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Should the quest Project X-13 Redux be mentioned in this article, get it's own, or just be left without mention? Not sure if there are other similar quests, or, if there is, what is done with them. -Alister Poe 14:38, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Added "just the facts" to the Notes section for now. Don't think it would need its own page, as there's not really anything more to say about it. All the best,--FourWayDiablo 17:43, August 27, 2011 (UTC)

Quest mix-up fix-up.[]

I made a start overhauling this page and X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!, as there was a problem due to both quests sharing objectives. As a result, both pages had exactly the same information on them. I've used the in-game quest log to try and put everything in the right place. --FourWayDiablo 17:10, August 27, 2011 (UTC)


I have seen some camera's hanging on the ceiling and I often got detected while climbing over the little terminal space(that looks like a nineties office). Weird thing is that none of the robots were facing me and the only thing that could've detected me was a camera. Does anybody know if you can also get detected by these camera's?--Rickinator9 22:18, August 29, 2011 (UTC)

answer: it's not the camera, but one of the OTHER robots. I think there are THREE Robobrains roaming and one of THOSE caught you in its vision cone. The cameras are for the main computer to observe your test. Kschang 01:50, March 23, 2012 (UTC)


In the Robot Compliance test there are mines around which you can "disarm" but I don't see any mine models around the sound just comes from nowhere. Is this a bug? 04:04, January 6, 2012 (UTC)

I think this must be a bug, the same thing happens to me. Beeping, but no actual object to hack. It's making the robot compliance test almost impossible. 11:59, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

ANSWER... those are not mines but proximity sensors simulating mines / alarms for the last two tests where proximity sensors are added to the mix. Those darn prox sensors can be pretty darn hard to spot. You can deactivate them with a simple action, but you need to do it quickly before they betray your position. AND it gets tricky when you need to dodge robots AND avoid tripwires AND dodge prox sensors. Kschang 01:53, March 23, 2012 (UTC)
FURTHER CLARIFICATION... I don't think you're understanding fully, Kschang. I have done this multiple times and while the mines don't actually blow up, you can and should be able to see them to disarm them. They are not super obvious, but they aren't impossible to see either. In fact, I would say they are pretty easy to spot if you know you're looking for them. It has happened to me, and to these others as well I'm guessing, that the models for the proximity mines just don't appear at all. I can confirm this because I have run an X-13 Expert Test where they do appear and can be interacted with/disarmed and I have also run an X-13 Expert Test where they fail to appear and just make noise with no visible model to interact with/disarm. I would say that this is pretty clearly a bug/glitch of some sort.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 06:02, April 13, 2015 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
I think this might be a bug too. I can hear them, but can't see them to hack. Peterfnet (talk) 21:19, 12 September 2021 (UTC)

Optimum Strategy[]

This is what got me through and gotten me all upgrades. If you have something to add, please feel free to do so.

Do NOT start the test, just explore the rooms. Robots will ignore you.

1) Go through and explore all the rooms, CAREFULLY noting where all the trip beams are. There are a couple in the corridor, two next to the reception desk, and one in the server area. Another one is inside the admin room just before his desk.

2) Repeat for the proximity sensors. There are at least five of them, one's behind the reception counter on the floor. One's on the desk next to the coffee. Another's in the dead office area, another one or two in the corridor covered by Robobrain patrol routes. You can't hack them, and computer turns them back on for each test, so you have to memorize where they are so you can deactivate them later.

3) Once you got all the trip beams found, hack all of them so you can ignore them later (read a magazine for a boost if you have to). Once you hack them they will ignore you, and the test computer can't turn them back on. That will leave you just the Robobrains and proximity sensors to worry about.

4) Run the basic test (with just the Robobrains) which should be simple.

5) Run the advanced test (with trip wire lasers), which should still be simple as you've disabled them all.

6) Run the expert test (trip wires, AND prox sensors). This one, you can probably cheat. What I do is as suggested, lockpick the door, run back upstairs, find the opening where you can jump down to the admin office, pop the forcefield with the sonic disrupter, drop directly to the safe and grab the document.

7) The Robot compliance test gets REALLY tricky, as the objective is to sneak up behind the robots and deactivate them. However, you also have to deactivate the prox sensors so they don't "spoil" your attack.

I recommend going straight in, deactivate prox sensor at reception, then one in server area, stay out of the way of robobrain in office. When ready, run in, deactivate it then run back out, then run in deactivate the prox sensor. NOW you can have a little room to ambush the next one, deactivate the prox sensor in the corridor, then the robobrain when its back is turned. Finally, just run up behind the remaining robobrain quickly and deactivate it before you trigger the final prox sensor.

Kschang 02:10, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

You can really just drop down into the admin area from upstairs for every test but the robot compliance test. User:Great_MaraMessage 02:15, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

Are the rewards (other than the stealth manuals and upgrades) random or are they set? NEVERMIND, I REPEATED ALL TESTS AND POSTED IT IN THE MAIN ARTICLE.—Preceding unsigned comment added by NikkoNV (talkcontribs) 08:24, May 11, 2014 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Random Rewards from Redux (Correction)[]

Wanted to clarify: the rewards for each test (including the replays) are not randomized. I have tested each test (except Robot Compliance) extensively. Bushwhacker2k (talk) 23:12, October 10, 2014 (UTC)
