Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Minor revision of the "additem" command[]

The article states, "To get Pa's Fishing Aid, use the console command: player.additem xx00D5B3 1 100"

As with all other items added via the "additem" command, it is completely unnecessary to add the "100" at the end. This simply tells the game to make the added item at 100% condition, which it will be anyway if no number is entered there. Therefore, the correct command would be:

player.additem xx00D5B3 1

I'm sorry... I must be extremely bored to nitpick about something like this. Still, it's good to know, especially if you use the console to add items frequently! P.S. Thanks for the code! Goin' fishin' for hillbillies soon... 07:23, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

hello everyone.i was stuck with the console command player.additem 0400D5B3 1 100 ,as i have the pitt,op.anchorage,broken steel and lately point lookout installed.so,i should use 04 as form id.but the damn thing finally wanted 03,not 04.it is the second item i get from the console,(i don t like to cheat in the games),another time i tried to spawn a slave collar to my inventory and it said it was equipped and noway i can find it. whatever,i suppose others have encountered this form id problem as well.so i hope this helped94.70.71.250 15:17, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Found the gun in game[]

Ok, so I'm really confused. I just found Pa's Fishing Aid in the covered bridge near Haley's Hardware. It says here that it was cut from the game. I have the PC version of the Game of the Year Edition. Is that the reason or is it a mod I have on it? I only have the mod that lets it work on Windows 7, and I don't think it adds any cut items. Ganondorf 15:50, February 22, 2014 (UTC)

I just checked the GECK for Point Lookout, it says that Pa's fishing aid is only located within a test cell that's impossible to enter within the game. Unless another add-on added it, which I'm checking, the only way for one to get it would be either console commands or modding. Paladin117>>iff bored; 16:19, February 22, 2014 (UTC)
It's impossible for an official add-on to add content from one add-on into another. They never do that. Load order issues and what not. The weapon is never in game in a non-modded version. One of this user's mods must have placed it (it must be a fairly popular mod, since I've heard of this placement multiple times). The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 17:12, February 22, 2014 (UTC)
Well, I do have the Unoffical Fallout 3 Patch that I forgot about. Maybe that added it. I was just wondering since I found it. It even said "This shotgun looks like it could teach you something" when picked up so i thought I'd check the wiki. Ganondorf 20:19, February 22, 2014 (UTC)
That makes sense. Like I said, it's got to be a pretty popular mod, since I see this alot. The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 01:23, February 23, 2014 (UTC)
It's added by the Point Lookout Goodies mod, which is included in the Unofficial Fallout 3 patch. The message refers to the fact that when you kill someone with it you'll find pellets on the body, and once you kill 10 people this way it awards you the Shotgun Diplomacy perk (+10% damage with shotguns). 21:10, September 18, 2014 (UTC)