Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Tron Suit[]

Has anyone noticed the similarities between the Neural Interface Suit and the one worn by the Tron Guy? http://www.tronguy.net/

That was totally RANDOM!

I will never be able to unsee that. Somebody, get rid of it! Nitpicker of the Wastes 18:48, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

I was just about to say that.Great minds stink alike. HuangLee 23:28, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

This suit is obviously a nod to the tron suit, and there has been enough discussion to warrant a mention in the wiki in my opinion. I came here to check if there was, anyway. --PaulyPorphyria (talk) 19:26, August 7, 2015 (UTC)

Recon Armor?[]

Isn't this just a re-skinned Recon Armor with different stats and therefore a unique Recon Armor? 19:50, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

Well, I wouldn't call it a unique Recon Armor - it doesn't really share any characteristics with Recon Armor other than the skin. It doesn't have any bonuses, it has a lot less DR and it can't be repaired with Recon Armor. -- Porter21 (talk) 20:05, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

why the hell did ausir delete my note that it looks similar to recon armor(which it does) i didn't say it WAS recon armor, i just said it looked similar.--User:SABOTAGE99

Because it already says the very same in the second sentence of the article? 18:45, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

ok i fixed it. User:SABOTAGE99


I picked up this suit from the Outcasts, but instead of entering the sim, I wore it to the point that it is now broken. I can not wear it to enter the sim since it is broken. I also can not drop it as it is a quest item. I also cannot have it repaired by merchants, when asking them to repair my equipment, this suit doesn't even show up as an option. Is there any way now to enter the sim, have it repaired or drop it to get rid of the 10 lbs of weight? (LaffyTaffy 03:45, 31 August 2009 (UTC))

Nope. Shoulda went into the sim straight away. Nitty 03:45, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

This whole quest is crap![]

The basic idea of Fallout 3 is the freedom to move where you like when you like, but with this mission you trapped inside until completion. OK, not so bad. But when the completion is blocked with a buggy ending its impossible not to get really ***** with it!

I completed this mission, kill the general - yeh right! I ended up repeatedly being suspended off the ground in a none interacting roll, able to look around but not finish the quest. What a pain!

Take the game back and your stuck with the Neural suit, you can't sell it and more importantly can't drop it - what a complete and utter waste carrying around quest after quest taking up valuable weight allowance.


Even though this article is old, no there isn't. It is worth completing the sim though, because you get loads of items that totally pwn. :D. AreYouGoingToEatThatNuke? 00:59, January 21, 2010 (UTC)

He can't complete the sim though, is his problem. A bug is preventing it, apparently. Tzaro the Outcast 01:41, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
Just un-install the DLC, then re-install it. Be wary though, as your save files will be voided until the add-on is downloaded again. AreYouGoingToEatThatNuke? 02:16, January 21, 2010 (UTC)

Two suits[]

I suspect that the two suits thing is to prevent people from re-entering the simulation after finishing it. I'll take a look at the scripting later to see if I can come up with a better answer than that, but that probably basically covers it. --Kris User Hola 19:11, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

I just came here to ask about the exact same thing. Seemed obvious that if you get a "different" suit after the simulation is over, and that despite being the correct suit (or so you'd think) to run the simulation again, it still says you need the Neural Interface Suit on to do so. I can't imagine any reason for having the two suits other than a way to let you keep the suit, while also blocking access to the sim. The real question is: If a PC user adds the pre-sim neural interface suit via console commands, could they redo the simulation, despite having finished the DLC quests?--Lancet Jades 10:49, August 25, 2011 (UTC)