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Fallout Wiki


So, in Van Buren’s back story, It was Jeremy Maxson’s desire to expand the BOS eastward. In the year 2231, Jeremy Maxson was leading a thriving Brotherhood of Steel. Jeremy decided that it was time to expand BOS operations into the east. He sent an expeditionary force composed of five paladins to confirm the location of Peterson's bunker. The expedition leader, Andrea Brixley, discovered the bunker, disabled its security, and opened it for habitation. For over a decade, she and her fellow paladins explored the east and forged relationships with many of the tribes that inhabited the area. In the year 2242, Jeremy Maxson renamed the bunker after his famous ancestor, Roger Maxson. He then sent a full complement of troops for occupation. Andrea Brixley was promoted to Elder, given the rank of General, and placed in charge. The remainder of her exploratory team was given the title of Elder as well. It was not long afterward that the war with the New California Republic was announced. This war is mentioned in FONV. The bunker is located in southern Colorado. Caesar mentions he has captured a few BOS patrolling his most eastern borders(which would be southwest Colorado.) Knowlook at other clues, the bunker itself. It was built before the Great War for Senator Todd Peterson. "It was built through secret dealings with Poseidon Oil and a covert branch of the government known as the Enclave." Poseidon Oil was the developer of the governments communication network(PoseidonNet) and used by NORAD and again the Enclave. The Enclave were responsible for monitoring the Vault Experiment Projects. Peterson’s bunker may have had access to this network. When the BOS arrived and seen the data concerning Vault 87, they would have became aware of the failed FEV experiment. They also could have learned of the technological wealth that could be scavenged (Libery Prime) on the east coast. The bunker had its own library, you would have to assume full of government data. The BOS were sent to the East coast to reestablish communication with the midwestBOS(probably due to the war with NCR) with the west coast BOS. They failed to do this as stated in FO3. They were sent to scavenge tech, and to assess the Super Mutant threat. So I think the Maxson Bunker had a big influence on the BOS going to DC.--Wert1978 (talk) 20:55, May 12, 2013 (UTC)

What state is this supposed to be in anyways?[]

So, this article, as well as a few others, identify the location of this bunker as being in southern Colorado. So, knowing that the Midwestern Brotherhood had also been present in Colorado, I wanted to know exactly where in Colorado Maxson Bunker was, to get an idea of how close the two chapters were to one another.

Long story short, I looked up Maxson Bunker on the Van Buren map... only to discover that it was not, in fact, even in Colorado at all. The map clearly places it in Arizona, as evidenced by the fact that the Van Buren map shows state borders. Maxson Bunker isn't even close to Colorado, so why do this article and others claim it's in Colorado?

Look, I've never played Van Buren, I don't know whether some in game information says it's in southern Colorado, and maybe that's why the wiki says what it does, so I didn't want to just edit things without all the information. But I feel like someone should look into this contradiction. I mean, the fact that it appears in Arizona should at least be mentioned somewhere on the article I would think.

--2605:A000:BD4B:7600:2506:494D:30D0:C46B 00:57, November 7, 2017 (UTC)

I haven't played Van Buren either, but if I look at this world map it looks like you're right (I double checked that the map was not upside-down by comparing the locations of Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon). However, I do not know where this map came from. Maybe it's fan-made?
The reason the articles say it's in Colorado is because design documents say so. Considering that the game was never fully released, this may be some sort of inconsistency they meant to correct later. But maybe the map's just wrong. I don't know.
- FDekker talk 06:24, November 7, 2017 (UTC)

You know what, I'm gonna try to get to the bottom of this. I'm downloading Van Buren right now, and I'm gonna see if I can find Maxson Bunker in either the location it is on the map or the location it says in the design document.

This could take a while, though. I was never really very good at the old 2D Fallout games.

--2605:A000:BD4B:7600:F006:A4F3:83B0:9884 14:11, November 7, 2017 (UTC)

Unfortunately, all you can play of Van Buren is the demo, which doesn't include the Maxson's Bunker. But i'm pretty sure it being next to Arizona on the map is just a typo, if the design documents say its in Colorado, then it should be in Colorado. 123123abcabc (talk) 14:14, November 7, 2017 (UTC)

Oh. Well, that's disappointing. --2605:A000:BD4B:7600:11E2:6A83:D517:CE92 14:20, November 7, 2017 (UTC)
