Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Compare FO1 Vault Dwellers
WHAT IS YO MAJOR MALFUNCTION, NUMNUTS?!?!?— Nuke-a-Punch, to all admins in the world
Have you seen one of them fancy flaws on reality? some people call them glitches...i just don't know why— Nuke-a-Punch about them fancys flaws in reality
F3 is the worst gaem evahr because it wasn't made by a company that had somethin to be with previous fallout games and only by that reason it doesn't makes sense hurr durrrrr am DERP— Typical F1 (or other classic F) fanboy, showing their maturity as always
ZOMG R U RETARDUD OR WAT? F3 IS DA BEST GAEM EVUR CUZ IT'S A SHOOTER W00T— typical modern F's fanboy awnsering to the first fanboy...geez all wikis are infested with retards?

FO76 BoS spray logo whiteThis user is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.
Gametitle-FO3This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 3.
Gametitle-FNVThis user is knowledgeable about Fallout: New Vegas.
44 Data MinerThis user has made 235 edits.
XBoxLogoThis user plays on the toaster...i mean Xbox 360
Flag of MexicoThis user is mexi, but doesn't like it

About me[]

I love fallout since the first one, (even tough i never completed it lol), and as a good fan i wanna help this wiki with everything i can and...yeah thats all for now :D.

Gameplay wise i'm a Riflesman/Sniper and if the situation calls for it i will use SMGs and shotguns but nothing more than that.

My F:NV stats

(coming soon)

Other wiki's accounts[]

FAQ: why not to use a single wiki account? 'cuz i can LOLOLOLOLOLOL, and 'cuz i want to have different names acording to the wiki

DatPossesedMayanMask in the Splatterhouse wiki

I keep constantly helping in other wikis as an anon, btw.

My favorite characters[]

  • Vault Dweller ('cuz he FREAKIN' KILLED THE MASTER and technically saved what's left of the human race, he is the father of bad-assery)
  • Chosen one (Destroyed the enclave zomg)
  • lone Wanderer (Destroyed the remnants of the enclave, and saved capital wasteland)
  • Courier (Survived 2 shots to the goddamn head)
  • The Master (He's crazy and talks in a messed up way lol)
  • Tycho (Inspired the desert ranger armor in new vegas)
  • Harold (Who doesn't love him? he's so cool)
  • Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dawg (needless to say)
  • Any friendly protectron (they are so lol)
  • All the Dogmeats (Best. Companions. EVAH)
  • Fawkes (Friendly super mutant YAY!)
  • Lily (Mutie granny :3)
  • ED-E (<makes beeping noises>)
  • Vault Boy (The face of every fallout game existing and to be)

Favorite Weapons[]

  • 10mm pistol (The second face of every fallout game)
  • Any Gauss Gun (BAD-ASS O:)
  • Anti-materièl rifle (Have you seen what an anti-materiel rifle can do to a Deathclaw? That's not a firearm; it's a fucking scoped hand cannon :D)
  • Alien blaster (Ashes everywhereeeeeeee)
  • Backwater rifle (10mm rifle, nuff said)

Things that i hate[]

  • Pre-order exclusive content (0h h4y guys 1 h4z th3 3xclus1v3 c0nt3nt 4nd u d0n't cuz 1m c00l h4x00000000000r im so l33t l0l0l0l0l)
  • Japan (Nuke them again please)
  • Admins feeling mature only for being admins
  • People who say that Fallout 3 and/or new vegas ruined the franchise, also on the other hand i hate even more people who say that they are better than the first 2 or any other fallout
  • Obsidian (NV barely reaches F3, a lot of no-reason buildings, too many bugs, short main quest, not-so-good 40's and 50's music, replacement of nuka-cola with SSSPRL, and for now, not-so-interesting DLC)
  • HH still not coming out...oh look Half-life ep.3, what cho doin' pal?