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Fallout Wiki

OK, I'm having trouble figuring out how to get to this person i see on my radar to the right of the ferris wheel. The green dot is either up top on the roof where the tribals attack from, or between walls. I can't find a way up top, and i see no doors that would lead to an area in the center. I go to the other side of the wall and it says it's back towards the ferris wheel. Can anyone enlighten me on this situation, because it's driving me nuts that I cannot get to this person. -Silent

I noticed the same thing and spent a good 45 minutes trying to find them. Some one on the PC needs to turn of clipping and go up there to see.GodPlageon 03:47, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

ok, so i've gotten onto a rooftop on the opposite side (above Panada). i'm currently trying to make my way to the other side. i have found out however, only the ledges of the roof have a solid ground, and the middle of a rooftop you fall through, so my guess is that an NPC fell through the roof, but I'm going to continue trying to get to him/her.

THE ANSWER LEADS TO A NEW MYSTERY!!! ok, IN the wall, there is an occupied Pulowski Preservation Shelter with someone in it... however, it cannot be opened :(... we need someone to solve this mystery on the PC... oh and credit totally goes to me >.>... -Silent

Here is a picture of it


official hidden shelter discussion[]

While doing the quest "Thought Control", I noticed a green dot on my radar to the right of the ferris wheel, either on the roof or through the wall, indicating a friendly NPC. Upon getting on and falling through the roof, i found this hidden occupied Pulowski Preservation Shelter with someone in it. However, it cannot be opened in the Xbox 360 version of the game, so it is almost impossible to tell who is inside. This was first noted by myself (Silent), so please give me some credit.

image of the hidden shelter

It is apparently the brain. After having blown myself up several times throwing mines at the shelter, I got the message "The brain is unconscious." I believe that it may be what was used to have the brain's voice talk to you in that part of the quest.

brain health and "the brain is unconscious"

Interestingly, he glitches through the shelter while standing back up, and he has the same effect as a stealth boy, as he is transparent. But once the standing animation is complete, he goes back in the shelter.

invisible brain

Mystery solved. Oh, and sorry about the mess above this, i forgot to title it, so it couldn't be edited. -Silent (6-25-09)

ok, it's been noted before on the Calvert page. I updated the information there.


not sure if there is a page for this but there is a warehouse with loads of baby cariages in it (some with bombs) far to the left when you arrive. 14:16, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Brotherhood of Steel bug?[]

After completing the main quest and all of the sidequests except for the Blackhall one, I noticed a couple of Brotherhood paladins on the pier. They just stood there with their guns drawn and gave the same generic responses you'd hear from them in the Capital Wasteland. Didn't seem like a scripted event.

Screenshot: http://img79.imageshack.us/i/fallout3200907300051527.jpg/ - clockwork211 30 July 2009

Locked Locker?[]

There's a locked locker against the right wall when you come off of the boat, facing the ocean. It says it requires a key, but I haven't found it. Anyone got info on it?Foxi Hooves (talk) 06:35, February 26, 2013 (UTC)

Just continue doing the main questline and you'll eventually unlock it. --Kastera (talk) 13:51, February 26, 2013 (UTC)
Thank you. ^_^ Foxi Hooves (talk) 15:16, February 26, 2013 (UTC)