Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I've tried this "mini nuke trap", and it doesn't seem to work. Should someone possibly remove this, or am I not doing it right? I used a bottlecap mine, so I'm not sure...

Yes, I've tried trick too and only damage done was when undetonated Mini Nuke flew throught air and hit me in eye. Can someone confirmed, that this trick is functional? J.i.gorkij 22:39, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
I too cannot get it to detonate the nuke, I've removed it from the pageDragonJTS 18:20, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

Car explosion[]

Does anyone else think that car explosion are exactly the same as a mini-nuke in terms of game mechanics? They look similar, both radiates the surrounding, and both would kill you if you are close enough. --Voidvector 12:07, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

I too have have found this to be the case. I suspect, though, that the car explosions would do less damage and have less radius, but I have no proof. --Shizaara 05:45, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

Yes, the explosion is pretty similiar probably because all the cars before the war were powered by nuclear fuel. That is why it also emmits radiation after the explosion. --User:Hugsy 7:53, 26 November 2008 (GMT+2)

Oh really? Very interesting. I actually wondered if that was the case, so I'm glad you cleared that up for me! --Shizaara 06:53, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
But the cars WERE NOT running on nuclear engines. Those were electric engines powered by batteries. Shaur M. S. Grizlin 07:02, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

A terminal at the tech museum seems to imply that the vehicle engines are, in fact, nuclear. I'd say the nuclear detonations of the cars seem to evidence this as well.

The explosion from cars is called 'FusionCarBatteryExplosion' and only has damage 50 at a radius of 594. The Fatman's explosion does 1600 damage in 800 radius. Wtf did they even implement the MIRV for? Anyway, the car explosions are only relatively more dangerous when they happen in proximity to other cars, which can happen in quite a lot of places, compounding the damage and radiation. Bus explosions deal 200 Damage to a radius of 1200, so they can hit you from further away, and the closer you are to the epicenter the less distinguishable they are from eating a Mininuke. And all of these explosions leave trace radiation damage.-- 05:28, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

yes its the same graphical look but not the same in damage stats. if you had some free time and if you have the game on the pc, you can take a long gander at the construction kit( the geck) and you would see that explosion for the car and the mini nuke are the same graphical look but diifernt name.so they are 2 exploasions. you might say "they look exactely same" and yes they are. there 2 because each one has differnt stats so they had to make two but keep the explosion looke the same.--That70sdude 20:14, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

The cars in FO3 are based on a 1949 Ford nukiline, it was deamed to dangerous to open to the public due to its very fragile, very explosive designNukacolacap 16:54, December 7, 2009 (UTC)nukacolacap

Do check your facts child. Ford Nucleon never entered prototype stage and remained wishful thinking. Not to mention that nuclear power plants 'do not explode in a mushroom cloud. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 00:07, December 8, 2009 (UTC)


does anyone sell this proudct and then restocks.(not including cheif gustavo, we had a little incident where my umm terrible shot gun "malfunctioned" in his face, what a foolish "mistake")

Try Flak & Shrapnel's. They always seem to be in stock, though I haven't checked after the patch.

for some reason, neither of them showed up to the store and i waited for two days(in game time)help,appreciated --That70sdude 00:17, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

more than 59[]

The official guide lists 71 locations. I'll look into it and update the list. Dcruze 17:23, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

There are 59 total, in Fallout 3. Another is included with the Operation Anchorage DLC package and is at the bottom of this list, making for 60 total.
I just added a bunch, recounted and of all things my count came to 59, I did lower the GNR one to one, it's listed in the guide as being one, tho I'm not 100% sure.
I noticed the GECK lists number of uses as 59, but it doesn't take into count the ones on traders and behemoths.

Dcruze 19:19, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

That should be all of them, except for one Enclave encounter east of Farragut West Metro Station (14,12). Sometimes located with or on the Enclave troops dropped on the bridge by a Vertibird.

Dcruze 20:29, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

I found another one that, as far as I can tell, is not on the list. I found it on an overhead light inside VAPL-58 Power Station.(it was near the door (on the 360)) The number of mini nukes might have to be bumped up :D NOTE: this one is different from the one that is north of the power station. - I added it onto the list. Achilles308 23:13, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

I used the guide to find them and got 68 without buying any Falloutmasta 22:25, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

Cool, please sign your posts. Thanks!

I have found all the Mini Nukes that the Prima game guide has listed, and that doesn't count the ones that I have bought. I currently have 99 in my inventory, and don't see buying three from Flak'N'Shrapnel's every 24 hours (I think this is the restock time) for the indefinate future as coming to an end anytime soon, thus making the amount available infinite. Portfan


Can mini-nukes be detonated by shooting it?

No. I've tried a billion times.

I can't freakin' find any![]

The only way I can ever get a Mini Nuke in my inventory is by killing Overlords (Super Mutants) for the nubs :(. But Overlords never drop any for me!

Contribution by Missionary105. Find me on Xbox Live!

It's farily uncommon for them to drop them, but they do occasionly.--KnightNapier 01:13, December 2, 2009 (UTC) you can blow them up with a pulse mine but it has to be right on it/

One more in Point Lookout[]

I found one more in a wooden "box" in the bottom of the sea right under the buoy behind the riverboat. Not inside a searchable box.

Confirmed. But it's not a wooden box. It's a half buried non-movable metal "crate" used in offices as open trash bins The Pastmaster 14:16, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Infinite Mini-Nukes?[]

Would it be possible to use the Alien Power Cell glitch (Putting a APC in the inventory of a Raider and having them spawn ammo.) to get infinite Mini-Nukes? Maybe by giving them one Mini-Nuke then dropping the Experimental M.I.R.V. for them to spawn 7 more. --FishyStick

Someone of the Beth Forum said that the M.I.R.V. is a Player character only weapon. Whether it's true or not you have to be pretty fast to kill whom ever picks up the weapon. 06:32, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Just tried it like an hour ago, nobody seems to pick up the MIRV or even the Fatman when standing right over it. Not even super mutants....I'll keep trying

Adams Air Force Base[]

What about the mini nukes located in Adams Air Force base? I already listed two that I found earlier on the article, but there is still one more in the area that isn't listed.

Well I don't think you can have infinate mini nukes but in the shop Flak N' Shrapnels in Rivet city, they sell mini nukes so you could just have their inventory reset and buy more nukes from them. That is the only way i have heard of.

restocking merchants in new vegas?[]

do any exist?

Infinite amount in Fallout: New Vegas[]

I think it should be noted that it's possible to obtain an infinite amount by killing the boomer (the one with a Fat Man) waiting a few days till he re-spawn and coming back to kill him again, i have tested this twice on PS3. --MK九千九百九十九 18:13, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
