Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Copyright status[]

What is the copyright status of the SPECIAL system? Is it free to use or does Bethesda own the rights to this system because they have the rights for Fallout games? I mean I someone creates a game that uses this system is it OK or will they be sued by bethesda?

Highest NPC SPECIAL stats?[]

Very high and very low SPECIAL stats for NPCs are rare.

Does anyone know or have a list of all the npc characters that have outstandingly high (or maybe even very low) SPECIAL stats? (Fallout 3 & New Vegas). A list would be cool, maybe a good idea?

For example I noticed that

Gloria Van Graff has a 10 in LUCK. Knight Captain Gallows & Legate Lanius have 9 in STRENGTH. Commander Jabsco (Talon Co.) has a 10 in ENDURANCE. Mr. House has a 10 in EDURANCE, PERCEPTION, and LUCK.

Anyone know of any others?

Ultimate RPG[]

Could someone who knows about this title add a link or even some text explaining what this SPECIAL using game is? I've never heard of it before, and it's one of those names that's just about impossible to google due to being comprised of very common terms. 23:24, December 11, 2015 (UTC)

Well, there's w:c:ultimate-rpg, but it doesn't really have much info. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:36, December 11, 2015 (UTC)