Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Listening Post Bravo fast travel bug[]

For some reason going in the terminal in Listening Post Bravo takes off fast travel and it only gives you "Fast travel is unavailable" when you try fast traveling. Just a heads up (going back to listening post bravo and going on the terminal should fix it)

Turret 2, where are you?[]

If you use the Turret override program on the terminal downstairs, it tells you there are two turrets, but there's only one on the wall. The two outside are not linked to this terminal; I killed both and it still said two turrets in 100% condition. The remote aiming option gives you the option to shoot at 'precariously placed explosives' once, but when you do that... nothing happens. ("Where is the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering kaboom!") If you try that option again it says there's no target found, but the turret (according to the diagnostics) is still working. Wat --Azaram (talk) 02:05, December 1, 2015 (UTC)

I'm guessing that the original intent was to blow the second hole in the wall using that function - but devs either deemed it too convoluted for people to have the holotape for hacking turrets and then check the remote aiming, or simply forgot. In any case, I thought I thoroughly explored and fiddled with everything - and I clearly missed this little golden opportunity myself... mostly because the handful of times I have checked that option in the terminals it never has anything (despite there clearly being enemies in clear view of the turret) and I had since given up on it being something non-implemented. So (a) well spotted, and (b) I'm mad at myself for not catching that. Thanks, Marvin! Mctaff350 (talk) 16:26, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

So, I think I have the answer. In the code, there are two turrets in the exact same location, but one of them is labeled for the quest BoS302, which is probably Blind Betrayal. I think this means that even if you destroy the turret during a previous visit, it will always be working during that quest. Unfortunately, this means the terminal sees two turrets. I think this classifies as a bug. --Xernoc (talk) 04:09, December 20, 2015 (UTC)
