Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Title Abbreviation[]

To be consistent, it shouldn't say "FNV" but it should say "Fallout: New Vegas" like the other items related to New Vegas. Just sayin'. Metalspork talk  contribs 18:05, May 12, 2010 (UTC)

Dirty pre-war parkstroller outfit[]

This has the same incorrect weight (10) as it did in Fallout 3. Yeryry 20:23, October 22, 2010 (UTC)


Very little of this information is correct!

Non-Degrading Bonnet?[]

I'm not sure if I'm the only to experience this, but my characters pre-war bonnet hasn't ever degraded from 100%. It's invincible... >.< Vorderkai 03:02, August 30, 2011 (UTC)

Base IDs?[]

Shouldn't the different types of pre-war outfits have different base IDs? If so, where's that information?


Are there any locations where any of these items can always be found? If so, should they be added to the article?Foxi Hooves (talk) 02:36, November 29, 2013 (UTC)

Cannot Store in Perfect Condition[]

As in Fallout 3, I've begun compiling a collection of every piece of Apparel available in the game. When I come across a duplicate, I repair one until it's at 100% Condition; then, unless it can be used to repair other items, I sell any extras I come across after I have the one fully repaired. I've just returned to my Home at Novac with many pre-war outfits, and have completed that "sub-set". However, when I put the fully repaired Pre-War Relaxed Wear in the dresser, the condition drops down to 60%. There is no other copy of the same apparel in my Inventory or already in the dresser. When I retrieve it from the dresser, the condition remains at 60%. ED-E is holding my other apparel, because I have experienced a problem where 2 copies of the same item will only take up one line, even if they are in different conditions. I tried retrieving additional copies from ED-E, making the repair again, and then storing the Relaxed Wear, but it always reduces the condition by almost half. All of the other Pre-War outfit items' storage works as it should, only the Relaxed Wear is having this issue.

Oddly enough, when I put the Relaxed Wear in any other container in my room there is no such issue and it transfers at 100% condition. Weird. metalheadHippie "It is not when or where men are born, but what they do that makes them brothers." (talk) 19:32, January 6, 2016 (UTC)

Items stack when you hit perfect condition so what's happening is you have two of an item, one at perfect condition and one at 60%. The bug is that one becomes hidden. So put both in a container and take the top one out and you'll see the perfect condition item left in the container. When you put both in your inventory the perfect condition will hide the other. BAtacos (talk) 16:59, 21 May 2022 (UTC)
