Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Found something very strange on REPCONN Office 2nd floor, a hidden door. You can interact with it and it will say something about jamming the door (65 or higher repair required). I jammed the door and nothing seemed to happen, I noclipped behind the door and there's just a small empty room with nothing in it. I have some various pictures to show it below. I forgot to show the menu it shows you when you first interact with it sorry.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6545267/Photos/fnv/interactdoor.bmp http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6545267/Photos/fnv/location%20on%20pipboy.bmp http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6545267/Photos/fnv/inside%20of%20room.bmp

Alfierulz 17:44, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

There's also one on the first floor right outside the room with the Q-35 Matter Modulator. If I had to guess, I'd say that mobs spawn from there if the security robots become hostile to you. I honestly don't know, though.

I am confused as to the locations associated with REPCONN. I am pretty early in the game, doing Come Fly With Me, and I can only find "REPCONN Facility", "REPCONN Basement", "REPCONN Research Labs" in the REPCONN Test Site. At least one of the "notable loot" here is in the "REPCONN Facility" (e.g. "Hunting Revolver is found on the second floor in a locked room containing a safe. The gun is located on the floor by a skeleton near the safe."). Can anyone help me out with understanding this? Is this a completely different location and whoever put that info here should have put that information on the REPCONN Test Site page? I'll gladly update that page with any of the information here which belongs there. - Oct 25 23:28:10 UTC 2010

It is a completely different location, north of Black Mountain, east of Camp McCarran. Also, fuck this glitch, completely unable to get the unique plasma rifle. UraniYum 14:25, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

double safe?[]

in the store room with the science skill book there is a safe.. in my game i had a second safe spawn in the exact same space and my cursor would jump between unlocked and locked. i opened it again and got loot again... but no third one hehe.

I can confirm this- happened to me with a patched game on the x360. Picked the average lock on the first safe and got some misc guns and ammo + caps. Moved forward ever so slightly and got the locked message again, repicked the safe, and got more loot.

I just found in my game not an hour ago. That is so weird; why would Obsidian place two safes on top of one another? Kastera (talk) 19:17, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

I verified this on the PC version as well. 15:39, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Verified on PC Ultimate Edition. Zzsignup (talk) 10:57, January 19, 2014 (UTC)

The secret hidden doors[]

The doors are where the sentry bots are located, they open to allow them to spawn in and engage the courier if he does not meet security clearance on each floor.

As note in the page, it's profitable to get alarm to kill the robot. ALSO, robot is not that common to find, so they are a source for passing Challenges like Know Disintegration... The repair option is there for low-combat sneaker to harvest some easy XP early game. Laclongquan (talk) 02:42, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

Stealth boys[]

During the "come fly with me" quest doesnt a shipping invoice you find say that the stealth boys can be found at the REPCONN Headquarters? If not can they be found at all? --User:Lazeman

They were shipped back to RobCo. If you can make your way to RobCo Facility you can probably find 'em there. :P --Kris User Hola 00:00, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

NOOOOOOO!!!! I misread it :( well that sucks. thanks --User:Lazeman

Train Station.[]

Anyone know anything about this event? When you enter the train station on top of one of the shelves is a toy car. When you mouse over it, "Take" appears, but not the name of the object - only you can't take it. If you pick the car up using grab, an message appears saying something like, "Good, now push the wheel and let go of the skull". It never made much sense to me. Wondering of it might be part of some easter egg. The message only appears the first time you pick up the toy car.

~there seems to be one in both the train station by repconn hq and in boulder city train stations and one at the bait shop by lake mead oh and there always is a skull by it not named

Bug on PS3[]

Verified,i picked up the pass from the briefcase on the third floor,but the mister handy still asks for a password and attacks me.

I get this same bug on PC. The main page only says xbox & ps3.--Uzetaab 12:54, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

As I've said in "Executive pass doesn't work," you could try the console command "set E7533.3rdFloorID to 1" without the quotation marks. That's what I did. I don't know what is wrong, precisely, or how to fix this problem without the console, but it seems to me that there's something wrong with the scripts. Squid881 15:29, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

2nd Floor Loot[]

Cant find the security badge or 2 blue star caps mentioned in the wiki.

In the lower right corner of the local map, there's a small room with four desks. The first desk on the right has the star bottle cap on it, while the second one has a Hard-locked terminal that you can use to obtain an executive security pass. Another such pass can be found in Piers Isley's briefcase on the top floor.

Screenshot #1, Screenshot #2, Screenshot #3 — Lovable Sociopath 07:53, November 29, 2010 (UTC)


I'm on the REPCONN Office Main Floor right now... I have ED-E and Boone with me. I picked the average door in the first room then hacked the terminal in there to add my facial data so I don't get attacked on the first floor. I then proceed to loot the rooms including the average locked door inside that second room so I could take all of the MF cells laying around in there.. then I exit that room and when I get near the tour guide robot the maintenance robot comes to me and yells "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" and the sentry bots come out and attack me and the alarms sound. Is this some sort of glitch? I already added my facial data. I reloaded twice and the same thing happened. I'm on a ps3. Has anyone had this problem? How do you fix this? Thanks. Mp5shooter 23:41, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

EDIT: I found a solution. I simply reloaded the autosave to where I just entered the HQ, and killed the maintenance robot. No alarms went off and the tour guide didn't do anything. :) Mp5shooter 01:55, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

Executive pass doesn't work[]

I printed out an executive badge from the terminal on the second floor, but it doesn't let me get past the robots on the top floor. The only dialog options are Luck 5/7 and "Sorry, I was just leaving", both which cause them to attack if you stick around. Courrier's a smartypants carrying only beer and ant nectar, so intelligence can only be lowered to 3, which is not enough to guess the password. Pretty frustrating. I had to resort to sneaking and killing the facial recognition bots before they initiated dialogue. — Lovable Sociopath 07:58, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

If anyone decides to read this, and you have this problem too, as I do, try this console command. "set E7533.3rdFloorID to 1" (Take out the quotation marks). If this will save time for anyone, that's great. I put it in a .txt file in the directory so I can use the bat command to use this command at any time. If nobody else is having this problem anymore, please respond so that I'll know there's something wrong with my installation. Squid881 06:33, July 18, 2011 (UTC)


The robotics section of the tour feature RobCo products except for the Mr.Handy variant which is a General Atomics International product, what's up with that?--OvaltinePatrol 20:56, December 17, 2010 (UTC)

Official REPCONN Facebook[]

Official REPCONN Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Repconn/192084637486311

Removed from bugs section[]

  • On your first time entering the 2nd floor, hugging the wall in front of you and going to the right will reveal an activation to open a hidden door with a repair check. This activator thus, does nothing.

it reveals a door to be jammed shut, not opened.

--Marineris 15:35, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

First floor safe access[]

I wanted to edit the first floor section, but an administrator (?) immediately cut what I wrote. Dunno why, probably because I'm not following the protocol or manners of wiki, since I'm new to this. Anyway, here's the **rough** idea of what I wanted to put in as a second paragraph for that section, because on the whole I find the discussion of how to get around Repconn HQ safely to be confusing and scattered:

Generally safe access to the first floor can be obtained by any of the following options: 1) average-hack terminal behind an average-lock door just to the right as you enter the facility (a restricted area, so act quickly); 2) 60 speech check on the facial recognition robot; 3) getting Jenny's badge noted above either by taking the tour or just lockpicking your way through the planetarium; 4) killing off the facial recog robot before it has a chance to sound the alarm.

(By the way, if anybody can explain my faux pas that'd be helpful so I don't waste my time as well as others' time as they correct me.) Fernling 19:11, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

I'm not sure why it was removed, so maybe you should ask the admin (in your case Crazy sam10 personally. Kastera (talk) 04:40, June 24, 2011 (UTC)

Double kills - goo/ash xp boosting[]

Just noticed after going through and destroying all the robots with the Q-35 that when you reach the third floor if you hack the Very Hard terminal and disable the robots when you head back through all the robots that aren't goo (guessing ash too) are disabled and can be shot again. Sadly, I maxed levels before I reached here. I'm guessing they suffer from the "0 health" glitch, but I can confirm that it registers for "... And Know Disintegrations" where you need to get 32 turned into ash or goo. --Pyoobez 05:05, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Delta IX or Delta XI?[]

The page says REPCONN was acquired by RobCo after the Delta IX (nine) launch, but talking to the Tour Guide, he says Delta XI (eleven). Is this a hisorical inconsistency, or is it just a completely different launch?

What does that INT 7 check means?[]

The Courier will say "4f 76 65 72 72 69 64 65 20 33 32" and the robot will accept the override, however I can't find what that means, do anyone know what this is?

Mil -- 09:24, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

Its Hex code, so its probably machine language. Agent c 12:20, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
Ah, never mind, it's the Unicode for "Override 32" Mil-- 05:35, May 29, 2012 (UTC)


I picked a lock in the REPCONN HQ, and that STUPID ALARM went off, making me contemplate suicide. Is there any way to turn them off, either in-game, or with the use of mods/console commands? -- In contrast to the original questioner, I WANT to raise the alarms in my own time, of my own choosing. 1- Alarm is of each floor only. If you raise it on 3rd floor, the two down there are still safe.

2- It seem disable the mobile facials before they ask you will prevent the possibility of alarm. Period. Leave one alive if you want to raise it.

Why do we want to raise alarm? Because the sentry bots in this building are very convenient for the Man machine interface challenge, and it's easy enough to fight them at worst one-on-two. Major Aids items expenditure, but worth it. Why not Mr Steels you ask? Three on one could get chancy and three day waiting before respawn IS annoying.

3- And god, what is the code to set alarm stage, please? The damn thing is hard to raise. After managing the first time, next time I cant even raise it.... No, never mind. figure it out. reload the entire location then just straight up hit them in the face. Then I use the computer to disable robots to get another round of kills. I finish the HQ with full unarmed damage challenge, 1st rank of demise of machine, 9/10 of man machine interface (1 kill stolen by EDE). Love and Hate plus one full range of chems, foods, drinks, mags.After all that and my unarmed is just at 65. psycho/slasher and weapon binding ritual help.

So yes, if anyone know how to set the command to raise alarm, say so. If not, try hard to do it yourself because this location is very much worth it in term of damage and killsLaclongquan (talk) 18:43, May 2, 2013 (UTC)

2nd Floor Password for Isley's Terminal...??[]

No matter how many times I check the proper 2nd floor terminal, with the 'encrypted' email and the Q-35 data, I still can't access Isley's terminal with a password, it's still a Very Hard terminal. What am I doing wrong?

-> The very hard terminal is not the isley's terminal. isleys terminal is in the big office, near the safe.


Proper Noun[]

Should be Repconn Headquarters. Also this is a former admin (the guy who buttraped the Facebook page).

Also, I hacked your Facebook page :(

impossible to get the Q-35[]

my friend has been trying to get the Q-35 matter modulator, but he says that in his version, the tube that it is found in is closed and unopenable. he is playing on ps3 and has tried everything short of hacking the game. could anyone help with this? Nightweaver2112 (talk) 20:02, May 29, 2013 (UTC)

Jenny Millet makeover[]

So... every time I've picked up Jenny Millet's security card, on XBOX and PC both, Certain character interactions seem to default female. About half the neutural/friendly robots I encounter refer to me as female if they mention gender at all (understandable), but the weird thing is when some of the NCR troopers refer to my character as ma'am, or when I take damage my character makes female grunts and noises. I even got the female responses from Corporal Betsy when attempting to flirt with her once.

Anybody else?

Nothing strange happening for me. All normal. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:50, March 31, 2015 (UTC)

Real world reference to PEPCON[]

This is a link to the real world PEPCON disaster on Wikipedia [1] in reference to the note update I made.

This is not however the only source of info on this event. Wikipedia is simply the most expedient summary and is essentially correct. Also I live in the area and lived here during that event. Rangermanlv (talk)
