Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


May I assume that there is nothing to be done about that stupid robot, wherein, no matter how many times I reboot, reload saves, it simply WILL NOT go to the USAF base or any other, will appear in the trees, will appear in the sky then fall to earth in a nuclear explosion, and generally pith about? So, essentially, if you've found the Robotics Disposal place, issue the robot straight away or just blow it up for scrap, right?

  • Just open console, click on the robot, type disable and press enter, type enable and press enter again without closing the console or clicking anything else. Then close the console and the robot will respawn. Repeat if he is still stuck. After i did this couple of times he started working fine.

Mini Nuke[]

Checked the Mini Nuke located at the entrance by the tyres but was unable to interact with it. Not possible to loot, even with Dogmeat. Approaching too close resulted in it disappearing under ground or under the tyres. Not sure if just my game or general bug. Lunamoonraker (talk) 21:47, November 17, 2015 (UTC)

Yes I'm also aware that the mini nuke was unable to be picked up and trying to knock it away made it fall through the map. After several load attempts I managed to knock it onto the ground and pick it up. The loading would explain why the sentry bot was unable to move after activating it using the terminal. I think it's just bad placement. (PC) NZ Awesome (talk) 03:00, November 18, 2015 (UTC)

I threw a grenade at it (am I stupid, or what). Most boring, it just fell through the ground. HughesJohn (talk) 12:39, December 8, 2015 (UTC)
Going back to an earlier save I managed to dislodge it by shooting at it. HughesJohn (talk) 11:42, December 9, 2015 (UTC)

Notable loot[]

Just want to add a note here that I've investigated the trunk on the ground next to the Sentry bot and it is in fact guaranteed to have 1 fusion core and 1 military grade circuit board. It's not a random container, it's placed with specifically that loot. Baseid 0003D3E3, refid 0010B9E2 --Xernoc (talk) 04:12, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

I would like to know if the Power armor is indeed level dependent. I just came across it at level 98 and it had just two pieces of T-45. Maybe it should read random T-45 to X-01 depending on level.

the frame is capped at t51 max if you dont get anywhere within its loading range before reaching lvl 14. all frames in the game obey thier "encounter zone" cap which is set for each area in the game in the creation kit and can be seen. the info on this wikisite is outdated and should be removed or fixed. its untrue.

this frame is impossible to become x01 aside from cheats/mods which dont count here no matter player level as the zone as an encounter cap of 15 set. so no enemy and item beyond lvl 15 can spawn at all here.

for example all 3 frames near fort hagen can only become t60. as this whole are has an encounter zone cap of 25 set.

Terrminal Entries[]

Is the list of defective bots delivered actually poking fun at Codsworth?

Nearby Power Armour?[]

Can somebody please add clarification regarding the nearby power armour (described as being in the open near a downed vertibird). I found the vertibird but can find no sign of the armour; how near is "near", in what direction relative to the vertibird etc.? -- Haravikk (talk) 18:50, December 18, 2018 (UTC)

Ack, looks like a mod is the reason I couldn't find it (as is so often the case), still a more precise description might be useful, is the armour immediately near the vertibird or near the mole rat area or such? -- Haravikk (talk) 19:16, December 18, 2018 (UTC)

Iirc, it is northwest (or west) of the Vertibirds. You should be able to physically see it from the Vertibirds though. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:17, December 18, 2018 (UTC)
