Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

i think the section about the monocyte breeder is not approaching the issue properly.

the issue really isnt the cost of 12,000 caps... especially if you take advantage of slot machines in casinos. i made 32,000 caps in viki and vance hitting a triple orange. i was instantly banned from gambling of course, but i walked out with a pile of caps to go buy implants with. considering there are multiple more casinos to go take advantage of caps are not really an issue in new vegas unless you thought Luck was a bad stat and dont like critical hits >.>

the issue is that it uses up an implant slot, and unless you have very high endurance would probably get more practical benefit from another implant.

i would say unless your endurance is 7 or higher one of the other implants would be a better choice in your character build, with only the intelligence and charisma implants being worse choices, as they effectively do nothing.

it is a tiny amount of healing, but i know on my character having toughness x2, dermal plating implant, and well repaired armor most the time im taking pretty minimul damage as well, and if im in a place for 15 minutes even at 1 health per 10 seconds, thats about 90 health healed.

no its not much, and its nothing that cant easily be replaced by eating a piece of food once in a while, but if you have the endurance, its better than getting intelligence or charisma that dont really do anything except boost their associated skills 2 points.


Felt like it would do some good to add some images, but I'm not allowed. (I even made an account just for that reason >_>)

Oh well. In case a mod or whoever can wants to do it, here are the images (straight from a screenshot, sorry it's not the same colors and such as the other ones):

Agility Implant: http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/2504/screenshot1xq.png Sub-Dermal Implant: http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/3561/screenshot0oe.png

The entire page should be rewritten, as it's rather scattered, doesn't explain anything about limited number of slots, no links to the items listed, and doesn't really differentiate what implant is available in which game.

I have to agree. This article is way under par!

Int Implant Question.[]

Can you get a Int Implant if your Int is already 10? I know it'd be counter-productive/a waste of cash, but I'd just like to get it just to say I have one. XP I was asking this since the FO: NV Tipbook said your Int had to be 9 or less, but I could've sworn I read somewhere on this wiki that you could still get one even if your Int is already maxed. X-/ BTW, would having a Int 10 default and a Int Implant help to counteract Int reduction by drugs (since the implant would raise Int by +1 again, hopefully countering the side effects of Int reduction drugs)?  :?

GRX Implant[]

The wording for the GRX Implant seems to be misrepresenting the working of it. Rather than the perk allowing for a infinite number of 'injectable implants' to be created in your inventory at the rate of 5 or 10 per day, the wording of the perk itself in-game implies that the implant is - like all other implants - inside the Courier, and that 5 times per day (or 10, depending) it can be called on to inject a Turbo-like drug into the Courier.

In short, there is nothing in the wording of the perk itself that implies that the 'implant' is an infinite number of weightless objects residing in your inventory. Assuming such makes no sense. In the context of the game and what implants by definition ARE, it makes more sense to interpret the implant as being inside the courier (hence the word 'implant') and synthesizing the chemicals for a certain number of doses per 24 hour period (up to the limit of what the implant can store), with the implant's control being accessed through the Pip-Boy interface.


Right now, the page is locked form editing, so I'll post this here. Just off the first paragraph, I have noticed one grammatical error with the page. I'd assume that there's a few more there, so once this page is reopened to editing, someone make sure to fix it up a bit. Upon skimming through just a tiny bit more, I can tell that it's riddled with errors. Someone will definitely want to fix it. --Divine Paladin 21:57, January 9, 2012 (UTC)

Fallout 3 implants[]

Do Ant Sight/Ant Might count as implants? And are there more implants (if any) in Fallout 3? Energy X Signature0 21:47, March 19, 2013 (UTC)
