Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What is the deal?[]

What is the deal with both the ripper mods? I looted a ripper of a legionary and bought the mods to upgrade it and when I try it doesn't show the mods are there to upgrade. So I can't use them even though I have them. It is a huge waste of caps to find this out. Is there a bug? Do the mods only apply to a full cond. Ripper(GRA) bought from a vendor? There are no notes or talk on these mods here...so I'm stuck! Please fill me in.

It doesn't have to be full cond., but yes, the mods only work for a Ripper (GRA), not a regular Ripper. This is how it works for all GRA mods, which is why this specific page wouldn't have any notes about it. Paladin117>>iff bored; 14:58, August 24, 2013 (UTC)

Thank you very much for the info...I noticed that's true for chainsaws also, however, if I might add a puzzler...The 9mm SMG and 10mm SMG mods do indeed work(for me they did) on ordinary looted(non-GRA) 9mm & 10mm SMG guns. The Plasma Defender though are the same scenario as the rippers and chainsaws...today a looted Plasma Defender wasn't upgradeable either since, like you've said, it wasn't the GRA pack addition. The guns upgrades, however, seem to work. Another example is the light machine gun extended drums...which worked on a looted Light Machine(from Lonesome Road). It appears to affect only melee and energy weapons then. Perhaps? I appreciate the answer though, and I understand. Thanks so much.

Only weapons with the suffix "(GRA)" on them accept newly added weapon modifications. Since the 9mm and 10mm SMG's don't any additional weapon modification that come with Gun Runners' Arsenal, there are not (GRA) variants of them. I'd suggest taking a look here to see all the (GRA) weapons that Gun Runners' Arsenal adds; below it are all the new mods that Gun Runners' Arsenal also adds. It goes far beyond melee and energy weapons, trust me. --Kastera (talk) 16:27, August 24, 2013 (UTC)