Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Fallout 4[]

Do we know it's referenced in Fallout 4? Where? JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 18:39, July 18, 2015 (UTC)

Deletion Candidate[]

Why is this article up for deletion? I hardly see how the moon is irrelevant in Fallout, as lunar activities and goals were a huge hallmark for the American Dream; a.k.a. the Fallout setting. I am actually going to go ahead and revert the deletion tag, as there is not even a supporting argument to justify its existence on this article. User:Sarkhan the Sojourner 18:45, July 18, 2015 (UTC)


All discussion regarding the deletion of this article is to be held on this forum.

Shining-Armor (talk) 19:47, July 18, 2015 (UTC)

How is the Moon a country? This should be a separate discussion from the pre-War countries issue. I'm against deleting this page because a number of major events in the history of the Fallout universe took place on the Moon. 00:01, July 20, 2015 (UTC)

Sea of Tranquility CONFLICT[]

Okay, so I looked over the deletion of the page of the Sea of Tranquility conflict's deletion. I'll accept that. But it cannot be denied that the event that took place was, indeed, an actual conflict. It's not reading too far into the mural in the Museum of Freedom. The writing is literally on the wall in this case.

The far left show a flag carrier during the Revolutionary War; there are "red coats" all over that side of it.

The big planes I do believe are are B-17s, but the configuration between those and 29s are quite similar... It's hard to tell from that angle. Either way, both saw heavy use in WWII. I don't know of any biplanes that were in use during WWII, but I found that the Boeing F4B was one. Maybe that part is supposed to be a connection between WWI and WWII because of that battleship in between the plane types; I might be wrong. The tank appears to be a M26 Pershing. The helicopter is probably a R-4 "Hoverfly"...

Basically, one or both World Wars are referenced there. After that the only conflict that's been brought up pre-War... is the Resource Wars, which isn't mentioned on that mural because it was during said war that the world ended. Then Fallout 4 brings the Sea of Tranquility into question... So, we have Revolutionary War. World War(s). A question mark. Then Anchorage. Something tells me that those planes above the guy in the space suit are *not* part of the WWI/II section of that mural, and they're too far left to be part of the Anchorage section.Aside from that, there's the gun in the astronaut's hand, and that missile that is launching in the background.

I don't think it's fair to say just "oh, something happened in the Sea of Tranquility, but it's okay 'cause we dunno what it was". It was clearly a fight of some kind against an as of yet unknown aggressor.

Oh, damn you, Bethesda... Sprinkle a little bit of conflict into the real world why don't ya? Oh wait...
