Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki



Well, I knew that Mothership Zeta involved Aliens, but nobody's slapping gold stars on my ass. Nitpicker of the Wastes 22:54, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Seeing as this will be a more unique landmark I'm hoping for some unique item in there. Gabriel Cortez 11:28, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

is there a second light bulb anywhere?

Is there a point to repairing it? I put one bulb in and started it, maybe it's just a thing to look cool? Not sure about the location of a second bulb :( LJ Carrion 02:26, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

By the way, the abundance of the mesmotron power cells and the presence of an almost identical (yet more powerful) weapon, the microwave emitter, got me thinking - could the doctor, his colleagues or whoever they work for have originally created the mesmotron? LJ Carrion 04:19, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

I haven't gotten a chance to check, once you've gotten the bulb replaced is there anyway to turn it on? If theres no reward (which it's looking like there isn't) I'd at least like to see the lighthouse eerily shine into the darkness. --Moltenfungus 06:14, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

LOL Are you guys that dumb[]

There is no Second light bulb have you seen the Point lookout trailer, at the end you will see the light house with only one light in it.


That was harsh. Now how about a reason to repair it? Is there a reason or is it just something to do when you're bored? Any reward or anything? I haven't found anything yet. LJ Carrion 17:39, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

the only holotape I found near the light is the one left by Tobar.

there is a holo tape out site casys hardware ????or w/e its called , some conection  ????


No there is not second Light, stop looking.-- 05:03, 25 June 2009 (UTC) Jake

ok y is there a note both at the hardware store and the light house ? and y is there TWO light bulbs spotes in the light house ??????? y would they add this no added karma or caps ???? so many qu3stion

You had LOL in your topic heading. And you call us dumb. What a dipshit. Just because you're so pathetic the only time you have the balls to say anything insulting on the internet makes you seem like a jackass.-- 03:07, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Police Hat and Pistol[]

Has anyone noticed the police hat and .32 pistol on the stairs. They're about half way up the tower by a few skeletons. On my game they are stuck under the stairs. I've tried using the camera rotation trick and shooting at them from below but still can't get them. 21:19, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

That's not the only item that's somehow stuck and thus rendered unreachable (e.g. the vine rack in the calvert basement, grab one bottle and ten others become stuck). Reason is probably bad placement, the item is already clipping half inside a structure, and when the physics engine kicks in, it tumbles through the structure instead of coming to rest on the surface properly. Since I just can't leave stuff behind, I've accustomed myself to using the console command GETPOS and then SETPOS to move the selected object a bit out of the structure where it is stuck, so I can grab it. For example, "getpos z" would return -721.34, then I'd write "setpos z -700", which moves it a little higher. Works well, of course only on the PC.-- 22:28, April 1, 2010 (UTC)

It should be noted that[]

That there is a large number of weapon components in the tower.  Also there a wanted poser for Wan Yang on the tack board to your right when you walk in the door all tho I do not know if you can get the quest "The Velvet Curtain" form here or not. (Xbox 360)

Missile Launcher Attack?[]

I was walking down from the lighthouse, and an explosion happens in front of me. I keep walking, and it happens again. I turn around and see that missiles are coming from the top area of the lighthouse. I couldn't see him with a sniper rifle or VATS... How did he get up there?--FlameWolf 13:43, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

You *do* know that Point Lookout (in the real world) is the most haunted location on the East Coast, right? Banshees with bazookas, perhaps? Just doing my job. 13:46, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

The exact same thing happened to me. Damn near killed me, actually, which is odd because Bethesda's scripted stuff is usually harmless. The "missles" seemed to be coming from offscreen, but maybe that's because i was looking the wrong direction lol. Anyone conducted a follow-up investigation of the phantom rockets?

This happened to me too, so I entered the lighthouse, and found a bunch of smugglers, including one with a missle launcher. Then, towards the top, I found a large pile of loose missiles. I'm thinking the missile attacks are either scripted to entice you into entering the lighthouse, or a smuggler spawned at the top of the lighthouse. Also, this is after I completed the "brain" quest and I'm at level 2872.240.167.27 05:19, January 22, 2010 (UTC)

Invisible Attack?[]

I was exited the lighthouse through the storage room in the last part of the Underground Lab. When I exit out on the island, I start getting hit by something invisible. There is no enemy nearby (on my screen or radar) and I get hit every couple of seconds, but they only happen when standing in certain spots. So am I missing something or is there an enemy down there and my game just jacked up? Reflect 22:28, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

They is a sniper on one of the islands there. Fat Man Spoon 22:29, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Where? I looked everwhere. Reflect 22:44, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

The futhest one out. Fat Man Spoon 22:47, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

I believe I have been around the whole area and haven't seen him. I only get hit on that exit area. I'll check again, but I don't think anyone is there in my game. No red marks or anything on my radar. Reflect 22:51, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

There is a little shack on the island. How bad is the damage to you? Fat Man Spoon 22:53, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

At level 28, I'm almost dead after a few shots. It takes a substantial amount of health out of me. I'm fine after a get off the little island. Reflect 23:07, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Have you found the island yet? I was thinking it was a Bloatfly, until you said it was killing you... Fat Man Spoon 23:08, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

It's worth pointing out that the "red marks" you refer to will appear only if an enemy is actually detected by your character. Whether or not you can detect an enemy depends on a lot of things, but primarily on distance and your Perception stat. I have seen enemies actually shoot at me before without showing up as red marks. In that case, you won't be able to use VATS, either. I would just exit the Lighthouse and stand still, looking around for bullets. You might die, but you can reload your autosave from when you walked out the door. Eventually, you'll spot him... and then you can go and get your revenge. (Of course, you might actually have a real game bug, but I've never seen one like that myself. I've been attacked by enemies that were "clipped" into the ground or a wall, but in that case, they're close enough to show up on the compass, even if they were hard to actually find.) Good luck with your personal "haunting," there! Spooky stuff. 07:25, 30 June 2009 (UTC)
Yep I know about the perception and the red "tick" marks that appear on your radar. On this account I have it about 5 (my first account, others it's like 1 lol). And you can actually target someone in vats without there being a red mark.
Anyways... I found out what was happening. The sniper wandered off the island into the water and was shooting me underneath. There were no bullets in the air to trace back so I just wandered around until I was really close to him and found him. I loaded an early save like a minute or two before this one and he was sitting in the shack like the spoon said. Kinda weird what 1 minute difference makes. Damn, that guys has a good shot too. I can't even see him on my screen (just the shack) and he can hit me. He doesn't really miss either. And the reason I died faster was cuz my guy was naked (forgot to mention that)... so yeah...
Oh and I have had invisible enemies before. Ones that appear and don't appear on radar. If you look at them, the crosshairs will turn red and their name appears. Only happened a couple of times so I know it is possible for this to happen. Reflect 17:36, 30 June 2009 (UTC)


Was I the only person who kept the bulb to display inside my house alongside my piece of brain and my <insert evil book name>? JFreeman 23:03, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Yes. Fat Man Spoon 23:03, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

It's not everyday you have the chance to steal a very large working light bulb. JFreeman 23:10, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

My local hardware store begs to differ... Fat Man Spoon 23:12, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

any body been there?[]

i was just about to vacation in that area and visit the acctual lighthouse AND THEN i found out about the add on thought that was weird... anyway any of you guys acctualy been there?

Smugglers a no-show?[]

Anyone know what might prevent the Smugglers' arrival from triggering? Blackmonolith 09:28, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

Same here, no sign of them. Shame really, i wanted a wasteland legend outfit for my collection. Casputin 00:16, May 13, 2010 (UTC)
Update: Try walking around the boardwalk, see if you can trigger the smuggler ambush. I think that did it for me. Can anyone verify? Casputin 14:29, May 13, 2010 (UTC)
Verified on PC. The smugglers would not appear for me at first, I also tried to save at the Lighthouse, quit the game and reload the save, to no avail. I hiked from the boardwalk to the lighthouse, this triggered the event for me on PC. (Hilwo) February 5th, 2015


The skeleton on the bench with the 10mm pistol and the whiskey and baby carriage got mentioned, but what I came looking for was mention of the flowers on the bench with the skeleton. I hadn't seen flowers in the game before, and thought it mighty odd that there were flowers in the waste. Have they been seen by others? 23:53, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

The first other example I can think of is in Tenpenny Tower. There is a vase with a flower in it on the front desk (it looks kind of like a Foxglove plant's flowers). I know I've seen them a couple other places... I just can't remember where. There may be some indoors upstairs by Tenpenny's suite, but those might just be plants. Uh... I may have seen one in Vault 101 before, but I'm not sure. Anyway, that's not the only place :)

Metalspork talk  contribs 01:50, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Safe Storage in the Lighthouse?[]

I was looking at the Player Housing page and it says that the lighthouse in Point Lookout can be used for storage, but doesn't give any details beyond that. Is it only that items dropped on the ground will remain safe or can the containers be used safely as well (or vice versa)? (360) 22:03, May 28, 2010 (UTC)

Seafarer's Friend?[]

What is this questline exactly? It redirects here... Possibly a cut quest involved in fixing Lighthouse into operation. Fallout 3 has a lot of cut quest like thatLaclongquan (talk) 01:12, 21 January 2022 (UTC)

Note removed?[]

Is there any particular reason the addition I made in the notes section was removed? I think it was a perfectly valid and useful piece of information. I was simply stating that replacing the light bulb serves no real purpose, offers no reward or any XP and if you wish you can simply keep the bulb as a souvenir. I can site hundreds of pages where things of this nature are noted so why not here?

I don't know. It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Chaos ian7 17:00, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

Hi. I removed the note. Here it is as written:
  • Repairing the Lighthouse serves no real purpose. There is no reward or XP given for doing this so if you would rather keep the light bulb as a souvenir to display in your house then by all means do so.
Here's the problem: The only info in the entry is the fact that there is no xp awarded.
  • "No real purpose" is a subjective statement, especially since replacing the bulb actually makes the lighthouse work, i.e. emit light.
  • You can always keep every item as a souvenir, so it is not worth noting anywhere.
Hope that clears things up for you.--Gothemasticator 21:16, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

Lighthouse Design[]

The Assateague Lighthouse is less known than the NC lighthouse (which became incredibly famous when it had to be moved, successfully, inland due to erosion). The feat of moving the lighthouse garnered nationwide attention and spawned at least one major documentary on the engineering feat. Mictlantecuhtli 23:42, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

And that has what reference to the Fallout world? Secondly, the Cape Hatteras Light has a different pattern painted on the exterior to that of the game, so what source is there that the design is based on that particular light house, especially since the structure is a generic design seen all over the world. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:57, April 4, 2011 (UTC)
Point out another example of that type of lighthouse which is so famous. Look at the length of the wikipedia article compared to the Assateague Light for instance. I doubt that design is used on any other lighthouse of note. Given how hard people argued that Lady Deathstrike (the other adamantium skeleton person) didn't belong in the behind the scenes due to her low popularity, why shouldn't this lighthouse be included as a reference point since it is the most famous example? Mictlantecuhtli 00:02, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_lighthouses_in_the_world - Yeah it really looks like a common design according to this, the ones that come close in appearance have far too many windows, etc. Mictlantecuhtli 00:07, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
Really if the most famous lighthouse of that type doesn't qualify, maybe we should change the adamantium skeleton article to just say "is in reference to various Marvel comics characters". As its essentially the same thing as what happened here. Mictlantecuhtli 00:13, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
Length of a page does not determine its popularity or fame, secondly it is of notability only at a national level, not that of a international level. As for basing of that light house, you know the rules on speculation here and the Marvel wiki has no relevance to this wiki either. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 00:27, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
Adamantium Skeleton I disagree it has nothing to do with it, and name one international example of that lighthouse design. I only pointed out the article length as one example, there are others (namely the nationwide attention it got in the news, the documentary about the move and the fact its one of the tallest in the world). If you can come up with a foreign example of that design which matches as close as Hatteras I will drop it. I don't think you will since that design looks isolated to North America (and more precisely America), your belief its a common worldwide design at this point is pure speculation (as both examples are American). Mictlantecuhtli 00:59, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
Before I go into this, do not go into the level of detail of bringing up the number of windows, cus I can pull that apart in your own example, since the Point Lookout lighthouse has staggered windows every 90 degrees plus many other aspects between your example and the Point Lookout lighthouse differ. But examples Split Point Lighthouse in aussie land that appears in a TV show over there, Westerhever Sand Lighthouse in Germany that is famous over there, it appears on beer bottle and stamps etc. There is Ile Vierge Lighthouse in France, the tallest lighthouse of this style in the world, The Bell Rock Lighthouse in the UK, the oldest surviving sea-washed lighthouse, Cape Lookout Lighthouse just cus the name is so close to Point Lookout, all have similar design principles and the list could go on. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 01:26, April 5, 2011 (UTC)
I'm removing the Behind the scenes section of this article entirely. The "Point Lookout Lighthouse" linked to does not resemble the in-game structure at all. Name-only similarities do not constitute cultural refs. Also, there is no evidence whatsoever that the in-game structure has been based on any existing lighthouse. General similarities to real-world objects or events also do not constitute cultural refs. And, as for Adamantium Skeleton, the deal is that Wolverine is the primary character associated with Adamantium skeleton. All other characters who might have such a skeleton were created after and because of Wolverine. So, he gets the mention.--Gothemasticator 01:31, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

Go home Wanderer[]

xbox Lv 22 After completing the quest " A meeting of minds" the Lighthouse becomes infested with danger. A lone Smuggler spawns, leaning by the Light house door, and while tacking the Smuggler the game also spawns a Swamplurk and a Mirelurk Hunter directly behind you as well as six Smugglers in the Lighthouse,one on the top exterior balcony armed with a Missile launcher and unlimited missiles and five inside,one with a sniper rifle who has the' drop on you' as you ascend the stairs. .The one on the balcony can reach as far as the cliffs at Calvert Mansion making it impossible to see where the missiles are coming from. Happy holidays!--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 02:35, September 24, 2012 (UTC) .

Another divergence?[]

In the real world the Point Lookout Lighthouse is at best four stories tall with a house around it but in the game it is about six stories high with no house around it. Given it was built in 1830 this would mark it as another pre 1946 divergence.--BruceGrubb (talk) 12:05, January 3, 2019 (UTC) Or it was rebuilt from the period between 2008 (F3 released) to 2077 (WW3), then passing 200+ years until Lone Wanderer get off the river boat Duchess. Think about it, pre2077 America pre-War is a super advanced society.Laclongquan (talk) 01:16, 21 January 2022 (UTC)
