Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Potential addition. Relevant? Self-evident?[]

"Mr. Gutsies in Fallout 4 also have different voices in comparison to versions in previous games. While still mostly heard saying the same anti-communist and patriotic slogans, their voices are far less metallic in nature than in previous entries in the series."

Would the above edit be a relevant addition to the page? Just thought it would be a interesting piece of trivia, although it would be obvious to anyone who's played, say, both FNV and FO4. --ClockworkMinuteman (talk) 20:26, May 29, 2016 (UTC)

Brotherhood and Gunner Lieutenant Astro-Gutsy[]

If anyone knows the base id for any of these, leave it on my talk page. I can't find them in the console. SierraX (talk) 18:23, October 23, 2016 (UTC)

Patrol Gutsy and Curfew Gusty[]

Are there dialogue files for the random encounter Mister Gutsy instances too? Great Mara (talk) 23:50, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
