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Quest triggering[]

Getting the pickman's key triggers Pickman's Gift quest. This quest does not involve any of the steps described in the article, since you've already reached Pickman himself before starting the quest. The only step it has is get the gift, after getting which, the quest ends and you get the XP. I don't know if there's any other way to obtain this quest and the article doesn't say it. Which says to me that 90% of the article is a lie. 20:30, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

This would mean there's a massive gap between the quests Art Appreciation, which ends in the initial area of Pickmans Gallery, and Pickman's Gift. Either a quest exists between these two that's yet to be found, or, it's intended to be done completely independently. If this is true, then the guide needs to be updated to only show the last part of itself with heavy mention to everything else in the notes. DWEco (talk) 23:17, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

I wasn't able to trigger the quest at all. I did the investigate, then returned to Hancock after finding the note on the body. I had already completed The Big Dig so he first offered to be my companion. Then after talking with him gave the "I didn't expect you to bring me along" reward. All the misc quests involving him ended. I returned to Pickman's Gallery, let the raiders kill Pickman, collected his key - returned to the painting, got the knife and never did I see any quest. Tyler Szabo (talk) 02:15, February 22, 2016 (UTC)

Technically the quest is active (as viewed via console command "sqs 4ad05"), however, it will not appear in the Pip-boy unless Pickman survives his encounter with the raiders, even if you loot the key from his body and retrieve the items from the hidden safe. Thus, you will not receive any quest reward unless you rescue Pickman. The article maybe could make this more clear. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 23:37, March 4, 2016 (UTC)


Regarding the request to merge this with Art Appreciation, I agree that Art Appreciation (miscellaneous quest) is an introduction to this quest, but on the other hand, you can immediately return to Hancock upon collecting the holotape (which starts stage 5 of Pickman's Gift). So the two are distinctly separate quests in that you can complete either one independent of the other. Not saying they shouldn't be merged, but we would have to be careful how we worded the article to make this clear. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 22:40, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

It's been over three years since the merge was suggested and no progress has been made since. In my opinion, they are separate quests that deserve separate pages. I've decided to remove the merge box.
- FDekker talk 16:12, July 10, 2019 (UTC)