Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The Wiki has items listed as Clothing and Light Armor. Yet in the game, "Light" is on everything that isn't Medium or Heavy. Does anyone know if this is just to what the Wiki says is Light Armor, or is it anything that's categorized as Light?

Anything clothing related that doesn't provide damage threshold is listed as Light Armor in game because they have the same benefits as Light Armor(Light Touch perk etc). Everything that doesn't have a damage threshold but is wearable by the character is simply seperated, labled as clothing, and clothing that provides damage threshold listed as Light or medium or heavy armor. Hope that clears it up.Ninety9Soulz 13:14, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

So you're saying that it DOES effect anything worn on the body that's listed as "Light"? Cause if so, this perk is extremely awesome.

From wearing pre war casual wear to wearing leather armor this perk takes effect. Using it with travel light just makes it even better =)Ninety9Soulz 11:13, January 1, 2011 (UTC)

Does it work if your naked? 07:13, January 12, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry for the late reply. No, it only works if you are wearing clothing or armor listed as 'light'. If you are naked or wearing medium/heavy armor you will not receive the perk benefit.Ninety9Soulz 03:18, February 18, 2011 (UTC)

This perk actually reduces a flat 25% from the *base* critical chance of enemies, and since at most enemies will have 15% in an unmodded game, this perk actually makes the enemy completely unable to critically hit you. 18:57, February 25, 2011 (UTC)

I don't think thats true I was critically hit by a deathclaw to the head while I had this perk. Either it doesn't actually work or it reduces there chance by 25% so 20% becomes 15.

The Notes section claims the perk icon is NCR armor. Is it more likely that this is a representation of the Assassin Suit given that the Pipboy is holding a Police Pistol as well? Flagcaptured 16:58, April 17, 2011 (UTC)


The armor worn in the pipboy icon is probably a Leather Armor, Reinforced, due to the shoulder plate being present, which is absent from standard NCR armors, and those NCR Football armors (what they appear to be made from) which do have shoulder plates do not have belt pouches which the standard Leather Armor have neither but the Reinforced variant does have. The pouches are present on the icon as well. Also, the right arm on the icon show a full covering, like the right arm of the Leather Armor and the Reinforced variant. Leather Armor Reinforced is flagged on the Pipboy as LIGHT. Radnus 19:54, May 5, 2011 (UTC)

Is it true that these are NOT affected?[]

Someone made an edit that Joshua Graham's armor and Sierra Madre armor are not affected by Light Touch. Can someone confirm this? Dragofireheart 16:50, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

Someone added the note, I moved it to the proper location and added a verify tag. I will check it out later tonight or tomorrow.--Kingclyde 21:41, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

A couple of minutes with the GECK is enough to disprove this. The perk works by checking whether you're NOT wearing any armor on a form list which is comprised of all medium and heavy armor in the vanilla game, which is also why it works when you're wearing no armor at all. This probably means that the effects of the perk would still apply if you're wearing Medium/Heavy DLC armor like the Desert Ranger Armor (along with Travel Light, since they both use the same exclusion form list), but I'm not sure. M

It would depend on whether or not the DLCs add their armor to the relevant formID lists. I've seen this done by script before, so it's not outside the realm of reason, but recent developer comments seem to imply that such modification of the base game by DLCs is something that they "can't" do. --Kris User Hola 14:58, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

Just checked the scripts. The NVDLC02MQ00 script adds the Desert Ranger armor and the Gecko-reinforced metal armors to the medium-and-heavy-armor form list I was talking about, along with a lot of other HH DLC gear that applies to specific perks like The Professional, Laser Commander, etc.. They're generally pretty comprehensive about this sort of thing, anyway. So in conclusion, it works perfectly fine with HH DLC armor (not sure about Dead Money, but I'm too lazy to check). M

How does this perk handle crit multipliers <1?[]

The page says that it ignores the weapons critical hit multiplier? e.g. it adds 5% to the final chance to crit for the Ratslayer just as well for the service rifle. So does mean that it adds 5% to each bullet from an automatic? In that case, this perk greatly benefits things like the assault carbine which have a multiple far below 1X. Gesthal84 22:32, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

I just tested this now for someone who was curious. It appears an automatic weapon's fire rate will not diminish critical chance gained through perk entry points. So yes, Light Touch is very powerful for automatic weapons. I'll add this note to the main page.--SushiSquid 21:19, August 8, 2011 (UTC)
Sooooo... just out of curiosity... if you used the "Leaving Goodsprings" bug (where you can change your perks but some benefits, like this one, will still remain)... could you then subsequently take the perk AGAIN and have a flat 10% crit chance added to each bullet from an automatic weapon? 'Cause that sounds kind of fun... I'm just sayin'. 22:36, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Is this perk affected by wearing Elite or Advanced Riot Gear Helmets? Since they are listed as "hair" and not "headwear".

Same question goes for "Tunnel Runner" perk.

i been wondering that myself since the riot helmet are class as heavy armor i been trying to test it myself but not sure how to go about it , it also add the question if u where to wear light armored helmet but with a heavy or medium armor if the perk still take affect but im pretty sure that it only affected but armor gear , once i get a good test going ill try to find out unless someone bet me to it lol -- 04:43, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

also i forgot that travel light still work with the helemet on so if that help -- 04:45, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

Linking Request[]

Can somebody add this link (http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_armor_and_clothing#Light) to the first instance of "light armor" in the Effects information? It seems like it would make it easier for people to see if they think this perk is worth it based upon the DT or other attributes light armor provides. Also, could somebody tell me how to edit such a link? I see the internal link button, but the link I provided is one of those ones that goes down to a specific part of the page when it opens, and I don't know how to incorporate that. --EarthboundD 00:37, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

Wearing nothing but light armor, or just wearing light armor?[]

I've been having a hard time finding the specifics on this. Does the description mean that the bonus applies to players wearing at least one piece of light armor, or to players wearing nothing but light armor? For example, I could be wearing metal armor and a goggles helmet and would still be wearing one piece of light armor, would I still see the bonus then? Or would I lose the bonus because I am not dressed in light armor *only*?

The game has a list made up of every medium and heavy armor in the game. The perk checks to make sure you're not wearing anything on that list before applying the effects of the perk. It doesn't seem to really care about any kind of headwear, however. Paladin117>>iff bored; 16:07, May 10, 2014 (UTC)

"works well with high critical chance weapons"[]

"This perk works well with Finesse, Ulysses' duster/Joshua Graham's armor, 1st Recon beret, 10 Luck, and a high critical chance weapons such as Lucky, resulting in a very high critical hit ratio."

Why? None of the items, perks or stats mentioned above make the effect of this perk any better nor complement it well, unlike "Better Criticals" for example, which increases the additional damage you gain from this perk and vice versa. In fact, this perk does the exact opposite of "working well with high critical chance weapons such as Lucky", because it only adds a flat bonus, which isn't affected by the modifier of the weapon at all - and thereby works really well with the opposite kind of weapons, those, which have really low critical hit modifiers, like many automatic weapons, because they benefit much more from this flat bonus than other bonuses to this stat - or weapons with high critical damage in general. Their critical hit chance modifier is completely irrelevant for this perk.

It is definitly expensive perk becouse you need aditional perks to make it worth, 2 ranks of Toughness, Hit the Deck, Jury Rigging and if you take mor light armor related perks you binde your build litle to mach just becouse +5% crit. In my opinion this perk is mor of a end game becouse you cant finde dicent HP on armors att early stage and Jury Rigging Joshua Graham's or similar armor after each fight become common as reloding. But end game whit dicent armor HP you get benefit of lowering enemy chance to make crit. on you and minor chance to do crit. considering att that point whit auto inject stimpak ther is no difrance whats so ever. Considering how many perks is needed to make it worck you may finde some alternatives to be far mor effective nad less perk intensive especialy mid game. But i aggre that this perk mostly benefir build who use something like Triger discipline and automatic weapos, att that point you awrage commbat efficiency make up for lower defence just nicly.