Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hello Mister or Misses anonymous internet stranger. I played Fallout 3 quite a lot and am starting to play New Vegas, so I feel like I ought to help develop the wiki for it as well as get some help myself.

Played the game for a while. It has just as much wandering around as fallout 3 did! Although New Vegas has far more to do during the wander, with minor landmarks being used to break up what would have been empty tedium in Fallout 3, supplying more entertainment and consistent loot. I would like to add "Damnit! There's finally a popular game that actually makes charisma-type stuff useful!"

Jury Rigger should have been a wild wasteland perk. :P

  • "Did I just use a Feodora to fix my glasses?"
  • "How the hell did I just use a switchblade to repair a ShishKabob?"
  • "I just used a generic cloth outfit to repair my Reinforced Leather Armor to 100%... That doesn't make any sense!"
  • "Did I j... Yup. Just repaired a wood Bat with a Rebar Club made of cement and metal... Of course... Why would it be any other way?"