Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

PS3 Patches and the dead guards[]

I'm not sure which patch it was but I think one of the patches that changed some of the environments in the PS3 edition may have removed the guards from this location? Anyone else seen them in a while? Great Mara (talk) 17:45, February 5, 2014 (UTC)

Suggesting defilement[]

I believe this should be removed under speculation. Stating that her clothes have been removed is an objective fact, the rest would be an assumption and presenting an opinion of events to the reader. Great Mara (talk) 00:48, March 14, 2020 (UTC)

I came here to write this. I am going to remove the part speculating about a sexual assault. Her clothes are gone but they could have been removed because they were valuable, or a plethora of other reasons. We should avoid making guesses about the hows and whys. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 22:02, August 7, 2020 (UTC)

I agree, i suggest removing it from the sexual assault section on the sex page (honestly there are a few instances of speculation in that section i feel), Dave might have something to say about it though.--Branebriar1930 (talk) 22:19, August 7, 2020 (UTC)

Completely, I agree with you, anything added to this article or others should be referenced completely. It is sometimes tough for me to step back and critically think if something happened or I, too, have assumed an event or fact based on circumstancial evidence. I am always working on my own analysis skills, that is for sure! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 22:31, August 7, 2020 (UTC)

I'm of the opinion it is sexual assault, my reasoning being she's the only female and is the only one of the two guards that have their clothes removed. I don't think it's because her clothes were particularly valuable as the other guard is wearing the same and her clothes also directly on the ground right next to her without much care to looting them. The powder gangers are near entirely made of up of violent criminals (with few exceptions that stay on prison grounds) all of which are male who likely haven't been near a woman in years. To me, this is just another example of the powder gangers being bad dudes that don't have any low they'll sink to, including sexual assault. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 05:29, August 8, 2020 (UTC)

This makes sense to me, and I completely agree with these things being plausible. We just don't have any evidence in-game to support them at this point. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 05:36, August 8, 2020 (UTC)

The clothes being right next to her body is all the evidence that's needed. There isn't a need to confirm it with dialogue, or a note, or anything like that. It's just a simple scene that the player is meant to compare the state of the female guard's corpse and the state of the male guard's corpse and put 2 and 2 together. It's just some simple environmental storytelling with some deliberate details to get the point across. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 15:08, August 8, 2020 (UTC)

That’s an assumption based on evidence, which articles should not be doing. They should only state the evidence for the reader to reach their own conclusions. There was already a ridiculous assumption I had to remove yesterday trying to assert an NCR doctor had turned to alcoholism while ignoring medical uses of alcohol. Great Mara (talk) 16:21, August 8, 2020 (UTC)
All the evidence is there, it's only stating the obvious. We've been over this before, what is the intent of ambushing a caravan and then removing the clothing from the one female guard from an all-male faction? If you don't want to state the obvious, that's fine. Just leave something that the female guard's clothes have been removed and thrown to the side of her body. Also, I believe Richards drinks the whiskey in his tent wondering around, he's also apart of the smokers faction, but whatever you say. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 20:24, August 8, 2020 (UTC)

I concur with Mara, and i think "environmental storytelling" is far too open to interpretation to be put down as objective facts (i never once considered rape when i came across the caravan for example, nor that Evergreen Mills solicits child prostitutes). Its just an easy stepping stone to full-blown speculation.--Branebriar1930 (talk) 19:07, August 8, 2020 (UTC)
