Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dead and Gone[]

Nope, once they're dead, they're dead and there's nothing you can do about that.[intelligence] However, a new settler will come forth and fill the void which you have created in the settlement of Megaton.Nukacolacap 17:00, December 4, 2009 (UTC)nukacolacap

So you're saying the the unnamed Megaton Settlers respawn after they die?

I was curious about this as well. I tend to use merc clothing, and it gets to be a bit of a pain to find more to repair it with (honestly it's easier to find tesla armor than merc gear, save for wiping out paradise falls). I was curious if i could off some of the megaton settlers carrying it, then just wait until the town calms down (and hopefully more settlers will appear) , then repeat.

Problem with getting daily freebie from Megaton Settler[]

I'm shocked that nobody else has posted anything about this. I play on Xbox360 and I've noticed that after obtaining a follower (Star Paladin Cross) and Dogmeat I am no longer having an eager Megaton Settler chase me around to give me freebies anymore. My karma has not changed other than a few pickpockets here and there. I still have extremely high karma and don't understand why it's been days without an appearance. Anybody have any clues? I would try dismissing either or both of my followers but I like having them too much! --Coldwinds 08:20, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

On my first playthrough the settler stopped showing up as well. Honestly I was relieved! It gets pretty damn old having them stop you every time you fast travel to megaton or step out your door. Its not like you really need the stuff they give you, well at the beginning maybe, but after a while you should have scrounged plenty of supplies on your own. In my game the character simply disappeared. The sheriff disappeared as well. Its just a glitch and has nothing to do with having a follower. 01:50, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

It is very likely she has literally fallen off the map, rather than anything regarding followers. Happened to me a couple of times...her, Billy Creel, Nathan, Confessor Cromwell and Lucy West.

See here for solutions. Sometimes she can just be stuck in the Ladies' Room, too.

EDIT: haha, after posting this, I went for a trip over the wall and found our gift-giving woman and Lucy West out in the void yet again... Got 'em home OK (360) ComaDivine 13:29, February 10, 2010 (UTC)

Could some Megaton Settlers be theives?[]

Sombody reported to me that a settler was surprised while stealing in the Lone Wanderer's Megaton house. After a short chase, and some carefull interrogation (namely with a sledgehammer to the head) a bunch of stimpacks were found in his inventory; later reported as missing from the Lone Wanderer stash. Since it was impossible to get a confession from the suspect, I wonder, could this be possible? Do I need an alarm system on my Megaton house (I thought that my Mr. Handy fellow came with this option) or to extermine the settlers present then when more come? Is Dogmeat not a guard dog? MotrinXtraFort 09:33, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

I seriously doubt this is a possibility. The NPC would have to be scripted to enter your house and take random items. If that were the case many more players would have noticed that happening and reported it by now seeing as its been out over a year already. A more feasible explanation of what your friend may have seen was a scripting glitch where the NPC spawned in his Megaton home and immediately left. Most likely the Stimpaks where something the character had in his inventory already. ReapTheChaos 02:39, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Don't know whether this is relevant, but the Bugs section of Pek states:
  • "They are also known for stealing items from the locker next to the "kitchen" in your Megaton house (since it is not correctly set to be owned by the player)".
If the NPC spawned in your house, could they steal without scripting? 14:53, December 13, 2011 (UTC)

UFD? NO![]

No! Listen to sparky! Possibly Mothership (doubt it) Zeta but NOT UFD.
Stop adding it!
JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 21:47, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, but it could be ANYTHING, there is over 200 locations in FO3 and it would be highly unlikely, it is a UNIQUE encounter. More likely a Vertibird or even a Deathclaw with a fork in its throat. Sparky talk ??? .

OK! No UFD?! FINE! I fixed my entry for that MORE than once! But why deleting the entire entry, when it just improves the wiki by adding notes of a conversation (clearly one step over the usual level of conversation of Megaton settlers) that is not referred to anywhere else? You could just remove the part of the UFD and leave the rest.

GNR Quest[]

The "Effects of player actions" section currently states "This may be triggered after completing the quest Galaxy News Radio, maybe as a sign of your deeds and the radio's popularity." However, I skipped the Galaxy News Radio Quest by going straight to Dr. Li (and have never been to GNR), and I've recently started getting daily gifts. 14:34, December 13, 2011 (UTC)

Can gifted items be relevant?[]

This was probably just a coincidence. On my first encounter with the Megaton Settler, I had Advanced Radiation Poisoning and she gave me RadAway! Since then I have been at full health and been given a StimPak, so I know it isn't always relevant. Has anyone else experienced similar correlations? Getting money if you're poor? 15:02, December 13, 2011 (UTC)

Ethnicity changed for the first time.[]

Level 16 Hero of the wastes.The Ethnicity of the people bringing me gifts has suddenly changed. What should I do?-- 17:15, June 10, 2012 (UTC)
