Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

this is latin for "true question" is it not? Dr. Clayton Forrestor

Actually it'd be "seek the truth". -- Porter21 (talk) 06:24, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Proof the conspiracy references the Enclave...?[]

Considering the terminal has 'We are not Alone!!' at the top and the fact that it's found on an alien mothership... I'd like to see a reference or something to give credibility to this -not- referencing the aliens... --Enclavesymbol 08:07, January 31, 2013 (UTC)

The same terminals describe a stolen item that would later become the Enclave plasma pistol. Though the "We are not alone!" is an odd little sentence, the terminals do indeed relate to, and describe Government/Enclave centred conspiracies, as we also know from these terminal entries that Verum directed it's attention towards government matters, and seemingly not other worldly matters.. The entries themselves make no mention of aliens and focus on the stolen pistol. We do not know if they theorised about aliens, and we can not pull this from one sentence, what we do know is that they theorised about the government. For all we know, this sentence could refer to others who also believe in their theories, so "We are not alone!" could refer to other people. It's a sentence open to interpretation and considering they seem to focus on government matters, I don't think it's related to the aliens. --DragonBorn96Talk 08:19, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
Terminals...? There is only one terminal referencing any of this, 'Reid Underwood's terminal' and only one note, 'MPLX "Novasurge" prototype plasma pistol'. I've just finished reading both and both only mentioned that it is stolen and the pistol itself is called the 'smoking gun'... the word 'Enclave' is not used once. There is no reference or correlation too it being the predecessor to the Enclave urban plasma pistol, or any Enclave technology whatsoever for that matter. I think we both know this is speculation DB... --Enclavesymbol 08:33, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
Nevermind the fact it looks identical and is primarily wielded by officers. Also, wer'e not discussing the validity of the "Enclave plasma pistol", I thought this was about the Alien v. Enclave thing... I'm not particularly sure where the "Enclave plasma pistol" moniker came from myself. Outside of it being carried by personnel and looking like the un-unique version wielded by the Enclave as well as it's development by the government, though the hush hush nature described in the terminal could be the sign of the behind-scenes-government at work. Could always try and flag a developer on something but I'd imagine that to be difficult considering the game's close to 5 years old now and I have no idea how we'd get a developer.--DragonBorn96Talk 08:44, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
Obviously the Army isn't going to broadcast energy weapon development, and that's the only definitive correlation we have here. The terminal entries and note date back to the early 2060's... and as I said in the Reid Underwood's terminal talk, I highly doubt the plans that materialized into the Enclave date back -that- far. --Enclavesymbol 09:00, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
The item in question is a Prototype of the "Enclave" plasma pistol. (called "Enclave plasma pistol" in FO3). So therefore its at least Proto-Enclave group. The conspiracy or "Éminence grise" if you will is what they are refering to.

The prototype in question was stolen from the Federal Government. This has been mentioned and proven. To take the leap of faith in connection between the prototype and the Enclave is that the Enclave were in majority control of Poseidon Energy, (Along with numerous other fronts being used for secret research and development.) which began collaborations with Repconn to develop more sophisticated plasma technology. Before the Great War, it was the Enclave who had almost complete access to the most sophisticated weapons technology such as plasma casters and pistols, with the army barely making the transition from conventional weaponry to laser weapons. The only plasma based weaponry shown to be used in the U.S. army was the most basic urban-designed plasma rifle, which was shown to be inferior to any of the plasma weaponry used by the Enclave. (As well as there has never been a recorded case of plasma pistols being used by anyone else besides the Enclave, and has even been referenced as being an invention that came from them.) So while still slightly speculative, it is still safe to make the assumption that the Quaere Verum did indeed steal the prototype away from this shadow branch of the Federal Government. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 01:03, February 1, 2013 (UTC)

Agreed of course this is off topic but I would consider them to be the wikipedia:Éminence grise than its own seperate branch.