Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Holy shit, if the Expirimental MIRV were in this game and at it's FO3 power level (literally OVER 9000!!! DAM) I would actually use it for the first time. This thing is tough enough (8000 HP and a 400 DAM fire attack) that the Expirimental MIRV would actually not be overkill, or I could use the Faderator if I weren't on the 360 version. If I encounter cut content, specifically this, I will... In fact, now that it's existence is confirmed, I'm going to... *faints* --TJbrena 19:52, February 11, 2011 (UTC)

it would be awesome if you could have wild wasteland and asian race set for it to become a random encounter. ThatWhiteboy98 02:18, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone mind giving the reference ID? I'd like to use him as a companion.

They should totally un-cut him for a DLC, that would make a epic boss fight. hope Bethesda sees this Caligula668 06:52, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

1) Bethesda won't see this, maybe Obsidian. 2)That fight would seriously suck. I tried taking him down with a practical weapon and I could only get him down to half health before I run out of ammo for This Machine. Maybe if they knocked down his health a couple notches, that would be fun. -Kastera (talk) 13:45, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

then mabe for a unmarked side quest. i need something to use my 1500+ mini-nukes on. Caligula668 05:18, May 10, 2011 (UTC)

This should have been in the game. There really aren't enough weird encounters like this.

I don't care if he's obscenely powerful or eats up all my ammo, this would probably be the coolest thing in New Vegas. And maybe if we could craft a trophy out of his head, that would be cool. Silverscreen 02:09, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

I think it would be pretty cool if he was the dino in Novac. Then he comes back to life at some point. (Of course, he would have never had a gift shop inside) Keimei~ 19:29, August 17, 2011 (UTC)


Does anyone know the ammo ID? I'd like to try the Gojira Flame out on some noobs :D --J0hnvik 12:01, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

The ammo is 00078cc1 ...however, I can't get the gun to fire, so don't waste your time. (Tip: To find out what kind of special ammo a creature uses, spawn one using player.placeatme <id> and then click on it and enter showinventory. Zap it when you're done... or let it go on a rampage!) 05:22, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

added to Gecko page[]

Because this is just a god-like version of the standard Fire Gecko, shouldn't it be added to the Gecko page to fit with the creatures project?

No, it is a different creature entirely as well as a different faction. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 22:53, June 16, 2011 (UTC)
A different creature entirely... alright. =P Keimei~ 19:29, August 17, 2011 (UTC)

Gojira's Flame dead end link[]

I noticed that the link leads straight to the Flamer (New Vegas) page, but there is no reference to the weapon what so ever, why is this? Also any detailed information on the weapon would be much appreciated. (Troper of the Wastelands 17:24, August 6, 2011 (UTC))

It should actually not link anywhere at all, we just need the damage of the flamer put here. Nitty Tok. 17:27, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

Probably cut for legal reasons[]

it was cut probably for legal reasons because Gojira is licensed and it could have lead to copyright issues

Jesus christ, how horrifying

  • They could just change the name, and it's not like "huge firebreathing lizard" can be copyrighted. It is probably something the devs created for fun and never intended to be put into the game.-- 07:55, February 28, 2015 (UTC)

Dead Source[]

The source for the origin of Gojira is broken, does anyone have an alternative link?
