Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What does this even mean? What is this "accuracy penalty" in the first place? Are there any quantifiable benefits to taking this perk over, say, comprehension? 23:32, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

I don't see what isn't clear about the article. Your accuracy is worsened (gets a penalty) while you run or walk. The "quantifiable benefit" is that your one-handed gun is not as inaccurate while running and walking, as opposed to the other effects of perks you can pick. Ilovefuzzykittens 14:16, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

So this has no effect on VATS shooting? 01:07, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

No, as with many FPS style games, moving while shooting reduces your accuracy. For example, use a 9mm SMG and spray it while running and not aiming down the sights. With this perk, the spread will be reduced to manageable levels while running. Effective if you are the kind of character that wears lighter armor, moves, and fires an automatic weapon. 21:31, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

Oh I get ya, you want an expression of the quantity of run and gun; something quantifiable. Right then, numbers. The formula for your gun spread (not bullet spread, that's never less than your min. spread) being how much your arm moves about and changes the barrel axis where the bullets come blastin' out at the baddies is: Gun Spread = PerkModifiers(IronSightsBonus * CrouchBonus * (ConditionPenalty + SkillBonus) * (WalkPenalty + RunPenalty) + ArmPenalty). Multiply what you get there by 3 + your guns min. spread and you'll get the whole enchelada of how far your aim is off and how much the bullet will take a bad tumble outta the barrel. This was detailed thoroughly somewhere by someone way smarter than me, but that got streamlined as unimportant by a cleanup project I guess as I can't find it around here anymore, but I wrote her down so I reckon my Luck stat is working for us today. I remember that if you are set to autorun though the run penalty is in effect even when you are standing still. Now, CalculateToHitChance is only compiled by VATS not by the ironsights and CalculateWeaponRange isn't factored in to hit at all so... who needs numbers after all, Run and Gun is only any good for you if you are moving in Vats (standing still with autorun toggled on) and blastin sumbodies. Outside of VATS stand still and aim your scope at the baddies (you are your gun spread...or really your mouse is) and since there's no weapon range penalties at all a scoped pistol is just as good as a sniper rifle as long as its min. spread isn't outrageous since that'll still apply and it's a degree of deviation where the angle can go off target further and further as the bullet flies. So be choosey on those lighter weight six shooters when you're packing your kit for some hardcore (high damage for that DT damage drain) gigantor scorpy stompin'. If you can run around and shoot then go for it, but Run and Gun isn't going to help you outside of Vats where the RunPenalty and WalkPenalty (yes I know, but they aren't mutually exclusive to FONV) variables are taken into account. So there's how Run and Gun oughta compare to Comprehension for choosings (why not Chemist...mmm Psycho like Mom used to craft). If you're still tickled by Vats attacks, why not whack 'em with a stick when they get too close, sticks are magic...they teleport you and everything. Better yet, all unarmed special attacks in Vats are 20 AP...but powa fists are heavy, so I guess there's still more homework to do when mapping out your perks and comparing their value to your build. Run and Gun only applies to Vats shooting being the only place the condition it modifies is calculated. I'm sure your build did kicked some serious A though bro, keep ur powder dry!

--Agnithrax (talk) 05:10, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

"Run and Gun is only any good for you if you are moving in Vats (standing still with autorun toggled on) and blastin sumbodies"

Not true, unless the project nevada crosshairs are lying it does reduce spread for free-aim while walking or walking & shooting. I got out a ruler and checked before and after Run and Gun, it seems to do exactly what it says. (Running Project Neveada this + Gunslinger makes a serious difference to your weapon spread). 01:59, August 11, 2013 (UTC)
