Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


OK, why is it a bug if Manny is still alive? It seems pretty logical to me. If you clear the camp beforehand, the mutants aren't there to kill him when he arrives. If the devs had nave wanted him dead they would have spawned a corpse, as the did with the quest in Areful.--Unsigned

it may be logical but Bethesda(apparently) wanted him dead, so if he is live that means there is something wrong or something that is not supposed to happen. which is a glich.--That70sdude 00:49, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

I agree with the original poster. Being alive or dead is not a bug, it must be a deliberate choice. I think Bethesda intended Manny to do something special in this place. The first time I came there while sneaking, I've seen him open the cart with the teddy bear inside, without taking it. Maybe the bug is not the fact that he is alive, but that he doesn't do completely what he is supposed to.

Additionally, when he's alive, his body may be glitchy. I've added this in the article, so that it provides a reason for keeping this in the bugs section.

While at it, I corrected two inaccuracies in the article: (1) the Behemoth appears if you approach the teddy bear but you don't need to take it in order to trigger the event, and (2) you don't need to kill the Behemoth beforehand in order to get Manny alive. In fact, you can fight both the Behemoth and Manny at the same time. --n00w 20:32, 20 April 2009 (GMT+1)

This unmarked quest made me remember a random conversation I heard between two Supermutants, think it was in the Germantown Police HQ, though it may be heard anywhere for all I know. Anyhow, one of the mutants tells the other something like "I think I remember something... I think I used to be female." and the other just laughs at it. Creepy. --Penumbra 18:58, 9 June 2009 (UTC)


do you have to have all logs to find his body or the loot?--That70sdude 00:51, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

-- Yes you have to find all the logs if you want Manny to appear, either dead or alive, in the wrecked train super mutant camp. There's no special loot. Except for his poor remains, that comprise a brahmine skin suit, a blood pack, a bottle of dirty water and a Med-X, everything else mentioned in the article can be found without making any progress with this sidequest. n00w 20:07, 20 April 2009 (GMT+1)

You do not need to find all the logs. I only found two, and his body was there nonetheless. It may be that the only one you must find is the last one, but that's just a guess. Fgibson 09:57, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

flame tag[]

if you go the church, there is a chance you will see a raider chasing a burring wastelander with a flamer.--That70sdude 00:55, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Unless this is something that seems to happen frequently (as in, more than just in your game) it was probably just a random wastelander and a random raider that spawned somewhere else nearby and managed to make their way to the church.

It's a scripted event, but doesn't happen every single time you go there. Once, when I was leaving Evergreen Mills, I saw the raider and his burning victim running my way (I hadn't even gotten off the tracks yet, so it was pretty close to the mills). Blutteufel 06:34, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

Trivia speculation[]

I understand that many pages on this wiki have unfounded speculation in the trivia section, but this page is particularly ridiculous. The Silent Hill reference is at least somewhat supported by the shared name of the missing person, but the other reference is just silly. "An obsessed man hunting someone abducted by a group he hates?" Really? That description fits a ton of movies and games, not any one of which seem particularly better or worse fitting than the one listed here.

In that much of the works by Bethesda are homages to other games, films, books and so on, or the commonly spouted adage; "everything original has been already done" - it is no surprise to find much trivia speculation. I suppose the opposite; that the Silent Hill reference is quite a loose one, and the allusion to the Searchers more fitting given the Wild West motif existent throughout the game.


I'm in the middle of the quest, and just found that the Behemoth spawned near Manny wields a fire hydrant (with the attached pipe serving as a handle) that has a bizarrely low hit chance in VATS (15% point blank) and apparently can't be knocked out of his hand (its damage bar never lowered after a number of direct hits, including criticals). Is this worth mentioning in the article? I've never seen anything like that before. For completeness, I'm playing on an Xbox at Very Hard, and I'd cleared out the other mutants earlier without Manny or the Behemoth appearing. 09:00, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Search Party Log #3[]

The location of this log needs to be clarified. I have searched every inch of landscape in the area where it is said to be, and there is nothing even remotely resembling the so-called "grave marker" in this area, or anywhere near it for that matter.

really close to durvoks place theres a raider camp of three raiders like 5feet south on the side of the road there is a cross on a mound of dirt its in there

I cannot find Search Party Log #3 either. It just isn't there. I have found it before I even looked at a picture of it but the grave is not there. Perhaps this is a bug? This could also be design. I went and found Log #2 and low and behold the grave for #3 is now there. Note that I have found the 3rd log first many times without going anywhere near the others.

PS3 GOTY version: Neither found Search Party Log #3 Burielmound (and I know what they look like and where it supposed to be).

Where Are All Search Party Notes?[]

I cant find all search party notes, so i was just wondering that can someone tell me; wher to find them?I just want to find all and read them.--

23 The Power of the Atom

SURVIOR OF HOLOCAUST 18:38, 20 April 2009 (UTC)

Silent Hill ?[]

So... somebody's looking for someone else, and that makes the quest a reference to Silent Hill ? Jesus... --Penumbra 21:46, 4 June 2009 (UTC)

Well, they are both called Cheryl, and are being looked for. I don't really care, delete it if you want. Fat Man Spoon 21:48, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
I played every Silent Hill game there is, and do not think the title alone can be considered a Silent Hill reference 17:14, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Manny Kock Alive on PS3 version[]

I found and killed all the super mutants at the camp before I found out aout this quest. I did the quest and decided to visit the super mutant camp again, only to fing Manny Koch walking around, very much alive.--Дикий Человек Вампира 03:25, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Behemoth Spawning[]

Apparently the Behemoth spawns when the Teddy Bear is taken out of the cage, but I explored that little area long before finding any Search Party Log. With my kind soul I freed the bear but nothing happened (wasn't expecting anything either). I may have fast traveled immediately or continued exploring; I don't remember, so it IS possible it did spawn and I fast traveled before it got close enough to stop the Fast Travel ("enemies nearby"). I haven't experienced getting attacked by the Behemoth immeaditely after taking out the Teddy Bear so I don't know how close he spawns.

When I found the Behemoth in Jury Street (just standing in town near some Brahmin) recently, it was the first time I've been there since taking out the Teddy Bear, but now I owned all but the final Search Party log. So I'm guessing he won't spawn unless you have at least one search party log in your Notes.

It doesn't actually have anything to do with taking the bear; it's a simple proximity trigger. Get close enough and the Behemoth comes running. Kris (talk) 20:08, July 23, 2010 (UTC)