Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Stress Test[]

The stress test option causes the robots AND turrets in the building to attack each other. This usually results in one "last man standing" per room, with 1 or a few destroyed Protectrons lying around. I thought it was pretty fun to run straight to the control room, turn off the anti-human mode, turn on pest removal, then walk around and watch radroaches get vaporized. You can then set it to stress test and watch the same thing with the bots. One word of warning -- one (but not all) of the turrets turned hostile to me on stress test for reasons I don't understand.


The RobCo jumpsuit article mentions that there are three here, but I only found two. Someone wanna make a full list? PositronicSpleen 22:45, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

I am not completely sure there even is three jumpsuits in here. Someone please make sure to check that there is three and that it is not an error.

There are in fact 3 jumpsuits. Just checked the GECK. Surprisingly they're all in the same cell (RobcoFactory01). 15:59, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

There are three jumpsuits, indeed. One is in the small closet right behind the reception desk in the lobby, one on the small ramp with three charging stations and terminals, and one in the room with the Workbench. They are just lying on the floor, not obscured by anything. Had no trouble finding all three with PIPBoy light on. --N21lv (talk) 14:06, July 18, 2015 (UTC)

Stealth Boys[]

There are actually five Stealth Boys in the facility. But I just found the fifth one by coincidence. So I can't tell you where it is. Maybe someone could look after it and write it down.

Mole Rat[]

Did anyone else find an over sized mole rat in this facility?

Nope. --XterrorX 17:31, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

I found it as well. It was in the Offices and Cafeteria section and was alive.FwBd 14:40, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

Garage doors fixed?[]

I noticed that the article mentions searchable Garage doors, although the are empty. I didn't notice it my first time through, but I decided to check it out on my second character, and wasn't able to open them, has it been fixed?

--Master Glink 04:57, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

Pre-war books and Stealth Boys[]

These items are noted as notable loot on various pages (example: Bethesda underworks, Museum_of_Technology, Paradise_Falls). I noticed they were missing on this page and added them. Additionally, people actually made requests for a list twice (Jumpsuits and Stealth Boys above).

Personally I often check the wiki before going to a location to see what notable items can be gained there. I find Pre-War books significant, as they are a quest item and Stealth Boys are not only high value, but high utility and difficult to find. Both are also high-value. Certain pages even list Cherry Bombs or pistols as loot.

Why have my edits to add these items to the list of notable loot been removed?

PS: I am unable to place a talk on your talk page. I'll check back in a while, if nobody can give a reason why my edits were removed I'll replace them and add a reference to this post.

I agree, prewar books and stealth boys are definitely considered notable loot and should be listed in the article. These items are somewhat rare and should not be missed. Nuka-Cola Quantums would also be considered notable loot. I would not however consider pistols or cherry bombs to be notable loot.--Ofb09 15:31, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Typewriters appearing as turrets[]

I want to remove the "bug" of a typewriter registering as a sentry gun turret. There's no "edit" button on the page.

The editor was probably standing directly under (or otherwise really close to) a sentry gun that hadn't been enabled via the mainframe yet, causing the game to display the gun's name on the screen as friendly/interactive.

Stop writing stupid things. -Anonymous

The thing about that is the turrets are physically there. This just happened to me on the factory floor in the center room on the local map. I didn't see the "bug" you're referencing. When it happened to me I could see the turret's name on-screen in front of the typewriter if I backed up a little, but the turret was invisible and I could walk through it. I shot twice, and could see bullets hitting where the turret should have been, then the invisible turret exploded. I think this should be considered a bug. --TRocky2 (talk) 04:17, July 9, 2013 (UTC)

Random ragdollification?[]

Ok, so I am an xbox gamer. today while i was checking on my protectron buddies, i went to the mainframe room to see what exactly stress testing did. thinking it might kill the robots, i saved befor i initiated it. after i started stress testing, i reloaded the save. when i did, i heard alot of clattering. looking around in the outside halls, i saw'll that when i left a room, protectrons IN THAT ROOM would fall apart and go into ragdoll. when i went back in they would join back together and get back up. Note: this only happened with the live ones. anyone have this problem? NukaBot 20:07, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

It's an artifact of how Fallout 3 doesn't clear all game data before loading a save. --Kris User Hola 20:09, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

All Protectrons dead upon first entry[]

When I entered the RobCo Facility for the first time, all Protectrons are lying dead on the floors (except for the decoration ones and the ones stored in pods). Is this a bug? I have completed the Wasteland Survival Guide prior to entering by using the Robotics Expert conversation option. Is this related?

Thanks. -- 05:18, May 24, 2012 (UTC)

RobCo Factory Floor Restroom Stalls[]

I've encountered a bug on the PS3 version of Fallout 3 in two recent playthroughs that I've never seen in prior playthroughs on either PS3 nor PC. Basically, when I enter the RobCo Facility and go to the restrooms on the left, if I click open the restroom stall doors, the game seems to think the stall doors are still closed, even though they're clearly open. On my first save, I was eventually able to enter the stalls; on the current one, I haven't been able to enter them yet. I've tried leaving and re-entering the building, and resetting the whole console, neither resolves the issue. I've played this game a few times before on PS3, and never encountered this bug until now. It has been a few years since I last played it, so I don't know if an update to the PS3 itself has caused this, or not. I've just confirmed that entering the Offices & Cafeteria removes the invisible walls at the entrance to the stalls. I've never encountered this bug on PC, even just checked a copy I bought off Gog, and it doesn't happen. 20:15, 8 March 2021 (UTC)
