Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


My GECK pet has no idea what the challenge is, somebody else figure it out. Nitty Tok. 04:43, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

Has anyone gotten this?[]

I’ve gotten way more than 64 critical hits with a laser rifle but I’ve not gotten this perk yet. Under stats I have 227 Disintegrations which you only get if the kill shot is a critical and that doesn’t count all the critical hits I’ve gotten that weren’t kill shots.

Anyone get this yet? Do sneak attack critical hits count? Because I usually shoot from the sneak position.ReapTheChaos 04:29, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

  • update: I continued to work on getting this perk for quite some time. Using nothing but a laser rifle I got over 100 more criticals yet no perk. Its bugged.ReapTheChaos 02:08, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Info box says 2 ranks, text description says one. Suspicious nature says bugged perk anyhow. 00:54, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

  • Ok so the article was wrong, now it states "25.000" damage. (I'm assuming thats a typo and should read 25,000 not 25.000) What sucks about these perks/achievements that require xxxx amount of damage be done is there is no way to know how close you are to getting them. Would it have been so hard for them to give those stats in the Pipboy with all the others? ReapTheChaos 16:04, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
I got a level of this perk on the PS3 by completing the challenge of the same name, which was getting 16,000 damage using one handed laser weapons but there was no perk notification, It just showed up in my perk list. I know it was from this challenge because I wasn't even close to completing any other energy weapon challenge beyond the 64 kills ones and I had barely used rifle grip lasers or any rifle grip energy weapon for that matter.Dr. Lobotomy 02:08, November 16, 2010 (UTC)

I just got the second rank of this perk by completing "Set Lasers for Fun", the first rank was obtained by completing "Beam Me Up". I guess the order doesn't really matter. I used Q-35 Matter Modulator and Pew Pew, it was kinda fast. 15:57, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

I got "Set Lasers for Fun" and "Beam me Up" challenges done, and got the perk "Set Lasers for Fun" too, but i didnt get the number (2) after the perk, (stating that i got normaly rank 2 of this perk), is anyone can confirm if this is a bug or not please? 20:12, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

does this perk add critical bonus to all energy weapons or just laser weapons because the wiki says " Your critical hit chance with "All Energy Weapons" is increased by 2% (rank 1) or 4% (rank 2)." and "+2% critical chance with lasers per rank."

Critical Bonus Formula[]

Can someone verify if the +4% critical bonus from this and similar perks like laser commander are applied before or after the weapon's critical multiplier? This could make a big difference depending on the weapon and character build. I would assume it gets added to your base critical chance first (like Finesse perk), then multiplied by the weapon's critical modifier...

It uses an entry point to add it, not an ability. Critical chance added by abilities or enchantments (Finesse, Built to Destroy, all items) will be multiplied by the weapon's critical hit chance just like your Luck bonus. Perks that use entry points (Laser Commander, Light Touch, Set Lasers to Fun, Ninja) will instead only apply the flat critical chance bonus listed (and in the case of Ninja, it actually multiplies your whole critical chance by 1.15 rather than adding 0.15, so it's not as good). I've not personally tested if this flat bonus is still divided by attack speed on automatics like normal critical chance is, so I don't know about that. If it isn't, then automatics could greatly benefit from those perks. --SushiSquid 04:35, July 29, 2011 (UTC)

I wonder if holorifle is affected by "Set lasers for fun". Unlike "laser commander" and "plasma spaz" this prize perk must affect ALL energy weapons, but I am not entirely sure about Holorifle.

Laser Commander and Plasma Spaz use form lists, but Set Lasers for Fun simply checks your weapon's skill type. The holorifle is classified as an energy weapon, so it will apply. --SushiSquid 04:38, July 29, 2011 (UTC)