Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


pulse gun?! really? looked more like a recharger rifle to me..

Looks a lot like the pulse rifle from Fallout 2. Zac hemker 16:43, July 13, 2011 (UTC)

No it doesn't it looks almost nothing like the pulse rifle from fallout 2. --LordVukodlak 18:50, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Oh gee how foolish of me. Thank you for that enlightening piece of information. I'm sure you must be the King of what stuff looks like. I'm sure you have a Master's degree in what looks like what and so I humbly defer to your wisdom. Zac hemker 07:40, July 17, 2011 (UTC)
You mean this one? YK42B pulse rifle (Fallout 2). I'm not seeing it. User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 07:43, July 17, 2011 (UTC)
That's all well and good. I never said it was the pulse rifle from fallout 2. I said it looked like it. To me. You don't need to see it. Zac hemker 07:19, July 18, 2011 (UTC)

Damn get buck then bro


In-game, it's not listed with periods/dots as L.A.E.R. It's listed as simply LAER. The article should be changed to reflect that. Hahnsoo 08:13, July 19, 2011 (UTC)


Can anyone confirm if Commando and Laser Commander work for both this and it's unique counterpart? 00:59, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, I confirm. Both perks work for both models. for Laser commander it is already in the article and it is affected by the commando perk as well, because it is a 2hands automatic animation weapon. --Croquignol 17:11, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

Ash Piles[]

How often does this rifle leave Ash Piles?-- 01:22, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Whenever the enemy dies via a critical hit. AR700SAW 12:25, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

Elijah's Advanced LAER is FAR less likely to leave ash piles. It does it's +30% damage without splitting the beam, so it works better against hard targets, but crits less/for less. As a high base damage, low (for energy) crit damage weapon with only a 1x crit multiplier, if your character is not focused on critting, you will not leave that many ash piles. That said, if it is a concern, take your shots from stealth with your YCS/Gauss Rifle, because sneak attack kills WILL leave ash piles. 06:04, July 3, 2012 (UTC)


I know how to get as many mods for the dog gun (n9000 or whatever..i edited that section on the page) but is there anyway to get the two mods for this gun more than once? like, after you buy the two mods, is there a way to re-get the mod schematics again to re-buy? --DrunkenSushi 03:59, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Wait three-four days in the Big Empty so that the shop inventory refreshes. (I use the Big MT North Tunnel) AR700SAW 12:25, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

Shoot Slower?[]

'When compared to its variant, Elijah's advanced LAER, the standard model could be viewed as the more practical version as it has 50% more HP, although it does shoot slower.'

When you compare their DPS(reload) this weapon puts out slightly more damage because it has a higher clip capacity that offsets its slower firing rate.WaterRabbit 14:41, October 10, 2011 (UTC)

Fully modded, with high crit chance, the regular LAER will deal more base damage due to 3x as many crit procs. That said, it will make significantly more ash piles and suffer against high DT targets. The crit procs vs. hard target issues affect effective DPS a lot more than reload time, as 15 shots with Elijah's using Opt. ammo with all wiki listed perks on v-hard is 1096 damage, and with MC, that's 1265 damage with -5DT and -10DT respectively, all done in large damage chunks with bonus damage vs. a good chunk of the hard targets out there ... and that's before crits, Camerader-E/Lonesome road perks, and +damage chems.
If you can't kill what you want to kill with that kind of damage output, you will probably by that point want to duck behind a corner and get addicted to some (more) combat/healing chems, or you are missing because something is in your face, lowering your to hit chance to 0%, thus you need to pull out your favorite flaming glove of gently caress you Night Stalker. The extra 5 shots are nice, but usually only used if you neglect to reload during breaks in the action.

Bonus damage to Robots?[]

Does the LAER really have the +50 damage to robots/+20 to power armor? I don't see any description of it in-game. Secondly, with the prismatic lens mod, is this per-beam or per-attack? and lastly, does Elijah's advanced LAER also have this bonus?

Yeah, can someone with the OWB file in GECK doublecheck this, I'm really not seeing this using the weapons. User:Great_MaraMessage 06:59, February 25, 2012 (UTC)
I just checked the GECK as thoroughly as possible, and I'm not seeing any active effect for either LAERs. I found an Object Effect called "EMPLAERBeam", but it's completely unused. It also has two Increase Damage effects (+50 and +20. Look familiar?) that only affect damage in general and a null EMP effect, so odds are someone saw this and mistakenly thought that the LAERs had an unlisted EMP damage bonus. 04:53, October 27, 2012 (UTC)
I'm the dumbass anon above. After looking into the GECK more, I realized that the damage conditions were in-fact set up to only affect robots and power armor, not to apply to everything. I still have no idea what the null EMP value is for, however. Overall, it seems that an EMP effect was created for the LAERs, but wasn't actually implemented. Also, I apologize for the post above. :( V da Mighty Taco (talk) 11:47, October 27, 2012 (UTC)
The null effect is either: A. A dummy effect used to that the extra effect is noted on the Pip-boy screen; or B. The effect that gives the EMP pulse explosion visual effect. I don't recall which off the top of my head. If I get a change to look at the GECK later, I'll detail everything. The Gunny  380px-USMC-E7 svg 15:48, October 27, 2012 (UTC)

(Is there any other way (besides of setting Object Effect) to attach an effect to a weapon? Just curious, because i'm not very familiar with weapons in GECK. --Theodorico (talk) 17:31, October 27, 2012 (UTC)

I just checked through the scripts, quests, object effects, projectile effect and see nothing to suggest the LAER has this extra damage or that it's added once the DLC loads. I did find the object effect talked about above (EMPLAERBeam), but it's a vanilla effect, not from the DLC. It was probably a leftover from the original cut version of the LAER. Obsidian might have originally intended it to use that effect before cutting it from the vanilla game, but the DLC version doesn't use it, as far as I can tell. --Rooker75 (talk) 20:14, April 19, 2014 (UTC)

I can confirm from the GECK that the LAER weapons themselves do not have any extra damage against power armor and robots applied to them, I think mention of this damage in the statblocks should be removed entirely. --IonutRO (talk) 02:27, August 8, 2014 (UTC)

Vs. GRA Tri-Beam laser rifle[]

Vs. GRA Tri-Beam Laser Rifle

Both fully modded...

Laer has more damage, less spread, greater ammo cap, less ammo per shot, more range, ammo recycler and slight emp.

The tri beam laser has more item hp, slightly more critical damage, and is easier to repair with jurry rigging. 19:21, April 9, 2012 (UTC) April 8, 2012

Locations outside Big MT ?[]

The page said locations were only in big MT but I found one on an NCR soldiers outside Helios. Not sure if glitch-- 02:27, March 26, 2013 (UTC)

I don't believe it spawns in the core game, although I may be incorrect. Possibly picked up after you dropped it? FollowersApocalypseLogonihil novi sub sole 03:48, March 26, 2013 (UTC)


It states in the article that this gun has a high spread that makes it bad at med/long range, but when crouched and iron sighting it has less spread than anything but a laser rifle... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
