Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Industry and products?[]

What industry were they in? What sort of tools? Their name appears on the Securitrons, but those were manufactured by RobCo Industries. Were the Securitrons a joint venture? Did Mr. House get standard Securitrons and then integrate parts from H&H? -- JonCollins 04:13, November 4, 2010 (UTC)


Who is Alexander House? He wrote a message on Antony's terminal ending with "If you're reading this and you're my brother, SEE YOU IN HELL!" Since this message was written on Antony's terminal, Alexander might have snucked into Antony's office and wrote the message for Antony to see. Alexander also expresses fear for a "Henderson" and his collaboration with his half-brother. A similar message regarding Henderson appears on another terminal on the base floor, but is unsigned, stating that the writer disliked the guy the very moment he laid his eyes on him. This message also mentions a "father's legacy". Both messages are written in the "60s" of 2000. --Radnus 18:03, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Anthony House was going crazy at the time. He probably wrote "Alexander House" in a schizophrenic haze. I'm still trying to put all these emails together... I have some loose theories, but I'm interested to know what the real story is.Galacticprophecy 09:26, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

his name IS alexander maybe?

Um no, his name is clearly Anthony House, stated in multiple sources. I'd agree with Galactic, he had severe paranoia, possible hallucinations, severely low self esteem, mixed with episodes of schizophrenia or even psychosis. His use of "Alexander" as a first name is likely due to the fact that he has intense self hatred and probably created the alternative name so he wouldn't have to sign his real name. -ΣΔLet's talk! 02:31, March 8, 2012 (UTC)


The image should be the company logo like on Nuka-Cola Corporation, not of the tools factory. JonCollins 07:38, November 19, 2010 (UTC)
