Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Minor edit for tone. We don't need to call not doing something that one would not need to know to do "stupidity".

Made some minor edits for capitalization/punctuation and clarity.Shadowgm 13:31, 2 January 2009 (UTC)Shadowgm

Playstation 3 achievement unlock[]

Just so you know, I went to Three Dog, started the GNR quest (this is when the reward was information on your dad, so I'm not sure if this is crucial), went directly to Rivet City. Talked to Dr. Li, started Scientific Pursuits. Finished the GNR quest. Went to the memorial and got the tapes, went to Vault 112 and finished the quest and got the unlock. I'm not sure if skipping EVERYTHING (like doing GNR after the Li quest) will disqualify you or not, but doing things out of order won't. Just make sure you start the quests and finish them in order? -Anonymous Traveler.

I completed this quest without finishing GNR or even Following in His Footsteps. I went directly to Rivet City and talked to Doctor Li and then finished the quest at Vault 112. After checking my Achievements and the time stamps, this got me the achievement. You don't need to start it with Three Dog, but I'm not sure if you can skip Rivet City and just go straight to Vault 112 to get unlock it. This was on 360 by the way -a huge rooster

Getting the achievement[]


Received Scientific Pursuits quest from Dr Li, and Following in His Footsteps was automatically complete without an achievement. Went to visit Three Dog (for the first time), had a dialogue about my dads whereabouts and immediately received the Following in His Footsteps achievement. After, I finished Galaxy News Radio quest and received achievement. Proceeded to do the Scientific Pursuits quest, after completing, I immediately received the achievement.

Possible fix with the patch?

Please note that the Jefferson Memorial was NOT explored prior to getting the Scientific Pursuits quest. This achievement bug could still exist by exploring Jefferson Memorial beforehand. It seems like receiving the quest from Dr Li will not bug the achievement.


Having just tested this, you do NOT need to see Three Dog to get the achievement for 'Scientific Pursuits', you simply need to have never been in the Jeffersonian Memorial and/or gotten the Project Purity Notes or gone into the Rotunda. I'm not sure quite which one it is, but either way stay clear of there until you've spoken to Three Dog or Doctor Li.

2/15/09 On a previous play through I discovered the Jefferson Memorial (but did not go just beyond the first door (didn't even kill any of the super mutants)) and failed to get the achievement. Testing play through, went directly to Rivet city (skipping Three dog), avoided the Memorial. Did Scientific Pursuits... achievement unlocked. DO NOT even discover Jefferson Memorial before starting (and definitely do not go inside)

3/25/09 I ran to Rivet city after starting the game in order to get the intelligence bobblehead as early as possible, and I discovered Jefferson Memorial on the way there, but never did anything at the location. I did not get the Scientific Pursuits quest at this time, and proceeded through the game normally, completing the "Galaxy News Radio" quest normally up until the time it said to return to Three Dog after placing the receiver. Instead, I went to Doctor Li at this time and got the Scientific Pursuits quest in order to get the alternate reward from Three Dog. I got the achievements for both quests perfectly fine, so you can discover Jefferson Memorial prior to starting the quest and still get the achievement, even if you get the quest from Dr. Li. I'm not sure if I did much different from the person above, but it seems it may be an issue about not completing the Galaxy News Radio quest though (or perhaps a update for the game was released in between our attempts).—Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

7/20/09 Today, I went back to try the quest again from a previous save. However, I still wasn't able to get the achievement. I didn't visit Three Dog, but that shouldn't have any affect on the achievement; however, I had already discovered the Jefferson Memorial. Just discovering the Memorial (even without going into it), seems to invalidate the achievement.

14.VIII.2009 I skiped the galaxy news radio. I went straight to Rivet City, spoke to dr. Li. Than I visited the project purity HQ,found all holotapes, gained location of vault 112. I went straight to V112 and entered the simulation (I ended it with chinise invasion protocol) and the James was free, we got back to the project purity but the Achievement still wasn't unlocked. Even when I went to GNR, killed all the mutants and spoked to Three Dog. The achievement still hasn't apered. I kept playng the game, I unlocked all quest's achievements except for this one :/ Any idea how can I get it ?? oh! I play on X360

08/23/09 I had the same problem happen. I think it's because I cleared out the Jefferson Memorial of Super Mutants before I talked to Dr. Li that the achievement didn't unlock. That was so long ago, too. Grr.

Probable Bug[]

On the (unpatched/not GOTY) PC version, I listened to the holotape but did not receive a map marker for Vault 112. I assumed that finding the vault was part of the game, or that some other quest(s) would lead me there. Been held up on this quest for quite a while ... sucks that this is because of a bug. 06:11, February 4, 2010 (UTC)

Can we get a note about the glitched/unobtainable achievment on the Project Purity page?[]

I found The Jefferson Musuem at the beginning of my game on the way to Rivet City to have a place to sleep and store my stuff. 175 hours later I exited the Irradiated Metro and decided to head south. I redicovered the museum and entered. I could not find a listing on the site for "Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop". After clearing the place out of Super Mutants, I came across the Project Purity notes, both personal and others. I was able to find pages for those but it wasn't until I looked at the quest pages that I saw that exploring this area can cause the game not to award the achievement. Is it possible for someone to link "Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop" to the Project Purity page (or just make a page for it) and make a mention about the later achievement problems for anyone else who may not have bothered with the main quest and wants to explore first.

500 xp?[]

When exactly is the game providing you with the 500 xp reward that is mentioned? When the quest ends after entering tranquility, it does not provide you with any xp.S.Eagle 02:13, March 19, 2012 (UTC)
