Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Cut or not?[]

if it is cut cuntent then remove it from the perks article or get the scissor image on it!.--Nuke-a-Punch 20:02, January 6, 2011 (UTC)

You need the Dead Money add on. --Saphireking65 08:09, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Bent tin cans[]

Anyone know if bent tin cans work as a substitute to regular tin cans?--With care and happiness, Supermutantslayer450' YOU. LOSE. 19:49, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

No, bent tin cans can not be substituted for Tin cans in and crafting formula. --Saphireking65 08:09, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Almost useless[]

Seriously, I can only imagine this being useful for .50 MG rounds, since each round is basically using 200 lead to make, as well as requiring the case already. You are better off not getting the perk, unless you have a shitload of tin cans lying around. --Saphireking65 08:09, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

With my current character, I use up more 0.308 and 0.45-75 than I can get from vendors alone. These rounds use up a good amount of lead to reload, and Large rifle primers are rare in my game--all compounded by the fact that several vendors have inventory reset bugs. Its a bitch waiting for four days on Hardcore mode. Finally, most of my companions are also blowing off .308 and .45-75. So if I'm reading the perk description right, the scrap metal and cans substitute for the primers as well as the lead. Since you can get a shitload of scrap metal from Old World Blues, this perk sounds like it might be very useful for my game.--http://brianranzoni.com 00:20, September 26, 2011 (UTC)
I forgot to write my caveat up there--the fact that you get one round from a pound of scrap metal is the deal breaker. So its usefulness comes down to using rare ammunition types and having problems with vendor resets.--http://brianranzoni.com 00:47, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

This is definitely in the top 10 list of useless perks. I just loaded up my last completed game and I had just over 1100 pieces of scrap metal. I pick up everything I find and also save everything, I may have used 30-50 on weapons repair kits before I did dead money. Even if you bought them from vendors I don’t see how you could make more than 1500 rounds from this perk. You only find them a few here and there so I hardly see what use this would have. ReapTheChaos 03:41, June 6, 2012 (UTC)

I wager it all comes down to player style and preference. I, like ReapTheChaos, pick up everything and save everything. It is one of the main reasons caps are almost useless for me since I trade the things I pick up for the goods I want. I love this perk and have no issues with utilizing it effectively. Casings and Hulls are no problem. I retrieve many from various sources... weapon firing, corpses, merchants, and world containers to name a few. Tin cans are so plentiful it is ludicrous to even discuss! I have seen people complain about lugging around so many but it really is not that big of a deal to pick them up as you mosey along. Although a high carry weight does help... and the Rat Pack perk[1] is amazing in this regard and of itself! The most inconvenient aspects of this perk are Scrap Metal and the single round turn out. But even then finding Scrape Metal is easy enough. If one is hard-pressed to locate some they can find lists and locations online. The Certified Tech perk[2] is quite lovely in this regard I can tell you from personal experience! By the way of a accident I found out that Yes Man technically can not be killed netting unlimited amounts of Scrape Metal as well. I have all of the perks that I have mentioned plus the Long Haul perk[3] and a permanent carry weight of 330LBS (I do not have Burden to Bear yet). I really wish numbers were better though. One round regardless of ammo type is a bit unforgiving. I am guessing someone thought they were stopping gamers from becoming powerhouses so I can understand. --(◠‿◠✿) ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ (talk) 10:30, November 14, 2014 (UTC)

NPC doesnt want to use it[]

specifically, Christine in DM doesnt use .308 junk rounds for auto rifle. Even more reason to not pick this perk. 07:29, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
