Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Drops way too infrequently.[]

Very frustrating when trying to make a wasteland omelet

Still when it does drop, you get around 3 or 4 of them so it all balances out, I guess. Kastera1000 23:18, December 21, 2010 (UTC)

The lakelurks in Camp Guardian caves yield meat FAR more often than the ones in Lake Mead or elsewhere. After wiping them all out I came out with 20+ pieces. I have no idea why this should be the case. Wunengzi 08:28, January 29, 2011 (UTC)
That didn't happen with me. I went in, killed upwards of 20 Lakelurks and the total harvest was 9 meats. Kastera1000 05:20, February 1, 2011 (UTC)
The "Chance None" field on drop-rate is set to 90%. As well, the "Lakelurk meat - count:3" indicates that on the other 10% of the time, they drop three meat. Seems odd. Wabango (talk) 01:09, January 24, 2018 (UTC)
Looks like you're right. Additionally, all lakelurks use that same Leveled Item (FormID LootLakelurkMeat10), so it's not the case that lakelurks in one location drop more than those in other locations.
- FDekker talk 09:37, January 24, 2018 (UTC)