Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Loading up Lonesome Road to get Location data for some conversation locations. User:Great_MaraMessage 02:13, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

All 6 references to the past of Courier 6[]

I have been through Lonesome Road twice as if a first walkthrough. I have asked every possible Question/Answer there is to choose. I have yet to find more than 4 references to the Couriers Past. Is this similar to the ten references (I mean eight) in Sierra Madre? Even this page indicates only four.

Coming out of the caves of abbadon, I've already run into 5, but I did have to reload a dialogue or two to achieve them. You can get 2 in the Sunset Towers dialogue, but you do have to be sure to ask Ulysses all the questions you can by demanding answers from him.

I was at 2/6 before sunstone tower, then during the speech at the roof of sunstone I got the remaining 4. 2 were during the first part of the speech and the last 2 were during the Q&A part.

I'm trying to get the remaining four in the Sunstone speech. Haven't figured it out yet. Does anyone have a conversation tree? Ava Elzbieta 20:34, October 27, 2011 (UTC)
