Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Edits made during other edits[]

Please observe when wikia informs you that someone else edited the page while you were editing. Many improvements and wiki etiquette standards were recently replaced with the old stuff due to this. --ParallaxFallout 06:03, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Sorry if I edited some of your stuff. I was kinda pissed because I worked for a really long time to make the quest really good, but then it wouldn't let me post it. Thanks for the heads up though on the etiquette thing though. -- ArmoredKingyo

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. It's happened to me like 4 times today alone and each time I look and I'm all, "What the heck is going on where it's not accepting my edits." I just look at what someone has done, copy my edits and reload the edit page. I'll then copy my edits if it wasn't the stuff changed by someone else. Then, my edits and the other persons are both there without risking the other stuff being lost.

The etiquette stuff is just things like not needing the links to the same thing 50 times in an article. So if Great Khans appear 5 times, just the first Great Khans should be linked to their article. That's all I meant there.--ParallaxFallout 06:16, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah no problem. This is the first wikia I have every worked on so I'm kinda new to it. I will try to be more cautious in the future.

PC: Quest broken (big surprise)[]

I don't have a dialog option to talk to Moore about an NCR/Khans alliance after talking to Regis. My quest log says that I need only to talk to her about an alliance, but I have no option to do so. I've exhausted and re-exhausted the dialog options and I can't find it anywhere.

I have the same damn problem, I can't initiate the dialogue!!! I have done this quest three times and can't freakin complete it because it says to talk to her about an alliance and there is NO FREAKIN OPTION! Please Obsidian, for the love of god fix this or someone please post a workaround.

I killed karl before I knew he was useful...

long story short, I can't get evidence now. Can anyone help?

I feel like I might have made one misstep in dialog somewhere (HOURS ago), but it would be too far back to correct and the quest says I can still talk to Moore! I saved and played through the end of the game, supporting the NCR at Hoover Dam and the epilogue mentions the Khans fighting at Hoover Dam, but I didn't see any of them during the fighting! Anyone know how to reach into the console commands to correct this? tour86rocker 10:33, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

You might need to talk to Papa Khan first, (even though he refuses to consider it). So many quests are screwed, either not triggering properly or NPC's disappearing. If you get Regis the evidence the option might appear. I know I got the option, but Melissa disappeared so I couldn't take the path to convince his advisors and had to go an extra step, (this is in order to avoid killing Papa Khan.)
Ah ha! There is a way to fix this quest if you're a goody-goody two shoes! If you've already asked him to split with the Legion before this quest, type in the console command resetquest 00140c3a, this allows you to convince Papa to break up with the Legion, then he'll refuse anyway, but then the extra option of telling Colonel Moore about diplomacy should then appear. Was looking for a fix for weeks, then I saw the solution on the bugs section of this article. --Bottletopman 08:35, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

I'm not sure if it is the problem in every case, but when I used console commands to change my faction rep with the Great Khans from Vilified to Idolized the option to ally appeared in dialogue with Colonel Moore. The quest doesn't say good rep is required, but maybe it is required - just isn't mentioned.

The same thing happened, for some reason changing the faction to idolized works. I think it just has to be positive rep but I'm not sure.

Words n' stuff[]

I notice too many people in the "bugs" section getting hung up on the word "destroyed" in reference to the Khans. If they are not with Caesar then they have been "destroyed" as a political/military force so far as the NCR is concerned. Sure you can physically destroy them, but the word has a wider meaning.

By destroyed I'm fairly sure the NPCs are talking about them being literally destroyed, as there are also NPC lines about how the NCR massacred the Khans at Red Rock Valley.

Quest line does not include all parts[]

In Oh My Papa, after the first part where you go to the Hoover Dam and talk to the lady, I said i did not want to kill Papa and was dismissed. Then, the next part of the quest came up and it was not in the article. If I were to try and fix it, I would fail and mess it up so could some one add this?

Killing Papa fails quest.[]

I dont know what i did but yeah,follow the entire quest line only think i can think of is telling moore i wouldnt kill papa khan, but anyway after seeing he wasnt going to chsnge his mind about joining NCR i changed mine about killing him.

killing papa khan fails this quest and why cant we be friends, And i only get the option to say goodbye to regis afterwords... -- 06:38, February 16, 2011 (UTC)

Edit: Hmm i killed karl, and it reset the entire quest... going to follow it see what happens.

Note: In order to successfully assassinate Papa Khan, you must first start the quest and talk to Colonel Moore and accept the assassination plan. You don't have to kill him while he sleeps, either. With high enough Sneak (I have 50, it works), you can sneak behind him with a powerful silent unarmed weapon (I used Love and Hate) and kill him. If you do that, don't use vats, it'll make you move and the people will see you.

The toilet behind the house[]

This was long time ago, but I think I saw Papa visit the outhouse behind the Longhouse at some point during the night. This should provide an extra opportunity to assassinate him (assuming my memory can be relied on). Feel free to stake out the place with a silenced sniper rifle to confirm this =)

- Additional

Just noticed this myself; every day at 2:10pm Papa Khan makes a leisurely deposit in the outhouse. You can easily kill him undetected by waiting until nighttime, tossing C4 behind the outhouse, retreating to the yurts up the hill and then waiting til 2:10pm the next day. He flies right over the longhouse too! 22:57, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Legion Outcome[]

It states on the notes there is a legion way of completing his quest. What is it?

Great Khan's alliegance[]

Is there any way to get the Great Khans to side with the player for the independent outcome/What happens if you get them to side with the NCR but then complete the game in favor of Yes Man when you have full good Karma? Also, convincing the NCR to back down without bloodshed isn't a problem for me as I'm idolized by them and I have 90 speech along with a set of naughty nightwear and a few speech magazines with me at all times.

Well I went through all the endings really quickly to get the trophies, see what happens, etc. and in every single battle for Hoover dam the great khans showed up and helped me. I had never done oh my papa nor had I even entered red rock canyon, but I did help out jessup in boulder city and got a liked reputation with them, so apparently (or maybe it's just me) they will side with you depending on your reputation with them. 12:45, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

Restarting the Quest[]

I've always hated myself for doing this quest out of order and not being able to ally the Khans with the NCR, is their any way for me to restart the quest just prior to the attack on Hoover Damn without breaking the main NCR quest line? If so, please tell me how, it would be greatly appreciated. DonaldDarko 04:32, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Another bug fix[]

If Karl is disgraced through speech, but you do not want to travel to Caesar's fort to get the slave ledger, you can type "player.additem 00144674 1" to get the ledger.

That's not a bug fix. That's laziness. --Kris User Hola 22:24, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Regis problem?[]

Ok, so this problem is hypothetical for now because I don't know what I should do.

I disgraced Karl through speech and I want the NCR to be allied with the Khans. If I go to the Legion Fort and try to get the slave ledger (killing everyone in the process - because I wouldn't sneak around), would I have to kill Caesar to get to the ledger? And would this offset the game in anyway? I'm not too far into the main story (I have to meet Benny at the Tops - I don't know if that helps) so I don't know how much Caesar is going to contribute to the main story, which is what's causing my hesitation.


Well that depends! In some ways talking to him is really grate and in some ways killing him when walking in to the tent is really great to! I suggest that you ether read around the wiki (Ceasars page is a start) or do as you just feel like now and then do a second play trough and see what happens when you try the opposite rout.

Oh And another thing: Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Terrorblades - This is recorded live at 09:35, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Getting stuck after completion of the quest[]

On Windows version with the latest patch (, after completing Oh My Papa through diplomacy and convincing Papa khan to do a suicide attack on Legion, I got no update on "For the republic 2" quest and no new option when talking to Colonel Moore, She still wanted me to go to Red Rock Canyon. Removing the update didn't help. So I converted the savegame file to XBOX version with Modio and used it on unpatched Xbox version and then I got the option to tell Colonel Moore that the Khans are helping.

This happened to me as well. The quest marker is also stuck to the entrance/exit of the longhouse. -- 01:21, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

Dito above. Worked on my last playthrough, update issue?--Postapocalypto 04:20, December 8, 2011 (UTC)

Problem with Oh my Papa/for the republic 2/col. moore[]

Got the same problem as him: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/381372-problem-with-oh-my-papafor-the-republic-2col-moore/

But I din't use the cheat because of his problem afterwards, so is there another solution for this problem? I don't wanna kill the Khans.

I've done this a dozen different ways, tried every iteration and had no luck so far. Even resorted to console commands out of desperation. None of these solutions were effective. I'm basically at the part where I am trying (and failing!) to convince the Great Kahns to ally themselves with the NCR. After getting the uppity snob disgraced (i.e: bullet-ridden!) I then speak to Papa Kahn. I pass the Speech checks, ask him to ally with the NCR, ask him for time to implement a plan (which is granted) and then...... NOTHING It pops up a message about having destroyed them and reporting this news to Colonel Moore. When I started this mission, I choose to assisinate Papa Khan, but then noticed there were more peaceful options in the Mission Log, which I pursued diligently. So, given that I did all this, why am I not able to achieve my desired outcome? Or in fact, any outcome? Both Oh My Papa and For the Republic, Part 2 seem to be stalling at this point.

Anyone got some fixes? Will even accept console commands to reprogram the variables to my desired outcome. And resetting the For The Republic Mission didn't work, it just removed it from my log. Will try to reacquire it from Colonel Moore again and hope it fixes the problem! Tried talking to Colonel Moore again, all I get is dialogue about sightseeing and no way to restart/reacquire the mission. --Tilarta 06:47, April 21, 2012 (UTC)

Independence and Assassination[]

"(Optional) (NCR) Assassinate Papa Khan. Note: If you are doing the main questline Independent/Yes Man faction, you don’t want to pick this option." --- Just out of curiosity, why is it bad to assassinate Papa and then go for the Yes Man line? What happens?

They still fight for caesar. Please remember to sign your posts. Thanks.--Kingclyde 03:45, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, I made sure to update the main page for those who were interested in taking Yes Man's path. Pendejochy 07:13, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

Dianes trust and failed Aba Daba Honeymoon[]

Failing Aba Daba Honeymoon before getting it (I happened to kill Motor Runner) will advance the quest to "Find evidence the Legion persecutes drug runners" with a map marker to Anders. After freeing him and reporting back to Diane, she will give you a mildly suspicious package as if Aba Daba was the current quest, when you talk to her again after that she'll mention Motor Runner being dead.

Net result: A voice against Caesar and being permanently branded as a glitchy drug runner. 00:04, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Killing Papa Khan does nothing[]

So, I exhausted all conversation options with Papa, Regis, and Karl. I ran into the glitch where Regis doesn't start the conversation with you outside the Longhouse. I decided to Kill Papa Khan instead. I did it without getting caught. "Why can't we be friends" and "Oh My Papa" failed, but no other quests updated. The option to have Regis take over doesn't appear, the only speech option is "Goodbye". Only thing that works is wiping out the Khans, which I don't want to do. Anyway to fix this?

Can't find Melissa[]

There is a bug that after completing Don't Make a Beggar of Me you can't find Melissa at the Great Khan encampment. Googled it, lot's of people having the same problem, the character can't be found. I almost had given up the quest, but figured out that player.placeatme 000e595c is an eccelent workaround for this problem. 10:53, March 18, 2013 (UTC)

Infinite XP bug (FNV Ultimate Edition, PC)[]

I killed Motor-Runner failing "Aba Daba Honeymoon" (without obtaining the quest from Diane), then after some days I paid the Khans a visit (it's the first time I go to Red Rock Canyon). I broke the alliance with the Legion using Karl's Journal, and speaking with Melissa and Jack (no dialogue options with Diane, I guess she's not happy for Motor-Runner's death), then I convinced Papa Khan to annihilate the tribe with a suicide attack against the Legion (my sweet revenge for helping Benny to shot me in the face). Now I went around the canyon sneak killing every unnamed Khan I could see, just to sport. Then I killed Diane to see what would happen with Jack. Now everytime I speak with Jack I can re-take the speech challenge option (XP awarded) to convince him to break the alliance with the Legion. Et-voilà, infinite experience. -- 22:46, September 13, 2013 (UTC)

Can't Advance In For The Republic, Part 2[]

I am having the typical issue with which I cannot advance in For The Republic, Part 2 after completing Oh My Papa. However, the console commands don't work. If I put just the first in, it doesn't register the dialogue options that come after completing the quest, however if I use both it zooms in on her and then out without opening dialogue menu. Help? 02:39, September 17, 2013 (UTC)

Bug involving completion of "Oh My Papa" prior to beginning of "For the Republic, Part II."[]

So, I had previously completed "Oh My Papa," successfully convincing the Great Khans to abandon their alliance with Caesar. However, I am unable to complete the first part of "For the Republic, Part II" without killing the Great Khans, even though I wish to earn their support during the coming battle. Has anyone else encountered this bug, and if so, does anyone know how to correct it?

Karl's journal as proof for Regis?[]

It says in the article that if I choose to disgrace Karl by taunting him and having him lose his cool, then I can use his journal to convince Regis to not support the legion. This is the option I took, since I'm vilified by the legion and don't fancy sneaking around their camp to get the slave ledger. The very first thing I did was taunt Karl, who then was wasted by the Khans, and then I got his journal from his footlocker, but I have no option to talk to Regis about the journal. I've convinced all the others to not support the legion, but nothin' doin' with Regis. I'm guessing this means there's either a bug, or you can't actually use the journal for Regis, and either way it means I've got some sneaking to do.

For the record, when this first happened, I reloaded and took the journal first, and the quest immediately updated the optional objective to disgrace Karl without me even speaking to Papa Khan. I then reloaded again and got the same result as the first time (ie. taunting Karl followed by not being able to show the journal to Regis). I'm on the xbox, so I'm guessing there's no fix, but I thought I'd post this here anyway, in case anyone else has the same problem and wants confirmation that they're not crazy/it's not just them. Obax42 (talk) 04:27, June 13, 2014 (UTC)

Ah, nevermind, I misunderstood the article. Seems it went as it was supposed to and I'm just a poor reader... Obax42 (talk) 04:41, June 13, 2014 (UTC)


I've done everything except get the evidence for Regis and after leaving Red Rock Canyon manually I was approached by a messenger. He said something about Papa Khan wanting to speak to me immediately. I figure this sort of thing could be in the notes section?

The messenger and quest seems to be bugged together and might be the source for Great Khans randomly appearing near the player. "0014c49d" is the NPC's reference id and he spawns inside of Papa Khan's longhouse. He seems to be a unique Great Khan always with mutton chop facial hair and a level 12 sniper. The NPC's dialogue activates when the player achieves a good reputation threshold of 6 with the Great Khans (idolized?). The second condition is set to an invalid quest variable. He walks to the player since his dialog triggers at a distance of 0 to the player. After talking to the player, the quest's displayed objective should change to "Return to Red Rock Canyon and speak to Papa Khan" if "Oh My Papa" hasn't been completed. Nothing deactivates the NPC's AI so he'll try to talk to the player on every load and multiple times during the same session. Completing "Oh My Papa" and talking to him has no effect. He can enter player housing and take stuff if he gets too close to a container. He can kill important NPC's of other factions and the fiends of Three-Card Bounty via headshot. Getting mixed reputation or lowering reputation via console should fix it, but his AI needs to be reset prior to saving based on my tests. Boganon (talk) 05:50, March 1, 2016 (UTC)
I wanted idolized reputation with the Great Khans so I made a patch for my own game by changing the VRRCMessengerDialogue's second condition to compare VMS45,bPlayerMetPapa to 0.00 using the G.E.C.K. I wasn't sure where in Papa Khan's topics to set the variable so I left the him/the quest alone. A proper fix would probably set the variable to 1 after convincing him to break his alliance, assassinating him, or convincing Papa Khan to ally with the NCR. After installing the fix, I used the console to set "00140c3a".bPlayerMetPapa to 1 then prid "0014c49d" and deletereference to delete the messenger from his current position and saved the game. On loading, the messenger spawns in Papa Khan's longhouse, but just stands there. He's not crucial to the quest except to update the displayed quest objective from what I can tell. I'm not sure if there's any way to disable him permanently and have idolized reputation with the Great Khans without using the G.E.C.K. Boganon (talk) 05:50, March 1, 2016 (UTC)