Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Where, exactly, IS Kenny's cave? Is it a location you can fast travel to? And if so, could we get a picture of it on the map for reference?

It doesn't show up on the map unless you pass a speech check, or have the Child at Heart perk, or find Kenny-bear. It's south of the Cathedral. Nitpicker of the Wastes 02:08, 26 June 2009 (UTC)


I think this should be moved to Miner's Rest, as there's no actual location called Kenny's Cave. The area Kenny is in is Miner's Rest, and that location has an icon on your Pip Boy map. Any opinions before I do the move?


T 18:55, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Do it. But make this page a Redirect. Fat Man Spoon 18:56, 26 June 2009 (UTC)
Wait, I'm an idiot. I just checked my PipBoy after moving this page, and it turns out I was wrong.
T 19:04, 26 June 2009 (UTC)


Is this meant to be Point Lookout's version of "ownable player housing"? If so I might edit the Fallout 3 player housing article accordingly. V.A.T.S. addict 21:57, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Kenny's free lunch program?[]

I feel it should be mentioned somewhere that, at least for this editor, the lunchboxes, abraxo cleaner, etc. in 'Kenny's Shooting Range' respawn in perptuity upon re-entry (apparently so that kenny can shoot at them some more) (PC). This means virtually endless Bottlecap Mines if you go in for that sort of thing, since there are no shortages of Cherry Bombs nor Sensor Modules in Point Lookout. Also note the fabulous poster of Ruzka. If only it were lootable. ~burnscar


mabey add something like what storage devices(trunk, locker etc) do not respawn and can be used for long term storage


You can Mr. Sandman Kenny while he sleeps suprisingly for UNLIMITED XP. He doesnt die though.

- 23:43, May 10, 2010 (UTC)SickemCoonDog

I think this is worthy of being put in a bugs section. ThomasB2k 09:31, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Secure Storage?[]

Well, even though the trunk at the foot of the bed is safe, will Kenny take any of the items you put in there?

Example: I place the Alien Blaster and some Alien Power Cells into the trunk. Would he take them (Like you see some random NPC's taking Alcohol)? If not, what if a Swampfolk managed to find their way into there? Would he take them then? AR700SAW 18:48, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Kenny claims he won't take anything, but I don't trust any npc in the game. If you're worried about random critter following you into the cave then mine the entrances (they won't wander in on their own unless scripted to, like at the cathedral). That's what I did for the calvert compound (chinese bunker, atrium, and panic room), kenny's cave, blackhall mansion, and the lighthouse (due to nearby mirelurks) . I'll arrive in Point Lookout alot of times and hear my frag or bottlecap mines go off due to planting them near the spawn locations of those enemies and then find the bodies after I drop off decorations, etc to make some quick cash. Mictlantecuhtli 18:57, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
Ahh okay, thanks for replying. I guess I'll try mining the entrances like you said, hopefully that'll stop stuff being taken. AR700SAW 19:29, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Ladder lock bug? I've been using Miner's rest as my home away from home in the Point (so many fission batteries, so much weight...) for a while now, been up and down the ladder several times. I just returned after Black heart of Blackhall, return the book stage, killed Obadiah before returning it and want to prepare for a long heavy walk to the Gambit, but the ladder needs a key. Seems to have rest to before I met Kenny and used Child at Heart. No idea why. 23:14, October 2, 2014 (UTC)

Safe storage (again)?[]

It would be useful to indicate what storage containers are safe, or, in the case that all are safe, indicate that instead. The way it's written currently implies there may be some containers that are not safe, and I have no way of checking which ones are or are not, as the case may be. Obax42 (talk) 23:08, March 20, 2016 (UTC)
