Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

3 Shots?[]

All I need is one.--OmnipotentPotato 21:09, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Now I see why they named it 'Patience' I love these kinds of guns. It even has a neat Mexican flag on it. How cute is that? --Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 21:35, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

For only three shots, I wonder if it will use one of the larger bullets. Guess we'll be having fun tomorrow. User:Great_MaraMessage 03:39, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

It doesn't need larger bullets, 1 shot kill on ANY body part on non-armored human targets. Nebenthe 23:44, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

For anyone who saw my rant hoping for powerful scopeless Rifles[]

My dreams have come true. I can't wait. an0my(talk) 23:45, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

This gun, will make me happy.OmnipotentPotato 01:25, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

I REALLY hope the adjust the sights this time. The stock hunting rifle's was misadjusted. ( 03:32, September 27, 2011 (UTC))bobby90

sometimes the most basic rifles are the best i mean this and medicine stick two of the most beutiful rifles ive ever seen --Corporal grif 03:57, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

I'm not Mexican, but the flag adds a nice touch.--OmnipotentPotato 04:46, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Hooray for it being sold in Novac, but how much does it cost?--Jolipinator 17:29, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Price? Well I'm guessing over 10,000 caps. --Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 17:35, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Please 'splain it to me? Without a scope, you can't see targets as far out, right? So wouldn't the perfect *best* sniper rifle have the most powerful scope, and accuracy? Ilove the rifle, don't get me wrong - but what am I missing? Peter_C 18:19, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Well, it does pretty stupid damage, even against lightly armored foes like legionaries, assuming you have a critical hit. While it's not especially good for long range sniping, it's hell on wheels at short to medium ranges. Which, to be honest, is what it's designed for. And boy is it awesome in that niche. Tyrasis 03:34, September 29, 2011 (UTC)
It's critical damage is double it's base damage which shines the most with a sneak attack critical and it has the lowest min spread of all two hand rifles. You won't be able to dispatch entire bases without the silencer, but it's still a sniper. If you find you can't hit anything with it sniping try not turning off true iron sights, they aren't aligned properly and your shots won't hit where they are supposed to. It's strong in medium/close ranges as well. The x2 crit multiplier synergizes with the VATS critical bonus. But with only a 3shot magazine all that reloading time will hamper you if you're fighting a pack of enemies close up. --an0my(talk) 18:59, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

From my own personal testing, the zoom from this weapon is equal to weapons with scopes, like the Sniper rifle or the Bozar. Have fun sniping. Dragofireheart 17:14, September 30, 2011 (UTC)

True. --an0my(talk) 19:00, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

Raul's New Weapon[]

Anyone else giving this to him? :D CaesarLegionSymbol Pony of the East CaesarLegionSymbol 22:46, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Heck naw, I'm keeping this baby for myself! Nebenthe 23:45, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Does anyone know if Cliff will stock this weapon at any level? Looks to me like it'd be a great cap sink for a lower-level character. Feed the rage. 00:02, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Yes I've been using this weapon since level 14 and it's so beast at mid level. --an0my(talk) 18:50, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

Cliff stocks it, and any GRA weapons and ammo at any level. I've tried and tested it, and it's hilarious when you finally scrounge up the money to buy it. The Cyan Dragon 18:31, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

I suppose you could give it to armored petro chico Raul, but the medicine stick is a much better choice if you got him as a vaquero. Kind of disappointed the Mexican flag weapon isnt affected by Old Vaquero to be honest.

I gave it to Raul after I convinced him to return to being a Vaquero gunslinger again b/c it says he is a master of hunting rifles and lever-action rifles, etc. It appears that he never uses it though! Is he able or does he use what you put in his inventory? By the time I had the caps to burn I bought it just to unload some stuff and balance the total w/ Cliff's caps! So I was set using my awesome YC-186 Gauss Rifle, 12.7 SMG+(laser sight, suppersor, stacked drum), Sparttel-Wood Gatl. Laser, Holorifle+(all the mods from the DLC), CVS7-Avenger, Sleepytime, Mysterious Magnum, Medicine Stick, Katana+, etc. You see my point? I don't want a beautiful gun like the Paciencia to gather dust in my inventory or weapons trunk at the lucky 38! It even has a Mexican flag on it PERFECTO for mi` amigo, Raul the Sly Mexicano Ghoul! Does he ACTUALLY use it though? I like to think he will, but it seems like he won't. Who can clear this up for me?(Not2shabbyBABY (talk) 13:52, August 23, 2013 (UTC))


can this be modded like a normal hunting rifle? -- 00:00, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

No, this weapon does not accept any hunting rifle mods. Feed the rage. 02:05, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Dam oh well its still good --Sinray 12:47, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

How do the mis-aligned iron-sights NOT affect accuracy?[]

The bullet does not fire on the crosshair. This definitely affects accuracy, maybe not greatly but definitely noticeable at long range. I'm going to change the note to reflect this. --an0my(talk) 19:59, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

Base id is 01, hence the additem code is 0100080c. I tried it and it works. Not sure how to edit that in the box, looks like its been booby trapped with wikicode.

I know this is sorta like necroposting, but for anyone coming across this, the misaligned sights are due to a bug in the meshes of the weapons in New Vegas, if you have the PC version, there's a couple mods that fix this, and it makes aiming with true iron sights so much easier. --ffs (talk) 03:27, September 27, 2012 (UTC)
Additem code is currently xx00080c (0500080c with all addons), so base id is xx. --AmadeoDeIstiniar (talk) 15:09, November 14, 2013 (UTC)

Are the iron-sights correctly aligned or not?[]

I have read from so many conflicting reports on this. This wiki claims the sights are correct (assuming no mods), but another wiki is saying otherwise: http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Paciencia

If someone can not confirm this without a doubt, I will do so later this week. 16:45, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

The Paciencia's iron sights are aligned properly in the vanilla game. That wiki said that it was misaligned to the right of the cross-hairs. That can only happen if the player installed the popular mod fixing 2-handed rifle animation by shifting it to the right a bit (or some other mod installed that mod without them knowing). Unfortunately, that also means that the Paciencia shifts to the right as well. You can easily tell if the iron sights are aligned by yourself. Simply aim down the sights and while aiming down the sights switch into 3rd person and switch back to 1st person (make sure you have the appropriate gun skills and are crouched).Mr01 (talk) 19:04, December 22, 2013 (UTC)

Paciencia have ben fixed in one of update but mods like YUP have included fix for some weapons that break Paciencia iron sights becouse of changes in

Fallout New Vegas\Data\Meshes\characters\_1stperson\2hraimis.kf.

Problem of sort[]

Not sure what is it, i like that rifle but for some reson its realy unefective for me in real time combat. I aim att target all is perfect i even re enter frst person to be sure my aim is corect but bulet so often fail to conect. Realy strange, just wonder if some one have similar problems?

I have come to conclusion that zoom on this weapon is to big to give you realistic perception when it come to chance to hit something especialy when your skill is not exceptional. I have noticed after using steady weapon sims to perform like you expect it when using iron sights. It wont make it same as sniper rifle but it sure will be awesom on its own way.
