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Fallout Wiki

Pirate radio?[]

Is this a play on that movie with Phillip Seymour Hoffman?


Perhaps, but I believe it has more to do with the "pirate" radio that the movie you mentioned was based, less with the actual movie.
(Use ":" to indent wikitext - spaces for "preformatted" text), 17:04, January 14, 2011 (UTC)

This is just sport :

You said " Location designer Dini McMurray commented on the inspiration for this location "The inspiration for it came from when I was at the University of Oregon, every Saturday there was a guy who stood on a corner of the campus where everyone walked by. He had a personal microphone and speaker and would just babble on and on about one government conspiracy theory or the other. The radio shack was what I imagined he would have put together if he upgraded from travel speaker to pirate radio."

When I stopped reading .. I thought .. "I COULD BE THAT GUY" ~ "I JUST NEED A COOL TRAILER & a sweaty mattress "

  • Are the really that many ss's in "mattress" ? I never really think I thought this radio station was BROKEN just " UnUsed for a moment.. I can sleep here. I could fix this shit & carry on from where this crazy fuck who feared the wold would end left off..
  • Lone Wolf Radio should be RESURRECTED

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 15:38, January 29, 2013 (UTC)


According to some on the official forums, this is has safe storage and can be used as a safehouse of sorts, can anyone confirm?

It has a cool name/location, would be nice to use for storage. 15:53, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

it has a bed, and i'll put something i don't need in it to try and confirm safe storage...this could work as a functional house. just have to clear out all that junk...or you could have set up a base here to roleplay you're own radio station, not that anyone would listen to it.

I have slept their and never been harassed.

  • The test would be to drop items, place them on a shelf. Save game quit & return after a mission or so save and quit again .. If the items you placed are still there.. I'd call it a home.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 07:35, January 30, 2013 (UTC)


Seems more similar to Woody Harrolson's character's mobile radio station than Pirate Radio.

Mojave Music Radio[]

It might be the source of the Mojave Music Radio if you go in it that's the station that's playing i might be wrong so I'd like opinions.

One would think the location would be called "Mojave Music Radio" in that case. -- 03:14, February 15, 2011 (UTC)


I think it might be in some dlc.You get lured off by a raido signle(I know i suck at spelling) And a taken alive by a talking deathclaw:D.

Is this part of Lonesome Road?[]

I think that this might be where Ulysses contacts you on the radio. Does anyone else think so?

Could be, it is right next to the Canyon Wreckage which might be where the DLC is.


In Fallout: New Vegas what was the story with “The Lone Wolf Radio Shack” was it always meant to be abandoned or was it something that never got finished?
It was always meant to be abandoned. From Dini McMurry, the designer of that part of Fallout: New Vegas: “It was there to serve as an abandoned location to find tech based materials, nothing official story wise. I figured there was probably at least one crazy person near Vegas who would have had their own pirate radio station. He was the Lone Wolf against the world/government/etc… The guy who always has some conspiracy theory going on that he has to share with the world. (The inspiration for it came from when I was at the University of Oregon, every Saturday there was a guy who stood on a corner of the campus where everyone walked by. He had a personal microphone and speaker and would just babble on and on about one government conspiracy theory or the other. The radio shack was what I imagined he would have put together if he upgraded from travel speaker to pirate radio).

Agent c (talk) 02:07, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

There is a some sort of creepy pasta going around, which says that the radio was actually owned by some sadistic psycho which murders children in some time between 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM, and If you listen to the broadcast in 3:00 AM, you get a quest called Little Dead Riding Hood, which let's you either kill him or join him. Joining him means that you'll be able to kill children in game. So, If anyone have any information on this, can they confirm if this is just a rumour or not?

--Webemperor (talk) 02:23, February 27, 2013 (UTC)

There is no evidence of such a quest existing in the G.E.C.K. Nor have I found any details of it beyond the tumblr post the rumour spawned from. Warnock -- 09:49, April 18, 2013 (UTC)

--PaulyPorphyria (PaulyPorphyria) 13:39, August 03, 2013 (CDT)

Yeah brother, that is and is only what it is. Creepy pasta. I love pirate radio, I almost always set up camp here, and I love playing Evil characters, but there is nothing to support any of that. Good story though.

--Jettclass (Jettclass)16:06, July 18, 2014 Of course it's not going to be on the G.E.C.K. it's an abandoned quest. If it's a creepy pasta, it's definitely not going to be on there. I love to play as a bad guy also, love the armory, weapons, fear and all that.. but I don't want to play as a child killer! Jesus, who knows, that might be even illegal to do in-game and actually get you arrested. Nice story though guys.

the coordinates on pipboy[]

showmap 1531fd

did you mean "last words" instead of "last worlds"?
