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Fallout Wiki


I couldn't help but notice that the super heated fist is a bright, glowing orange color, but that's not the way it looks in the infobox. Was there a mistake when taking it from the G.E.C.K.? Kastera (talk) 17:39, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Until someone digs out the proper image from the G.E.C.K lets just use this ingame image. Its not the offical policy but the right picture from in the game is a better then the wrong picture from the G.E.C.K. --LordVukodlak 20:09, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Saturnite fist super-heated is not on the Pyromaniac Form List[]

The Pyromaniac Perk points to a form list that only has 5 weapons on it. The Saturnite fist super-heated was not added to this list (much like the Cosmic Knife super-heated). Therefore, I don't think this weapon actually benefits from Pyromaniac. The same problem exists with Incendiary ammunition for various weapons.

The script NVDLC03MQ00SCRIPT adds the following weapons to the Pyromaniac Form List:

So Pyromaniac DOES affect all three of these weapons.

Single best unarmed weapon[]

This weapon is currently the single best unarmed weapon in the whole game. The damage you trade if you switch from the ballistic fist to this is absolutely insignificant because of the sheer SPEED of this thing, it removes any and all slow hitting animations and every time you punch it's one of the fast, efficient animations instead, this allows you to do absolutely insane amounts of damage to any target before it can even begin to react. To top it all off, if you land a crit they become on fire too.

Yep, I'm strictly a Guns user (I have about 30 unarmed), and yet I'm STILL using this. maybe I'm just a pyromaniac though... Mr.Çr¥þtêÐ (Talk) 07:04, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

What? As long as you don't have the Pyromanic perk Pushy is a lot better in both DAM and DPS. Or am I missing something?

Yes. Just get Pyromaniac. 20:51, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Even without Pyromaniac, it already knocks out Pushy and Ballistic Fist as the highest DPS unarmed weapon, but not in term of single hit damage.


Well I just tested it and after taking pyromaniac my damage when up by 50%

Does Pyromaniac always increase damage or only on crits? 21:11, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Always.Obviously.Just look at your pip-boy.


It is a better image but it is NOT what it actually looks like, therefore it is incorrect. Saxony4 14:57, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, but it clearly isn't the basic Saturnite Fist coloration either. Maybe the glowing is a seperate effect somehow. Wonder if there's a way to combine them to make a complete picture. User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 00:46, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Melee Hacker[]

Are people sure that Melee Hacker affects an Unarmed weapon? There's no mention of it having any effect like that on the Melee Hacker page. It's great if it does effect it, just that it seems likely that it doesn't. AR700SAW 23:07, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Can't repair with Saturnite Fist[]

Last official patch, I was not able to repair this with a regular Saturnite Fist. Just confirmed. I was able to use another super-heated one to repair it though. I haven't tested with a power fist. --DaralenManta (talk) 07:47, August 30, 2017 (UTC)
