Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Do they serve as sort of a psychopomp or something since the Courier nearly escaped death? It reminds me a lot of The Dark Half by Stephen King. Then again, all the Fallout games sort of remind me of Stephen King books, most notably, the Dark Tower series. -Malus X 21:32, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Not quite sure about all that literary stuff, but having birds certainly makes a huge impact on how natural the world feels. I love these little buggers. -- 04:56, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

I hate this guys! When they appear on my compass I allways start looking for NPCs and I just find them.... They are annoying!

I was thinking that there was a secret perk or something for killing a certain amount but is not the case. They do count towards other Challenges such as kill with guns and kill anything counters.

I'm seeing them as an homage to the movie, The Crow. At least where I've noticed them they're around Great Khan encampments and I saw one at my "grave" in the Graveyard. I could be reading too much into it though.

Perhaps Obsidian recalled people complaining about the birds in fallout 3 and decided to add one you could shoot. --LordVukodlak 07:06, June 21, 2011 (UTC)


The text says that the player will get 1 EXP regardless of any Perks but the lower section says that with a higher Swift Learner perk the PC will get up to 2 EXP. Can anyone make clear which one is true? I mean it's one lousy EXP but still.. xNOKIx 10:37, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

New layout[]

I've removed the statistics topic on this page to be in line with the new creatures layout format. I also don't see much point in having the new version of the statistics table as none of the information is very relevant. For anybody who wants the information the following is the old statistics table.

{{Creature stats FNV |Strength = 1 |Perception = 1 |Endurance = 1 |Charisma = 1 |Intelligence = 1 |Agility = 4 |Luck = 1 |Level = 1 |Hit Points = 1 |XP = 1 |Skill = 40 |Attack Damage = 15 |Special Damage = 0 |Damage Threshold = 0 }}

Otherwise the page is done as far as the new layout is concerned (except for the base id which is easy). 3nexx 08:47, April 26, 2011 (UTC)

Are you sure hp is one because i shot one with a bb gun and it didn't die. 03:06, April 29, 2011 (UTC)

Same happened for me: i got "raven crippled" and it flew off. Xbox 360. --Bigcheese678 13:04, June 1, 2011 (UTC)


Don't these count towards the animal control perk? ReapTheChaos 06:27, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

Locations of Ravens for Overkill[]

I killed a few ravens to finish off the GRA challenge Overkill:

  1. Chance's Grave - cazadores nearby
  2. Southern Nevada Wind Farm - cazadores nearby
  3. Near train tunnel entrance SE of Harper's Shack

GRPeng 03:15, December 13, 2011 (UTC)

Re-spawning Ravens[]

I have had a few ravens show up multiple times in a few locations. Same landmark different locations (spawn points). I have no proof but this is something to look into. If they don't "re-spawn" then a relocation of ones you have scared. If someone could tell me more about this then that would be great to know. Thanks. --Unabated (talk) 20:40, October 17, 2012 (UTC)unabated

Fallout 4 - Crow[]

The bird (ACTI 001439d8) is called "Crow" (name cannot be seen in-game), and the editor ID is BirdCrow. They are not the same bird as ravens, even if they look similar. --Alfwyn (talk) 00:39, January 26, 2016 (UTC)
