Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Do we know for sure he's an android? He does sleep. Fat Man Spoon 20:01, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

Most probably its just a rumour, no-one ever says he's an android.

Could be possible[]

Harkness claims that he sleeps eats and bleeds, and he is an android.

If you listen to Dr Zimmer, he says they created androids that eat, sleep and even bleed.--Kingclyde 06:30, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

He DOES sleep![]

I found him in the bed underneath the staircase, so I killed him with Mister Sandman. SuSpence95 07:05, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

He is an essential character and cannot be killed--Kingclyde 07:10, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
I'm not lying, but I killed him. I snuck up and killed him with Mister Sandman. Honest to god! SuSpence95 07:14, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
And why is it that it says corpse loot on the Article? SuSpence95 07:15, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
Wait I thought we were talking about Harkness, that is what started thinsm though why it isn't on harknesses page is beyond me?--Kingclyde 07:18, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
Oh, yes Harkness is essential, I don't know why the above posts mention him, but this is about the Mercenary in Moira's shop. He CAN be killed. SuSpence95 07:27, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Ding, Dong, the Merc is dead![]

Early in the game, I thought I would be funny and hack Moira's terminal. Soon afterwords, the merc turned hostile. I killed him and looted his inventory, while Moira ran outside. Until I read this, I thought he was just a random encounter or that the Talon Company or Burke had sent him. And yes, I am fairly sure he's dead. He doesn't appear in Craterside Supply anymore.

Easy prey[]

Killed him early in the game while remain [hidden] in a corner in the upper section of the store with the silenced 10mm pistol (you can pickpocket it from Mister Burke), although you will need a high sneak skill and is advisable to do it in VATS mode straight to his head and with high AP (more consecutive attacks) so you dispatch him before he or Moira reacts to the attack. After that, stealing from Moira shop (and pickpocketing your money back from her repairs to your inventory) works like a charm...--MyLastDays (talk) 08:42, March 6, 2013 (UTC)

Better name[]

Several mercenaries appear in Fallout 3, so this should probably be renamed to specify that this article applies to the one in Craterside Supply. 00:50, May 15, 2013 (UTC)

But none of the other mercs in the game are actually called 'mercenary'. There are Talon Company mercs, Tenpenny's hitmen, Reilly's Rangers, et cetera which have the occupation of mercenary, but are not called as such. So really, this is the only actual 'mercenary' in Fallout 3, making renaming the page unnecessary. --Kastera (talk) 01:35, May 15, 2013 (UTC)
Several dead mercs appear across the wasteland. Each one is labeled "Mercenary" in-game, so there are more than just this one. 01:40, May 15, 2013 (UTC)
Maybe "Craterside Supply's Guard" or "Moira's Bodyguard" would eliminate any possible confusion.-- 01:32, June 30, 2013 (UTC)