Luckily I saved just before entering her house, but after reloading my save, not only did the refrigerator that's locked have different contents and caps amount...but in the cabinet the sleepwear was not there this time. (Who does she need sexy sleepwear for any way...maybe her and No-bark had a fling? Yuck man! Jeenie May in a teddy, no thanks. The same happened to me at the vault on the strip w/ the snowglobe. I snuck into rooms and found Sexy Sleepwear in a few spots...but didn't realize sleeping residents wake up automatically when you steal the item, and become hostile. Never the less I can't afford a bad rep on the strip so, being a vigilant game saver, I reloaded from the spot before I got busted, and activated a Stealth Boy, this of course will work to steal things in rooms with sleeping people, but the exact same spots again no longer contained the Sexy Sleepwear. Therefore it could just be random. When you first go see Mick at Mick and Ralph's to buy the Naughty Nightwear, sometimes he is also selling Sexy Sleepwear but not always...another example of random spawning. I think it changes a bit and cannot be counted on to always be in an exact spot.(Not2shabbyBABY (talk) 20:34, August 17, 2013 (UTC))
