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Fallout Wiki

Motor-Runner's Helmet and the NCR Safe-House Key[]

If you kill Motor-Runner and take his helmet back to Colonel Hsu, the colonel will reward you with some xp, some fame, some caps, and a key to an NCR safe house which he says is to the south. No map marker is added. There is also no page for an NCR safe house currently on this wiki. Anyone know where this safe house is? Servius 13:30, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCR_Ranger_Safehouse Maybe someone can insert a Link in Hsu's Description or the related quest page. 19:25, November 6, 2010 (UTC) Anon

It seems you just need a high enough rep with the NCR to get the key. I had met with Motor-Runner for the Khans, but not killed him, (patched up the ranger I found and sent him to his death, or so I assume). The first time I spoke with HSU he gave me the key, sans map marker. I might have had a "fame" level with NCR at that stage.

I killed motor-runner and did all the NCR quests I am a good natured rascal with them too, still not got the key. and now it contains some nice armour. Oh well... Hopefully they might fix this in the next patch.

It's not something they have to fix: the only way you could've done all their quests and still have good natured rascal reputation is if you did a bunch of horrible things to balance it out. They won't give you the key unless you have at least "Liked" reputation.

Where is Hsu?[]

I know he is in Camp McCarren, but where exactly? The camp is huge and I wandered around for 30min looking for him.

Answer: When entering Camp McCarren turn left. There's an office there, open the door if it isn't already opened and he'll either be standing around or sitting in a chair. He has not left the room the entire time i've been playing, however best enter during the day in case he moves during night hours.


Anyone else wish he had more to do with the storyline and everything? I think it sucks that he has no real change in dialogue throughout the game. DannyShotgun 18:13, December 7, 2010 (UTC)


He doesn't look Caucasian to me, more Chinese.

Um....one might guess that from his family name (Hsu follows the old-style romanization for Chinese; the modern romanization would be Xu). What I find interesting is that over on the West Coast, people seem to have preserved racial harmony, while in Fallout 3 on the East Coast there were many indications that people of Chinese origin had been rounded up and interned as were the Japanese in World War II (most notably the nightmarish Turtledove Detention Camp in the Point Lookout DLC).

Well of course Bethesda made the fluff so that the Americans were dead set against the Chinese as much as the Nazis were against the Jews, but Obsidian's fluff doesn't put so much light on the Chino American war, and thus that Hsu is present-as with all the other cut Chinese character-, is a represenation of this. Additionally being from San Francisco it can be safe to assume that along with Bear Force One being present, Hsu is decended from the Shi-the survivors of a Nuclear Sub that crashed in america after the war-, and thus that the Shi are now part of the NCR. -Wyrmalla

Also it has been over 200 years since the war, combie with limited knowledge of the war (other than nukes being droped) it isn't too hard to see people no longer caring about the Chinese.

Judging from the Big MT DLC, there was some anti-Chinese settlement back in Prewar America as well. In that DLC, there was a camp where Chiense POW, and even Americans protesting the war, were used as guinea pigs for experiments.

Non-existent quest?[]

So i killed him just because i wanted to, and it says i failed a quest called No,Not Much. Yet no such quest exists on the wiki or strategy guide... any ideas?

The quest does exist, No, Not Much. Paladin117>>iff bored; 05:53, August 9, 2012 (UTC)

oh weird, it didnt show up when i searched but i guess i was wrong thanks XD


The article for San Francisco and his page claims it is where he is from but I don't recall that being mentioned in game ,is that where he since actually from if so does anyone have any evidence of that?Blitzbear93 (talk) 13:25, March 9, 2015 (UTC) Blitzbear93
