Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Looting body[]

It IS actually possible to loot his body, however I'm not 100% sure how it happened, but in my case I suspect Cassidy fired the killshot. I'm going on the assumption that if the player kills him, looting isn't happening (which happened to me at least twice). Anyway, he wasn't carrying anything special, IIRC. 16:54, November 10, 2010 (UTC) ATR

Nope. I let Cassidy kill him for sure this time. No looting allowed. I checked his stats in GECK, and the only thing that strikes odd to me is his level, which is set to 1. Gloria is set to lvl 16. Changing Jean's level also to 16 didn't change anything - still no looting the body. 17:37, November 10, 2010 (UTC) ATR

I had the "no looting" problem too. My situation was I was bringing Cass in to meet him (as part of "Birds of a Feather"), and then talking to him in order to get him to turn hostile (by refusing to let him kill Cass). Every time I spoke to him at this point, his body would be unlootable. What I discovered is that I could avoid the "no looting" problem by just waltzing in and opening fire - no talking beforehand. It's kind of lame because it means you are playing an RPG while being forced to avoid the RP bit, but it works. Kamov 22:02, March 20, 2011 (UTC)

insane health?[]

how much is his health? by god, i unloaded all 6 shots from my full condition 44., and on the last shot, Miss fortune appeard, Blew him clear accros the room, all the while Rex and Cass were wailing on him, barly a scratch, now, the others are pretty tough too, but thew went down after about 12 rounds to the face, Jean? Hell no, after what i had said, i blew his up with 5 gernades from the rifle, and 1 incendiary rifle gernade, as well as some regular nades and 1 stick of dynamite.

he proceeded to KO cass, Grab the Plasma-Minigun from the desk, Kill Rex,and then me all while i was unloading my assault carbine on him.--JoeHanSon 00:03, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

I just checked it with Living Anatomy. His health is 435 at level 9.ResonX 22:26, December 4, 2010 (UTC)

You're allowed to steal one thing from the Van Graffs without them shooting at you. Just pick a mine or grenade and put it in his pocket. Boom. -- 00:14, March 29, 2011 (UTC)

Fifth Element reference?[]

Is it possible that this guy is a reference to Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg from the movie, the Fifth Element? Both were evil bastards who sold advanced weaponry. Zorg also died from a exploding-suicide.

I always assumed the Van Graffs were given the highly biblical names of Jean-Baptiste and Gloria so the player doesn't immediately work out what bad people they are. However I'm fairly confident that the name Van Graff is a reference to Van de Graaff, the physicist. wikipedia article It would be appropriate since I suspect his generator inspired the design of some of the energy weapons in the game.

About the stairs...[]

I had this guy "get stuck" on the stairs after I completed the part of the quest where you have to guard the door. This can be overcome by picking the Hard lock of the door that leads to the room he's in while using a Stealthboy. The guards become hostile if they see you picking the lock, not entering the room, so with the Stealthboy there's not much to it. (I wanted to add this to the article, but I don't know how to edit them :D)Assassinador 18:32, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

Looting corpse[]

The wiki says, "If Jean-Baptiste is killed, his body sometimes cannot be looted. On PC, his inventory can be accessed by entering prid 10d8e5, then OpenTeammateContainer 1." I think this doesn't work when he no longer has a body and is turned into ash. Not 100% sure though. 00:45, November 5, 2014 (UTC)

hmm, if it doesn't work, try prid 10d8e5, then showinventory. Although you can't loot the items from his corpse, however you can see his inventory and add the appropriate items to your inventory. ------Cassie Ultimate Anime Loving Weeaboo. 00:59, November 5, 2014 (UTC)