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Fallout Wiki

Verification needed[]

A verification is required on :

  • the quest name,
  • the potential rewards,
  • the quest type.

--YoDsanklai (talk) 12:17, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

The internal name which is probably never shown is '[DN123 - Skylanes Flight 1981]', it has the following objectives:
20 Investigate the Crash Site
30 Meet Ness at the Crash Site
40 Secure the Crash Site
50 Collect your Pay
--Alfwyn (talk) 17:36, December 27, 2015 (UTC)

If anyone needs to reset the quest (i need to. Ness isn't talking to me for some reason), the quest ID is DN123.

--Rendarg86 (talk) 17:08, December 27, 2015 (UTC)

This is a complete list of all items in the Secret hidden compartment that Ness will claim for herself after she splits all other loot in the crash site area with the Sole Survivor.

  • 0.38 round (25)
  • 10 MM Pistols (5)
  • 10 MM round (64)
  • Buffout (3)
  • Fusion Cell (30)
  • Med-X (4)
  • Pre-war money (25) comprised of 25 $100 US dollar bills.
  • Rad-x (8)
  • a piece of paper known as the Skylines Smuggling Manifest which lists all these items as well at the date of the flight and its flight route including point of origin and its destination.

User YoDsanklai you were wondering about Potential rewards, i gave the list of rewards that Ness is trying to seek, i cant do a complete list of the items in the suitcases that Ness will let the player loot due to there being numerous items as well as the random possibility of what you will find .Most likely various clothing items will be found in the suitcases. Its interesting to note that some of the clothing items in the suitcaes are not always common items such as the case with the hidden secret compartment for instance i found a sequin Dress. An iv only found a couple id Sequin dresses in the whole game so far. Where as all of the items in the Ness treasure box are very common, also there not completely randomly generated either, so i listed them here just in case any one cares. i seen other do a walk though of this side quest to find out that some items in the treasure box are random while others were not. Promethius20 (talk) 11:08, August 6, 2016 (UTC)

I didn't see anyone else say it, so I'll verify for the record that the name and type are correct. Felice Enellen (talk) 07:06, October 26, 2016 (UTC)

Ness value[]

Is there any point in letting Ness live after you've collected 200caps (persuasion in random encounter) + 100caps(persuasion at site, after clearing the raiders?

Actually there is a point, you might need to randomly find Ness again to loot another crash site, also it is known that another crash site at the far harbor expansion pack exits so we might see Ness again in the Expansion game of Far Harbour as well if we dont kill her and let her take her precious treasure of Chems and Guns. besides the point, every single item in the hidden secret compartment with the exception of the manifest paper work was a common item with like no major value as there extremely common items so no need to fret about the chems and 10 milimeter guns there so common, let Ness have these common items take your reward and go and then maybe you might find her again later in the expansion game known as Far Harbor. Promethius20 (talk) 11:23, August 6, 2016 (UTC)

Unable to Obtain Quest[]

After half a dozen playthroughs and not once triggering this quest, I did some digging in the CK and discovered that the script which handles random events will only trigger this one time. If you miss her for any reason, it sets stage 1000 on RETravelSC01_DN123SkylanesPointer, which moves Ness to a hidden cell and will never trigger the encounter again. I tried resetquest 684d1 which in theory looks like it should allow the encounter to trigger again, but haven't seen it happen yet so I'm not putting it on the page as a possible resolution. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 08:41, June 28, 2016 (UTC)

Turns out it is more complicated than that. When the bug occurs and Ness gets sent to the test cell, several variables are set which apparently prevent the RE event from triggering. Thus DN123 (the actual quest itself) is stuck at stage 10. I haven't messed with quests since Papyrus was introduced, so maybe someone with more knowledge can figure a fix for this bug that we can put in the article. Short version: if you miss Ness for any reason, this quest will be unobtainable. This can be easily checked from the console via sqs 684d1. If stages 10 and 1000 are set and nothing else, that means you missed her and she didn't even get a chance to greet you and is thus now stuck in a test cell. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 14:12, June 29, 2016 (UTC)

Thats not true, i missed Ness my first time way back a few weeks ago when she was on the railroad tracks near Tenpines becasue she was engaded in combat with the Brahmin seller woman named Kelly. for the past few weeks i had not seen Ness again, but then yesterday i was wandering around near the cambridge police station early in the morning and then found her all by her self with a trader nearby and his 1 mercenary body guard heading to Vault 81 about 2 city blocks from her. so i put in the cheat tai and then the cheat tcai to turn the npcs and there combot off so she would not attack the trader up the road and then i got near Nexx and then turned the npc's back on using the tai code then i watched the trader and his mercenary walk away from me and Ness and so then i talked to her an then got her mission completed i listed all the items in the secret compartment that this treasure hunter has sought after and will find. its simply not true that one encountered you never ever see Ness again although if you do see Ness the first time and the encounter gets fubar'd due to a combat session with other NPCs dont get envolved walk away and dont kill either ness or any other NPC shes engaded in combat with and this will increase the chances of the game player finding Ness again.

Its possible that when you tried to do that reset quest cheat you broke your version of the game, your not supposed to do that reset quest thing for her, like i said if you see Ness engaged in combat with other NPCs just walk away and then hope to find Ness later on at another possible random encounter site she might travel to. Promethius20 (talk) 11:16, August 6, 2016 (UTC)

It was true at the time actually. I did not make a save after any of the attempted fixes. I was only debugging. You also seemed to miss the part about checking quest stages to see if the bug had occurred. Somewhere around the 1.6/1.7 patch (both released between my comment and yours), they seemed to have fixed many of the issues with random encounters. I'm actually testing this encounter again right now with 1.9 to see if I can still reproduce the issue as consistently as I did back in June, but I think we can probably mark this as fixed now in the article. If anyone else can verify this, we can update the bugs section. I'm 90% sure they fixed it though. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 19:38, February 19, 2017 (UTC)

Alternate Outcome?[]

In my game, Ness didn't pay me, citing something about how I didn't help out in the fight. May be an alternate outcome if you aren't involved enough in the fight against the raiders. Could someone look into this with the CK? --That Same Anon (talk) 02:13, March 20, 2020 (UTC)
