Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Power armor[]

I have the PS4 version, and when I approached the motel, a raider was wearing the power armor already.

PC version, I was able to get in the power armor by activating it, then waiting for a moment. The animation didn't play, but I was inside after a couple seconds. User:Fredgiblet

I got the glitched Power armor by console. First Jump a bit, then open console in mid air, click on power armor and type "setownership" (to remove stolen status in case), then type "moveto player". Power armor is now a little above ground. Save, quit game to desktop, reload save and enter power armor. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 09:51, May 7, 2016 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I play on the PS4 and for me this Suit of Power armor and Power Armor frame is on top of the motel. I didn't see it during my first time through this area and figured a raider got into it. However when I went back today I found the armor and it's listed as "Stolen", if I take the pieces out and drop them on the ground it's the same thing, as well as the frame. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Rebel427 (talk) 11:26, Sep 25, 2016.

Bugs section[]

All but one of the bugs listed refer to the same bug and they contradict each other. Also, at least one person added to this section and verified their own edits. This needs some serious in-game testing and cleaning up to make the information more accurate. If the bug truly does behave differently on different platforms, then we need a separate item for each platform. In my own testing with PC version 1.3, the power armor is slightly clipped into the wall, but can be interacted with and does count as theft (fast travel makes no difference). I am going to try to clean up the bugs section while still retaining the findings others have reported, but changing the bugs which others self-marked as verified as unverified, since the entire point of verification is that more than one person must be able to replicate the bug in-game on the listed platform. If anyone disagrees with this cleanup, please discuss here. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 09:17, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
