Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Confronting Kellogg bug[]

I also had the bug where entering the command center, the Synths attacked immediately. Also, I was able to unlock the security doors using the terminal, but the hallway door is shut, trapping me in the room. I had to use tcl to get out. Not sure if that bug is from the inability to confront Kellogg or if it's separate. --Trpc21 (talk) 05:47, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

I encountered that bug as well, and found useful information on it elsewhere. It seems to be tied to wearing power armor when nearing the final confrontation with Kellogg. Loading an earlier save before the last few loudspeaker comments from Kellogg and exiting my power armor until after the dialog with Kellogg was needed to work around it. Even loading a save right before the final "I've ordered my synths to stand down, come in and lets talk" loudspeaker announcement and exiting my power armor there didn't fix it, I had to load from further back in the level.
As for the hallway door being shut, that seems to be intended but poor design. They don't want you going back out the way you came in. If you check the other end of that same hallway, you should find that a room with an elevator has been opened, which is where you actually need to go. --Brettflan (talk) 23:18, December 5, 2015 (UTC)
Yea, I figured out the door after a while lol. Just didn't see it. However, I did not bring power armor on this quest when I got the bug. --Trpc21 (talk) 12:41, December 6, 2015 (UTC)


is it require to have dogmeat? since I'm travelling alone. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Gendalv (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

IIRC, you can't dismiss Dogmeat until the point where you reach Fort Hagen. Aya42 (talk) 21:10, January 27, 2016 (UTC)
Just a added note about Dogmeat and this quest. Once you reach the fort, Dogmeat will keep yapping at the door. If your in sneak mode, exit. Talk to Dogmeat. This triggers the dialog, "Is this the place.." (more or less) and Dogmeat once again becomes a normal follower but will not actually follow you remaining at the fort until you enter the fort for the quest. If you do not initiate that dialog he will remain there stuck until you enter the fort. Once he is a follower again, you can leave the fort and do other things returning later to finish the quest. Note: This was done while Dogmeat was a follower. (Philbert) 05:46, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

Enemies on the way to fort hagen[]

I've met legendary and regular mole rats, 3 deathclaws (one right at the entrance of Diamond City, one when leaving the town right before the railway and I've killed the Glowing Deathclaw in the cave), legendary and regular ghouls, 3 annoying glowing mirelurks, RadScorpion, legendary Glowing yao guai, 3 super mutants near the fort itself. Most of the places where I've met them I had already visited before, so they're either random/leveled or depend on difficulty. 07:09, February 11, 2016 (UTC)

Nick quoting Poe[]

After The Prydwen passes overhead, if Nick is with you, he'll quote Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven":

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing

Just thought that's worth mentioning on the page, or somewhere. Noobyorkcity (talk) 06:09, March 20, 2016 (UTC)

Possible bug[]

Taking the elevator out of Fort Hagen at the end of reunions changed the name of my custom robot to 'AUTOMATRON' (it was Killbot). Also the name cannot be changed back at a robot workbench. Trying to do it results in the name remaining AUTOMATRON. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
